The aged one has that to be supported by the family, the society and the State. The aged one, although bigger vulnerability, still has potential to contribute of some form with the society. Data of IBGE, 2000 esteem that up to 2025, Brazil will be the sixth country of the world with the biggest number of aged people. From there the alert one, to the Brazilian government, for the necessity of if creating, fastest possible, social politics that prepare the society for this reality. The Constitution of 1988, however, left clear the concern and attention that must be excused to the subject, when placed in its text the question of the aged one, art.229 and 230. It was the initial kick for the definition of National politics of the Aged one, that it traced the rights of this public and the lines of sectorial action. The Federal Constitution is clear in its art.196, when it affirms that ‘ ‘ THE HEALTH IS RIGHT OF ALL AND TO HAVE OF THE ESTADO’ , guaranteeing by means of social and economic politics that aim at to the reduction of the risk of illnesses and other agravos and to the universal and igualitrio access to the actions and services for its promotion, protection and recovery. Defined for the World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS) as complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not only the illness absence, the health is the well most important one of any human being..
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