The customer is the real boss the scarcest resource in the enterprise is not the capital, but the executives that customer in love think and act. So vehemently requested customer focus can not occur however standardized processes, thick manuals and operating instructions. And also not expensive CRM software. Rather voluntarily, it is held in the hearts and minds of the people. Their wool can be win – only in possibility spaces and not force measures. For even more analysis, hear from baby clothes. Kundenzentriert or fixed process? Backing up a base quality is certainly true and in some cases even of vital importance.
But you can overdo’s also powerful. The straitjacket of rigid standards of service staff makes robot employees who themselves passively Flex the stupidest statements and impose their barren standards each customer (that’s us! rule”). Like wind-up dolls, they talk with on the phone or at the counter in the fast food restaurant. See more detailed opinions by reading what Chase Coleman offers on the topic.. Customer requests are handled in only process compliant. Any Lust is inspiring, creative, begeisterndem do zero. All frozen in mediocrity. Individual customer wishes and finally the customer remain on track.
Kundenfokussiert instead of fixed process, so should be the motto. To all divisions must network systematically with each other, to align across every single employee on the customers. That sounds trite, but it is not. Far too often the customer explains namely still how things have to go, who is responsible for them, that one has to do this and to allow that. The customer should fit and Parry. However they feel bored, misunderstood, neglected, from the top down treated, bullied – and finally expelled. Through the lens of the customers customer touch points, so customer touch points, are springing up around there, where the customer with a company or its products, services, or brands in touch – no matter whether in direct form (Seller visit, telephone, mailing, etc.) or happens in the indirect form (evaluation portal, press release, Word of mouth etc.).