The experimental activities as comumente are developed in the education of Sciences they all do not accumulate of stocks the investigativo process in which the pupils must be involved in the formation and development of scientific concepts. It must still be considered that the learning of the scientific knowledge is complex and involves multiple dimensions. This demands that the investigativo work of the pupils assumes varied forms that make possible the desencadeamento of distinct cognitivas actions, as the manipulation of materials, questioning of activities, to learn to deal with the errors, the comment, in the expression and communication, verification of the raised hypotheses (ZANON et al., 2007). This direction, one gives credit that established experimental activities in situation-problem can make with that simple experiments are worked as investigativas activities. According to Meirieu apud Macedo (2000) the situation-problem: It is a didactic situation in which if it considers to the citizen a task that it cannot carry through without effecting a necessary learning. this learning, that constitutes the true objective of situation-problem, if of when being successful the obstacle in the accomplishment of the task. Thus, the production assumes the acquisition, one and another one losing its object of distinct evaluations. The situation-problem proposal as one of the metodolgicos procedures will make possible that the child develops the act to think, to take decisions, to articulate, to schematize, to coexist in group, among others that they are abilities of basic importance in the social life. One another important aspect in the resolution of situation-problem is its motivadora capacity, that instigates the pupil to search strategies to solve definitive challenge, beyond the desire to reach a good result, exactly that this does not happen. A taking of decisions nor always is the best ones, but it opens possibilities to reflect on the ways to be followed, in the direction to visualize the best strategies, or the choices not so satisfactory, what it values the interactions between the citizens potencializando its opinions.