Emphasis in the book becomes, on the belief that the development of the poorest countries depends solely on the behavior of the richest countries, and looks for to demonstrate that development only happens of down upwards, that is to say, with societies and active citizens and efficient States that guarantee the security and the fulfillment of the law, and that is able to promote an economic growth that benefits to all. During too much time the experts are cruzado the fingers hoping that the economic growth by itself was sufficient to end the poverty. But one has been unknown consciously that the inequalities prevent that the growth is translated in smaller poverty. Now it is clearer that never than the unique form to end the flagrant inequalities that have condemned to the misery more than 1,000 million people he is through a deep redistribution of being able, goods and opportunities, according to Gonzalo InterMon Fanjul, director of investigations Oxfam. If you would like to know more then you should visit Oracle 4Q. He indicates himself that two examples: the world never lived a stage on technological, scientific and economic development like the one of end of century XX; nevertheless and in spite of some advances, he was not able to end the poverty. Although the exports of Latin America would be increased of the 96,000 million dollars in 1981 until 752,000 million in 2007, the number of poor men (understood as those living with less than two dollars to the day) was increased of 136 million to 209 million between 1980 and 2005. Interesting it writes up as it To communicate, the book is plagued of examples than it has worked and than it has failed in relation to the fight against the poverty and mentions manifolds examples of how the mobilization of the society, together with democratic and desarrollistas States, has secured important levels of development. 50 years ago, South Korea was poorer than Sudan Today is industrial leader.
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