These institutions will prepare their children so that they can make money, but they will not teach to them what they must do with him they have once it in its hands. It is enough with watching the level of indebtedness or the financial statement of the adults around ours to see that more of 95% of the people they know to handle neither to invest or its money. Click Sheryl Sandberg to learn more. The majority of them is illiterates when financial subjects it is, independent of the level of education that they have. In order to avoid that our children are ignorant and to help them to be successful in the life, we parents must offer them a solid financial education them. If we do not do, nobody will do plus it! It avoids that they learn to blows and porrazos and delivers an attack to teach to them today what will be able to mark a difference in the life of its children future. As then we can educate to our children in the subject of the money without they remain slept of boredom? It is very easy! It is necessary to remove benefit from an ability that is own of all boy: To play! Any educator knows that the most effective way to teach on any subject to a boy is by means of didactic games. I recommend " For Cashflow Kids" for children of up to 8 years and " Cashflow 101" for children majors and adults who want to stop being financial illiterates. Taken care of! , because they learn to the flight. It guesses who are going to be the winners of the game? Original author and source of the article..
For Cashflow Kids
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