Tag: computer science

For Cashflow Kids

These institutions will prepare their children so that they can make money, but they will not teach to them what they must do with him they have once it in its hands. It is enough with watching the level of indebtedness or the financial statement of the adults around ours to see that more of 95% of the people they know to handle neither to invest or its money. Click Sheryl Sandberg to learn more. The majority of them is illiterates when financial subjects it is, independent of the level of education that they have. In order to avoid that our children are ignorant and to help them to be successful in the life, we parents must offer them a solid financial education them. If we do not do, nobody will do plus it! It avoids that they learn to blows and porrazos and delivers an attack to teach to them today what will be able to mark a difference in the life of its children future. As then we can educate to our children in the subject of the money without they remain slept of boredom? It is very easy! It is necessary to remove benefit from an ability that is own of all boy: To play! Any educator knows that the most effective way to teach on any subject to a boy is by means of didactic games. I recommend " For Cashflow Kids" for children of up to 8 years and " Cashflow 101" for children majors and adults who want to stop being financial illiterates. Taken care of! , because they learn to the flight. It guesses who are going to be the winners of the game? Original author and source of the article..

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Evolutionary Plan

If they commit some type of error, he always is by his lack of connection with his Inner Being, because This one always will indicate the correct way to them. He is, therefore, vitally important for you who connect yourselves, but continuously, at least often with his it brings back to consciousness inner, because that will assure to them that they make the correct decisions and that they always choose the suitable way at any moment. From our great Ship we do what we can to help them to radiate plus that Inner Light, and with many of we obtained it to you with facility, despite in some cases the ego or the personality of the contacted one makes difficult much our work, reason why we must have patience and hope to that person works more on itself, until acquires one more a tamer and inoffensive humbler attitude in some cases or in others, to name two of the majors impediments that we were. In any case, the aid of our part is available for you at any moment, and if our contribution does not obtain the waited for benefit, it is because of a blockade conscious or unconscious on the part of the person who we are trying to help. They leave therefore its interests egoistic, as desire to emphasize or of being admired, aside and carry out its work, if possible, in silence and without drawing attention. As it said Teacher for 2000 years, so that its left hand does not know what makes its hand right, that is to say, working by the good of the Evolutionary Plan of the Planet, but without becoming well-known before the others, because the unique thing that must matter to them is the sand granite that can contribute. Yes, it is only a sand granite, but a granite and another one will cause there here that the global mission is a success and our planetary work of rescue arrives at good port. Whatever more of you are offered altruistically to help in the attainment of this Divine Plan, greater it will be the possibility of success and at a greater level.

They continue with its work without waiting for no reward by its work, because when they can live in a clean planet of all contamination and frees of all the competing forces that have had the control exceeds you during millenia, that is already sufficient reward. And that day, crannos, it is not very far. With the aid of all you, and our cooperation, we will surely see our effort crowned by success. Love and Light from the Ship Alpha. Chanel: Cristian Original author and source of the article.

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The Same

Once we have defined which is the client profile who majors benefits contributes to the company, by discarding, are things that no longer we will make fidelizar our clients. To catch new clients and fidelizar: Although fidelizar it is not to catch new clients, are inherent who when defining our profile of client primary target, are things that we will have to adapt to this profile of client. And the changes surely will include many aspects of the company not only the communication in favor of catching new clients with the same profile. The form of treatment whereupon the employees communicate with the offered clients, comforts, the decoration of the establishment, the design and navigability of our Web, etc. If you would like to know more then you should visit Facebook. Our company must shine like a paradise for the retired lady or a paradise for the university student, according to the type of objective client that we have. Delta airlines oftentimes addresses this issue.

The communication: What yes it is a principle without exceptions is the respect by the client and the attention that offers him, and a respect form in which some companies fail and perhaps lose clients is the time and the attention that is dedicated to him to the same. Time and space; nothing else disagreeable for any type of client it is that it must make a tail of several minutes, to be unemployed hoping and that when gets to speak with employee, so is exhausted and burned that as soon as can spend minutes to him. A good communication is an excellent investment and it is obtained training to the employees in attention to the client and granting the employees to them, the best conditions of work. The strategies: Unlike the great companies and multinationals, the SMEs have a greater facility to develop effective strategies of loyalty. Since they have the possibility of being more near his clients and to know its restlessness and what they are demanded almost in real time.

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