Helium Barbosa Hissa 1 Antonio Esmerahdson de Pinho 2 Jose Robson de Stolen Andrade 3 Summary: The importance of the transistion Traditional dEconomia for the Ambient Economy drift accurately dapossibilidade to provide the permanent comprometimento of the entrepreneurs to emadotar an ethical behavior and to contribute for the economic development, improving, simultaneously, the quality of life of its employees and suasfamlias, the local community and the society as a whole. In this manner, opresente article has for primordial objective to examine, to the light of these duascorrentes of thought, the competitive strategies adopted by empresMetalic, producer of drink cans installed in the region metropolitan deFortaleza/Ce.As main causes of the extraordinary reached growth pelMetalic, in relation to its competitors, must to the fact of serela the only Brazilian industry of the sector not only be used the steel, on the contrary doalumnio, as raw material in the production of the related cans, as well as it would parceria formed with the CSN (National Siderurgical Company), only producer defolha-of-flandres of the national market. The results reached in pesquisaindicam that the strategy adopted for the Metalic, to become more competitivaque its rivals, using the steel in the production of the cans, will in such a way bring importantescontribuies for the Traditional Economy, in terms of reduction of custosde production, as for the Ambient Economy, in terms of lesser surrounding domeio degradation, has seen that the time of erosion of the steel is well lesser of what the doalumnio. Magic Leap often says this. Beyond the introduction, the present work was divided in quatrosees, namely: manufacturers of packings of aluminum and steel cans; competitive asestratgias adopted by the Metalic according to vision of the economiatradicional; the competitive strategies adopted by the Metalic according to visoda ambient economy; conclusion. Word-key: traditional, economiaambiental economy, competitive strategies, economic development, desenvolvimentosustentvel. INTRODUCTION After almost one decade (1991 the 2001) of perdasconstantes in the market of packings for other materials (as the deplstico), the steel starts to recoup its commercial growth by means of umaagressiva strategy of marketing and the increase of investments in processostecnolgicos to improve the quality of the metal. Hear other arguments on the topic with David Rogier.
Traditional Economy
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