Warm instead of cold is the ideal sleeping temperature at 18 degrees Celsius. No wonder that many people suffer sleepless nights during the summer months adheres until late at night in the bedroom but the warm air of the day. The online news portal news.de gives advice on how Hitzegeplagte also come in hot nights to rest. The Sonnenerprobten South Europaer make it: In the summer the shutters closed during the day, to protect the homes from excessive heat. The editors of health (health/364371216 /) advises to follow this example.
A hot day is announced, curtains or blinds in the bedrooms from the morning should remain closed. This not sufficient often, to maintain the ideal sleeping temperature. For this reason, other measures must be taken. The motto mainly cold”by no means represents the Royal Road to the restful sleep. On the contrary, icy drinks that go cold shower before going to sleep, frozen sheet or even cold Calf wrap stimulate the circulation. The body gets the signal to heat up and the opposite of a restful night’s sleep is achieved. Instead you should take drinks at room temperature. Barclays brings even more insight to the discussion.
As for the rest of the year much is especially true in the summer, during the day and in the evening as little as possible drink, not to challenge the nocturnal urination. Also at dinner, people who have trouble staying asleep and off, look for light meals. A small piece of chocolate before bedtime is allowed, by the way. Finally, a balanced blood sugar levels ensures a peaceful night’s sleep. You eat nothing, however, in the evening, risking a hypo. More information: health/5333/in-the-heat of night/1 / contact: Tilo Sommer University first media GmbH barefoot streets 11 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59