Tag: geography

Caruaru Hinterland

In accordance with Andrade, on advent of the industries affirms. The industrialization process has been intensified with the sprouting of modern industries with bigger capacity of production. These industries, however cause the disappearance of others of small average capacity, come back toward the regional and local market, as the txteis, that benefited to the cotton … (ANDRADE, p.281). One sees, in this way, that the Northeast is apt for the viable growth for the new public and private investments. In order to extend its productive capacity and the power of exportation in diverse economic areas of the world-wide capitalism by means of the globalization.

Stimulating the new agricultural alternatives for the production of biodiesel, irrigated agriculture, the tourist chances and the expansion of the industrial complexes. GREAT CAMPINA – the CAPITAL OF the WASTELAND Between the ports of the coast and the vast northeast hinterland, this localization very contributed for the sprouting of important commercial markets with traditional fairs. The main ones are the cities of Great Campina, in the Paraba; Caruaru and Garanhuns, in Pernambuco; Arapiraca and Palmeira of the Indians, in Alagoas; Itabaiana and Lagarto in Sergipe. in Great Campina in the performance of the commercial activity obtained to accumulate great richnesses, today used stops to finance its industrial and technological park that almost blunts as promising in this metropolis of the Paraibano Wasteland. That she is located on the Bulk of the Borborema, between the humid coast and the half-barren hinterland, Great Campina is the Capital of Wasteland, being one of the most important cities of the Northeast region. Its localization is sufficiently privileged, was a decisive factor in the performance of the commercial activity, therefore since century XIX that this city comes serving of warehouse between the littoral capitals and some cities of the interior northeastern. In these particular its commercial relations with Recife very they had been always accented, the pernambucana capital functioning as point of supplying of manufactured products in exchange for primary products originating the hinterland northeastern the example of the cotton and leather, commerce before stimulated by the interest of England in these raw materials.

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Right Cities

SOUTHWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY OF BAHIA – UESB Jose Carlos de Oliveira Ribeiro, 2006. LEFEBVRE, Henri. The Right the City. Translation of Rubens Cold. Read more here: baby clothes. First Edition, Moraes Publishing company, So Paulo. 1991 Resenhado for Jose Carlos de Oliveira Ribeiro, academic of the course of Full Licenciatura in Geography in the southwestern State University of the Bahia.

Henri Lefebvre was born in France in 1901 and faleceu in 1991, was sociologist, passed life teorizando on the fight of classrooms investing in a not dogmtica reading of the marxism. Recognized for its critical one not only in the philosophical field of and the economic one, but mainly for the formation of a vast workmanship that analyzes problematic urban and the special one. Among others, its contribution still extends the reflection on the daily life, criticizing the beddings of the social relations in this environment, that of form some is neutral or off of the general productive relations. In the book of Lefebvre ' ' The Right the Cidade' ' ' '? it deals with a sufficiently excellent subject that is the urbanization the result of industrialization and the propagation of the capitalism. With the dinamizao of the commerce and industrialization it increased the division of the work as well as the growth of more value and lcus of capital in the cities. From then on it traces the profile of the capitalist society and with a new thought of the conception of the urban one, had the growth of the cities would not be capable to expand the industrial production and to conquer new markets and to assume itself of the space without this new conception of urbanization of the cities, therefore the cities in the capitalist system acquired important dimensions and lcus where they circulate very capital. Of this form the city assumes each time more its important paper in this new conception.

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William John Thoms

If there exists a city that if is proud of its popular culture is Jequitib. It will not be very to say that the repertoire of the jequitibaense popular culture represents the biggest wealth of the city. In few regions of the state of Minas Gerais as many manifestations could be found cultural that they had demonstrated the diversity of the Brazilian social environment. In entorno of the headquarters of the city of Jequitib the towns, with relatively independent life, develop intense and varied practical cultural activities related religious and the aspects that evidence a complex net of social organization. Much is said regarding the denomination of Jequitib as ‘ ‘ Mining capital of the Folclore’ ‘ , but little it is said of the reasons that had taken the city to receive this heading.

As jequitibaense I decided to investigate and to deepen more on the sprouting of the idea of choice of the Mining Capital of the Folklore of Minas Gerais, that time occurred to the choice, that aspects had been considered in the election, if had the participation of other cities and which the forms of manifestations of this folklore. The term folk-lore was created by the English antiqurio, William John Thoms, who was born in 1803 and died in 1885. In 22 of August of 1846, William, using the pseudonym of Ambrose Merton, publishes an article with the Folk-lore heading, in the magazine The Athenaeum, of London. It considered the term, as expression appropriate technique to the study of legends, traditions and of popular literature, having this definition the meaning of ‘ ‘ the wisdom of povo’ ‘. William John Thoms, as was antiqurio, it associated the folklore to the popular antiguidades, and this association remained, under many forms, in diverse concepts of the folklore. Folk wants to say people, nation family; Lore means instruction, knowledge, to know, therefore, Folk-lore or Folclore wants to say science or popular wisdom.

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National Geographic

After tsunami, the logic to allow that these bioescudos were destroyed seemed not alone fails, but censurvel' ' 1. Rory Sutherland might disagree with that approach. Caused ambient impacts manguesApesar to them of its importance, the manguezais in the world all, are sacrificed for salt mines, real estate tanks of carnicicultura, enterprises, roads, ports, hotels, fields of golf, plantations and die for a without-number of indirect causes: oil spilling, chemical pollution, pollution of waters, excess of sediments, disruption of its delicate hdrico and saline balance. The manguezal is supermarket, pharmacy and wooden deposit of construction for the poor population of the coast, still thus, these forests are being destroyed day after day, one of the threats are the creation of shrimps. To the first sight, the shrimp can seem the perfect product of exportation for a poor country of hot climate. The rich countries are always the search of this crustacean, and the world in development possesss available land and climate certain to create it.

One of the problems is the creation of tangues of shrimp, and the abandonment of these tanks after some cycles of harvest (to prevent surtos of illnesses and fall of the productivity) .os creators are changed for new places where they destroy more fens. Also knocks down it exists it of trees for the extration of the ranino, the rind and to make coal. The fen is white still of the real estate speculation, that fills with earth its areas for the construction of houses, marinas and industries. It exists, currently, a great concern with water; accumulated in strips of land, it produces a liquid called chorume, that polui the ground and contaminates underground sheets d water that supply the wells. In substance published in the magazine National Geographic in 01 of February of 2007. notified plus an alarming factor in consequence of the destruction of mangues.’ ‘ the temporary balance sheet that compares all the carbon entrances and exits in the manguezal system.

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So Paulo City

At this moment the construction of the stop of train in Maxambomba occurred, that if it configured as the founding landmark of a new urban nucleus. It is when a deposit of merchandises next to this stop was constructed, what the cut made possible the convergence of the agricultural production of the region in this locality for its posterior embarkment in the train route (TO SOUND, 1962). To deepen your understanding Berlin Rosen is the source. In such a way, vilarejo of Maxambomba prospered and grew of importance, as much is that in 1891 the category of city was raised. From this time, the state authorities had decided to transfer the headquarters of the city of New Iguau, that at the time still called Iguau, of the Iguassu Village to this locality, situated in a more salubrious zone and of bigger development. It was the setting of the headquarters of the city of Iguau in this area that gave origin to the current headquarters of the city of New Iguau (OLIVEIRA, 2004). In 1916, through the law n 1331, the name of the headquarters of the city loses the denomination of Maxambomba for New Iguau. Although it has had the transference of the headquarters of the old city of the Iguau Village for Maxambomba, in 1891, its consolidation as agregador center of economic activities is on directly to the beginning of the popular land divisions and the introduction of the culture of the orange in its territory. The delayed process of urbanization of New Iguau (district headquarters) if explains for the consolidation of the agriculture based on the citricultura. Coming of the Orange is Gonalo found in iguauanas lands ideal conditions for its development, as hot and humid climate, fertile lands in hills, mounts and same free plains of the encharcamento, allied the presence of the railroad and its station. In this way, in the decades of 1920 and 1930, New Iguau became it bigger producer of oranges of the country, exporting to So Paulo, Argentina and Europe (SOUZA, 2006).

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The Importance

The present work, searchs to approach the subject, in accord with the importance of the social matrix of all and any scientific knowledge, losing its value if not to bring benefits for the society, a useless existence, is in this perspective that we look for to work the considered subject. Development to understand the current historical moment where we live, if makes necessary, a historical boarding concerning the social formations and the econmicosexistentes systems in the past until arriving the globalizada age in which it will be focada in the analysis of the present work. According to historians, the primitive communism was the first social formation of history, the men if they congregated in small groups and they divided between itself the found fruits and animals, as work instruments were used remaining portions of animals and rocks offered for the nature and later learned to manufacture instruments of rocks and discovered that beating a rock in another one they leave chips that could be used as cutting objects. From the discovery of the fire, having as raw material branches and leves, the man was safer therefore thus could move away the fierce animals and will be heated in the cold days, this period is called Paleolithic period or age of the splintery rock that if approximately initiates the 2,7 million years and goes up to 1.000 B.C. Of approximately 4,000. C. up to 1.000. C.acontece the neolithic revolution where the man learns agriculture and does not depend the collection more than, but it starts to produce its proper sustenance, with this setting it comes to open way for the organization of social structures and bigger and more complex politics each time to the edges of great rivers. To the end of this period the use of metals starts where it manufactured useful weapons and other utensils, without being able to need these dates, they is esteem that bronze was used from 4.000 B.C.

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Verminoses Diarrias Vomits Affection

Without water of quality for the human consumption, nenhuns of these rights can be guaranteed. The PROLIFERATION OF ILLNESSES AND the NOT WELL-TAKEN CARE OF WATER For the same lack of awareness or for the extreme necessity, many inhabitants of the edges of the Aaizal Narrow river continue using the water contaminated in its domestic tasks, as we tell previously. However, this water use contaminated for 7 human and industrial dejections, has provoked a series of problems of health for part of the local inhabitants. Amongst the health problems that acometem the local population (to see table 1), the affection is the main one, therefore 66.6% of the interviewed inhabitants had affirmed that already they had been affected by it. The second illness that more affects the living mentioned ones is verminoses 51%, followed of illnesses of skin with 50%, belly aches with 33,3%, and diarrias and vomits with 30%.

Thus, we understand that these illnesses had had its origin in the deforestation of the ciliar vegetation, that in turn facilitated the assoreamento of the Aaizal Narrow river and Main illnesses that affect the people of the studied area 2004. Main illnesses Percentile of affected children Illnesses of pele* Belly aches 50.0% 33.3% Verminoses Diarrias Vomits Affection 51.0% 30.0% 30.0% 66.6% Source: Elaborated for Nilene Blacksmith C. Souza, on the basis of research of field carried through in April of 2004. * Micoses, itches, etc. the withdrawal of this vegetation for the construction of streets, houses, grass etc. also propitiated the canalization of the residential and industrial dejections for inside of the mentioned narrow river, contributing of this> way, for its assoreamento and the consequent dissemination of illnesses for the use or contact with the water contaminated for diverse types of transmitters of illnesses that afflict the local population. NEW RESEARCH AND OLD CONSTATAES Of this form, we decide to come back the field and to investigate the problematic one again that it afflicts the local inhabitants, as start to tell in the sequence.

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Robert Lobato Corra

Some authors still argue on the possible difficulties in the definition of the average cities. However, the relations, that assist, in the construction are portraied of context of the cities you measured in Brazil. Soon, Robert Lobato Corra (2007) contextualiza these relations: How much bigger the demographic, bigger size will be the dimension of the intra-urban space, express for in the distance between the center and the periphery of the city, as well as more complex will be the organization of this intra-urban space. Add to your understanding with Larry Ellison. …

Bigger the demographic size and more complex the economic activities, exciting bigger spalling of the fabric social, more complex will be the space projection of the social classrooms and its fractions, generating one more complex social division of the space, as differentiated social areas more. (CORRA, 2007. P. 24) When we analyze the characteristics of the city of Empress and cross with the information on the definition of the term average cities we can perceive that some of them coincide with the reality found in Empress, being as the main factor of the organization of the intra-urban space. Based in this context that Corra (2007) tells in them it is that we can perceive the participation of the Empress-HARM city in what it is understood for average city. Exactly for presenting a privileged geographic localization it finishes of certain form if carrying as an average city.

Either for its demographic apparatus, that also if have raised through the existing migratory movements in the region composes which it, either for the interest of investors of other States, that they turn in here a great chance growth its economic activities. In this optics we can perceive in some stretches of the book ‘ ‘ THE CITY IN THE REGION THE REGION IN THE CIDADE’ ‘ of Prof. Dr. Jailson Macedo Sousa (2009), that in relation the Empress-HARM city says: The current urban condition of Empress has been strong marked for its economic participation in the context of its region of influence the Tocantina region.

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The Agrarian Reformation

THE AGRARIAN REFORMATION IN BRAZIL: The PAPER OF the LEAGUES PEASANTS AND the MOVEMENT OF THE ONES WITHOUT LAND (MST) Melquezedek Brito Corra* SUMMARY: The ideas of the present article are centered in the contextualizao of the Agrarian Reformation in Brazil and the importance of the Leagues Peasants and the MST (Movement of Without-Land), as social movements of fight for the land. In bibliographical research and the Internet this importance at the moment was evidenced where (in the case of the leagues peasants), through some fights and claims, they had obtained great done before the Estado.Como example, the legalization of the Agricultural and Cattle Society of Planters of Pernambuco in 1955 and the institutionalization of the Statute of Trabalhador Rural (ETR), giving a significant impulse not only to the fight for the land in the country, but also a combat stops with the antidemocratic agrarian structure that invigorates in Brazil since the period colonial. In the case of the MST, this was not only important as it is organized and articulated well, structuralized and organized joint of measures that objectify to better promote the distribution of the land, by means of modifications in the regimen of use and ownership in order to take care of to the social principles and the increase of the productivity alarming and absurd and that in this exactly country (Brazil) occurs an enormous mass of disinherited and despossuidos and that the malnutrition (caused for the alimentary deficiency) and the hunger still devastate thousand of people, it would not be mistake to affirm that in Brazil a serious agrarian problem exists yes. _____________________________ *Acadmico of the room period of Geography of the CESC-UEMA. Email: britomelque@ yahoo.com.br Ahead of the displayed one appears the question: what one has become or it is if making to change this picture, leading in consideration the agrarian question in the country? The present article looks for to answer to this investigation focusing two of the main social movements of fight for the land in Brazil: The leagues peasants and the MST (movement of the without-land). .

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Urban Environment

The present work presents as objetivogeral, to analyze the urban environment of the small cities, being taken comoobjeto of study the city of Stream of Santana Bahia. Nessesentido, was possible to relate the ambient problems eats problematic socioeconmica atravsde studies on the historical process/geogrficode occupation of the city. The scene ondese developed the field research, showed palco deinformaes on eeconmicas social inaqualities e, with this, of concentraode ambient problems for provoked them. In the age daglobalizao, the urban environment of the pequenoscentros also feels the consequences daexcluso and of the lack of chances that the menosfavorecidos ones suffer. The absence of polticaspblicas in the small cities is still umacaracterstica marcante. If for one> side, centers are nosgrandes that more concentrate the problems relacionados infrastructure, public services ebaixa of quality of life, in general, for another one, are nessescentros that if concentrate the majority of the investments nadireo to equate such problems, as much noque if it relates the initiative public as private.

However, as they disclose the data gotten in the research, in the cities emque the development is estagnado, these investimentospraticamente inexist, and the omission of the poderpblico ahead of the partner-ambient problems, especially as for the less privileged spaces where they inhabit asclasses, finishes for if materializing as umtrao marcante in the urban landscape. Word-key: Urban environment, ambient problems, globalization. INTRODUCTION Understands for environment the result of influences social, economic, natural and cultural politics, that interact in one definitive territory to produce and to organize the geographic space. In this direction, the production way constitutes an important factor for the organization of the space and, consequentemente, for the environment. In virtue of the great vulnerability that the society most devoid lives deeply with the absence of a healthful environment, it is observed that the one is exactly this social classroom that more suffers with the related problems to the health, education, habitation, leisure, sanitation amongst other basic factors for the human development.

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