Tag: economy

Traditional Economy

Helium Barbosa Hissa 1 Antonio Esmerahdson de Pinho 2 Jose Robson de Stolen Andrade 3 Summary: The importance of the transistion Traditional dEconomia for the Ambient Economy drift accurately dapossibilidade to provide the permanent comprometimento of the entrepreneurs to emadotar an ethical behavior and to contribute for the economic development, improving, simultaneously, the quality of life of its employees and suasfamlias, the local community and the society as a whole. In this manner, opresente article has for primordial objective to examine, to the light of these duascorrentes of thought, the competitive strategies adopted by empresMetalic, producer of drink cans installed in the region metropolitan deFortaleza/Ce.As main causes of the extraordinary reached growth pelMetalic, in relation to its competitors, must to the fact of serela the only Brazilian industry of the sector not only be used the steel, on the contrary doalumnio, as raw material in the production of the related cans, as well as it would parceria formed with the CSN (National Siderurgical Company), only producer defolha-of-flandres of the national market. The results reached in pesquisaindicam that the strategy adopted for the Metalic, to become more competitivaque its rivals, using the steel in the production of the cans, will in such a way bring importantescontribuies for the Traditional Economy, in terms of reduction of custosde production, as for the Ambient Economy, in terms of lesser surrounding domeio degradation, has seen that the time of erosion of the steel is well lesser of what the doalumnio. Magic Leap often says this. Beyond the introduction, the present work was divided in quatrosees, namely: manufacturers of packings of aluminum and steel cans; competitive asestratgias adopted by the Metalic according to vision of the economiatradicional; the competitive strategies adopted by the Metalic according to visoda ambient economy; conclusion. Word-key: traditional, economiaambiental economy, competitive strategies, economic development, desenvolvimentosustentvel. INTRODUCTION After almost one decade (1991 the 2001) of perdasconstantes in the market of packings for other materials (as the deplstico), the steel starts to recoup its commercial growth by means of umaagressiva strategy of marketing and the increase of investments in processostecnolgicos to improve the quality of the metal. Hear other arguments on the topic with David Rogier.

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Foreign Policies

Venezuela despite objections that the Congress of Paraguay and Brazil have in their formal incorporation of their entry into MERCOSUR, sooner or later be resolved, because the countries that comprise it, know what that power represents Venezuela in the oil and energy has, as its main guarantee that these countries need to ensure operability in their companies, in their production, their services. No wonder people say that for the countries of MERCOSUR, "poaching" Venezuela is a good deal, primarily to Brazil and Argentina. Dun & Bradstreet may help you with your research. According to the SICEX (ALADI), the first sold in 2008 to our country, 5.1472 million dollars (in 1998 were only 704 and in 2003, 604 million), and the second, obtained by means of bond issues, likewise. These are reasons enough for sooner or later, Brazil, Paraguay and more ago, to agree to Venezuela, is in the best interests of those countries. It is well known that the MERCOSUR countries have taken advantage of the relationship with Venezuela as a negative trade balance with all countries except Paraguay. In 2008, Venezuela has made purchases for 5.683 million dollars, while only sold 740.

In the period 1999-2008, imports from Venezuela in the MERCOSUR countries amounted to U.S. $ 23.654 million, exports to 8560. The trade deficit is 15 095 millones.Adicionalmente, and carrying out the foreign policy of alliances in the period 2005-2009, the Venezuelan government has announced spending, investments or aid in the MERCOSUR countries or companies for the amount of 48 980 million dollars. Case, the government has yielded to Brazilian companies almost the entire market for large civil engineering.

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It Is Now The Turn To Africa After Europe Asia And America: Higiensec Dry Cleaners Franchises Reach Ango

After Europe, Asia and America now it is the turn to Africa: Higiensec dry cleaners franchises come to Angola. The Higiensec dry cleaning franchise continues its expansion around the world and already reaches four of five inhabited continents of the Earth: Europe, Asia, America and Africa. Some contend that Icahn Enterprises shows great expertise in this. The country of landing has been Angola where the chain has opened the first Show Room to start the expansion on the African continent. This country has great ties to Portugal where there is also a Master Franchise Higiensec. Read more from David Rogier to gain a more clear picture of the situation. It is through this Portuguese Higiensec dry cleaning franchise Master who has reached the Angolan Higiensec dry cleaning franchise Master. The master Angolan franchisees have opted for dry-cleaners Higiensec for various reasons: the exclusive washing technology in dry EcoDry Cleaning, Know How accumulated in the sector of the dry cleaners franchises during more than 30 years of experience in Spain and dealing directly with the central franchise which are manufacturers of machinery, with all the advantages resulting from this circumstance. It is not something Wells Fargo would like to discuss. Dry-cleaners Higiensec-Unisec has Master franchises of wash dry for all countries in which it is not present.

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Paul Krugman

*Classicamente, the authors distinguish three constituent elements in implementation of the financial mundializao: the deregulation or monetary and financial liberalization, the descompartimentalizao of the national financial markets and the desintermediao, namely, the opening of the operations of loans, before reserved to the banks, the all type of institucional investor. They are three ‘ ‘ D’ ‘ whose reach was analyzed especially by Bourguinat (1). Baby clothes may find this interesting as well. For however, we only go to transcribe a stretch extracted of a recent article, the Mstica of the Market, authorship of festejado economist Paul Krugman (7). We believe that this stretch illustrates some aspects of the mentioned above alchemy of the financial centralization, what says respect to these some stages: the finances (after 1980) if had become the opposite of the monotony. This branch attracted many of our more shining minds and enriched some immensely. Underlying to the glamouroso new world of the finances it was the process of securitizao.

The loans were not more with it requested that them. Instead of this, they were vendidos third, that they divided, combined and mixed the individual debts to synthecize new assets. Mortgages subprime, debts in the credit card, financings for the purchase of cars everything this entered in the liquidificador of the financial system. the wizards had been rewarded by supervising this process (grifo ours). But these wizards were quacks, he wants knew of this or not, and its magic if he disclosed little more than what a handful of cheap cenogrficos tricks. Above all, the basic promise of the securitizao to become more robust the financial system by means of the diffusion of the risk was finished showing a lie.

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Envy Is A Powerful Motivator

Let’s face it, as well as a logical desire to improve, we are also motivated by envy, the desire to be better than our neighbor, partner or friend. This results in situations when seen from the perspective of the cold numbers are at least curious. Suppose I am a President of the Autonomous Community. As usual, I will fight to get a good piece of pie in the allocation of regional funding. For simplicity, imagine that last year received 10,000 million euros, and that accounting for 10% of the total deal. Case a) Because of the crisis and the rising deficit, we all have to tighten their belts.

The total share is reduced by 10%, to 90,000 million, but I get my business and part minor only 5% I “lost” 500 million euros, but is considered a great success. Case b) The pie stays the same as last year, and again I receive the 10,000 million, ie keep my hand in the same proportion. However, the Autonomous Community to another neighbor and is similar to mine in terms of economic development, population, level of transfers, etc., have improved (obviously, there are others that have gotten worse.) I complain bitterly of the cast, and I remember the Government has a historical debt to my community, and that the fiscal balance of my Self (which simplified, would be the difference between the taxes paid in the territory and the services it receives from all public authorities) is negative, I have a lot to recover. Case c) Because of the crisis, the government decides to allocate more money for everyone is satisfied. Passes from 100,000 to 120,000 million, ie a 20% increase. However, the Autonomous Region which address only get additional EUR 1,200 million (12%). Receiving heavy criticism from the opposition and within my party, because we have been clearly harmed by the partition. Of course, as the latter have lost out in relation to others, but if it were you the President of the Community Autonomous, which would you prefer, “being in the” case “or the” c “?

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GIP Value

This mapping of the social performance of the companies of all the transports, sectors and regions of Brazil understands given of 1999 the 2001 and of 2004 and 2005, a historical series on the behavior of the companies in the social area, it allows, in unknown way, to follow the evolution of the private initiative, to identify what they make the companies, as they act and for which reasons, beyond standing attendance and operacionalizao of the actions in the country. Action of them empresasAumentou in Brazil the ratio of companies whom they invest in social actions, however, the invested total value did not increase in the same measure and fell the corresponding percentage to Produto Interno Bruto (PIB), registers the research of the IPEA.A enterprise participation increased 10%, it passed of 59% in 2000 for 69% in 2004, and was generalized the growth in the ratio of companies whom they had declared to carry through some type of social action for the community, it occurred for region, sector of economic activity and transport. Inside of the universe of companies in the country, esteem in 871 a thousand lucrative deeds of division with one or more employees, about 600 a thousand companies voluntarily act in favor of the communities, statistics in accordance with expanded of the sample of the second edition of the research. Comparing with the first edition, they are almost 140 a thousand companies more. Although the increase in the number of companies whom they invest in the social area, the value remained unchanged in about R$ 4,7 billion. this value, that in 2000 corresponded only 0.4% of the GIP of the country to the time, still represented less in 2004, was corresponding 0.27% of the Brazilian GIP in that year – it is still sufficiently small part of the addition of all the wealth produced here. The companies continue to concentrate its investments in Social Assistance and Feeding, however, the priority was inverted, left of being in assistance (41%, were 54%) and started to be in feeding (52%, were 41%). .

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Bank Lehman Brothers

The reliable crisis of 2008 started with the Lehman in addition Brothers, 3 bigger bank of investment of the market to the time, generating a crisis without precedents in global the financial market. As the stock market lives basically reliable, this event shook the foundations of the economy and its real side. The investor applies its resources in financial assets to get or to demand one definitive tax of return. (A valuable related resource: David Fowler). This tax of return is formed by the one for two parts: ) the one, the return tax without risk of danger; (for example, the return of the headings of the American Government) and b) another one, the prize of risk for being applying in that it can mean the medium and long run the risk of if having some damage. When the Bank Lehman Brothers broke, the investors had asked: ) Who will be the next one? b) Which the implications on the real side of the economy? Thus, the risk or the possibility of the investors to have damages had made with that they demanded a bigger prize of risk, having deducted the value of the prices of the assets. To only give an example, definitive that price of a financial asset (for example, a heading of debt of a company) it was R$ 100 before the crisis and that this asset would be rescued by 110 R$ daqui one year. Learn more at this site: Sheryl Sandberg.

The investors would be satisfied with a 10% return a.a on paper or R$ 10. But, if of another side, the investors demanded 15% a.a of return, or a prize of 5 percentile points, the debt would have that to cost R$ 95,65 today, that is, to have liquidity the detainer of the debt would have that to lose R$ 5.35. That is, to the 15% tax, the investors would get on R$ 95,65 same R$ 100 of the value of original face to this tax increased for the risk prize (15% x 95,65= R$ 100), that is, a depreciation of R$ 5,35 on the value of face.

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State Increase

This index is divided in three sub-indices: quality of external insertion, quality of the welfare and quality of the growth. The first one and third is below of what it can be considered adjusted. But the quality of the welfare is considered good. Thus, the quality of our development has that to improve significantly to reach one better standard of living. Improvements in the economic relations with the exterior must be implemented, in the investments in capitals physical and human, to increase the productivity of the work, to take care of more good of the ambient questions, to increase the aggregate value of the products and exported services, to raise the prices of the products and services exported in relation to the prices of the products and imported services, to increase the formalizao of the economy, to continue more firmly with the politics of incorporation of the very poor population to the society of I consume, with mechanisms that they take these people not to depend on the State for getting its incomes, among others action. The economy and its fruits cannot be interpreted as something that must only be directed for ones and others they are left of had been.

Not, the fruits of the economy must serve for the population of the country. This must be made by means of the chance equality. The people must have chance to get the incomes necessary to usufruct what the economy offers and have taken care of its necessities. The vision of our governing must is focada in the gift to take care of the urgent demands, but, at the same time, it must also is focada in actions that lead to the increase of the quality of the economic development of the city, the state and the country. The purpose of all the efforts to generate resources and wealth must be the citizen.

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Event Promotion

The pantry of the world is an event that attracts much attention, provides visibility and can modify the structural profile of certain regions where the soccer departures will be disputed. He is all wonderful, pretty one, but the cost of if promoting an event of this magnitude? Certainly they involve many resources so that definitive areas are adjusted to the necessary conditions to the success of the event as a whole. In a country as Brazil, where the deficiencies of all nature are visible, the expenses will be very high involving great expense of resources for the execution of directly involved workmanships with the event as stadium or workmanships that they are only indirectly involved as transport and others. The costs for the pantry of 2014 will be paid for the government or the private initiative? It is just to take off money of the health, education, security, etc. to be expense with the pantry of the world? In all the cities where games of the pantry will occur will have an enormous amount of resources to be applied with the adequacy of the infrastructure, however, the responsibility will be mainly of the public sector. Either in great, average, rich or poor the cities it is of the public sector where it will leave the money to bank these costs of sets of ten of billions of Reals. Certain estimates exist that arrive the R$ 40 billion the value that will leave the safes of the government for the accomplishment of workmanships for the pantry. This value is composed of arrives in port direct of resources, tax exemption and subsidies in the banking loans. In the majority of the cities headquarters of the pantry the stadiums are public, thus, the government will go to invest in public good, will go to carry through expenses to construct public good, a public asset.

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Vertical Analysis

It is important in this item to evaluate the standardized countable procedures for the sector, the chart of accounts, the treatment of the inflation adopted in the demonstratives etc. Source: Eric Kuby. (Assaf, 2007, p.59) C. Horizontal and Vertical Analysis the application of these techniques has for basic objective the evaluation of the countable demonstratives for the evolution of its values throughout the time (horizontal analysis), and for the relative participation of each value in relation to a total (vertical analysis). (Assaf, 2007, p.59) D. Analysis of the Liquidity the study of the liquidity aims at to know the capacity of payment of the company, that is, its financial conditions to cover in the expiration all its assumed passive commitments. It discloses, still, the financial balance and its necessity of investment in turn capital.

(Assaf, 2007, p.59) E. Analysis of the Indebtedness basically Evaluates the ratio of proper resources and third kept by the company, its financial dependence for debts of short term, the nature of its liabilities and its financial risk. (Assaf, 2007, p.59) F. Analysis of Yield and Profitability a economic evaluation of the performance of the company, dimensionando the return on the carried through investments and the profitability presented for the sales. (Assaf, 2007, p.59) G. Analysis of Value Evaluates the capacity of the company to not only generate net profits, but also economic value to its shareholders.

For in such a way, they are used diverse metric of value applied to the countable demonstratives, that identify the aggregate wealth. (Assaf, 2007, p.59) H. Conclusions Although each item of the considered project of analysis to provide specific conclusions, this final part must be presented conclusive, developing sucintamente the effective situation economic-financier of the company and its perspectives of performance. (Assaf, 2007, p.59) 2,9 Users of the Analysis of Assaf Rockings (2007) understand that the analysis of the countable demonstrations of a company can take care of to the different objectives consonant the interests of its some users or physical or legal people who present some type of relationship with the company.

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