Tag: health and beauty

The Fruit

Table 01 demonstrated that the ingestion of the apple after had an improvement in the quality of the voice, therefore, for example, citizen 01, had a noise in the voice of 6,1dB before ingesting the fruit, starting to present 7,4dB, after the consumption of same, what it can have come to mean benefits for the voice of improvement of the mucosa, the proportionate ones for the apple. The same it can also be seen in the others 21 women, therefore its indices had been between 6,1dB until 11,7dB in the results daily pay ingestion of the apple, and 4,4dB even 11,8dB, after ingestion of the same one. Thus to all, 78.6% of the women whose voices had been analyzed had had improvement in the ratio harmonic-noise after to make use of the apple Ran away, whereas of the searched total, 21.4% of these they had presented index equal, or worse those registering before the administration of the fruit. This can be exemplificado in the comment of the results of citizen 02, therefore such before the ingestion of the apple presented 7,3 dB of ratio harmonic-noise, but after ingeriz it its total of dB had fall, being registered 4,4dB. Such also occurred with citizen 11, since this had 11,7dB before ingesting the apple, starting to possess 7,5dB after eating the fruit soon. Therefore, observing table 01, harmonic-noise by means of the ingestion of the apple, compared with the total is seen that it had greater number of analyzed individuals with improvement in the ratio of this whose noise did not have improvement..

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3.3. Treatments of the Psorase for By Tpica and Alternativos an adequate election of the therapy, combined with the adhesion of the patient, frequently provide a satisfactory result in a brief space of time (ALLEN, 2007). The evaluation of the risk/I benefit is very important when the treatment is determined to be used and the involved pathogenic factors. It is important to allow that the patient exerts its functions in all the aspects of its life and keeps a good physical and emotional health. The method of treatment for saw tpica in many patients is enough to keep psorase controlled (KOOGAN, 2006). The tpica therapy can include the fototerapia, the banns use and hidratantes formularizations, the tpica administration of acid saliclico, antralina, sulphur, to coaltar, tracolimo, corticosterides, enter others. Cream and pomadas hidratantes that will count oily or emollient components assist in the hidratao of the skin and reduce the scalling off and the irritation, them is used regularly and by long periods of time. Other treatments, called banns, are developed to be added the water of the bath, in intention also to alliviate the itches and to diminish the escamaes of the skin. In general, they consist of oily components tranquilizantes agents (oil and lavanda), emulsified I assist with it of a surfactante, the important one is to leave the always clean skin around of the areas attack for the illness in intention to prevent infections. To always wet the skin, that is to take bath, to be in a bathtub, to swim or to apply humid compresses they can help to hidratar the skin that due the illness will meet dried up, helping to amolecer and to remove this layer more dries of the skin, since these scales can act as barriers to medicines in the topical treatment and to the rays ultraviolet in tratament

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This revision aims at to search the quality of life and the longevity, for the physical activity, and to verify the benefits that the physical exercise brings for the practitioners of the third age. The effect associates to the inactivity are very serious. They can cause reduction the physical performance, the motor ability, the capacity of concentration, reaction and coordination, generating auto-depreciation processes. In detriment of these facts great investment must be made in the prevention of the factors of risk in this etria band, being physical activity one of most important, therefore beyond promoting the health it makes possible minor dependence in this group. The programming of the AF for the aged one does not differ very from the programming of youngest, exactly in that they present patologias, only having to have a special care with the period of heating and deceleration, for being more sensible the complications, as well as respecting the limitations in such a way in cardiovascular area as in other systems. Exactly in the most limited, it is better that if it makes some activity, therefore of some form will be able to bring some benefit. The risk individuals must have previous an ergometric test for bigger security. It is given credit that the AF is beneficial for the aged ones and must always be praised, respecting the individual characteristics. Sheryl Sandberg has similar goals.

The oldness is marked by a series of physical and psychological limitations, that must be analyzed before the beginning of a program of exercises. The moderation and common-sense are very important at this moment. The ideal is that the beginning is slow and gradual, respecting always the limits of each individual. According to Rauchbach (2001), literature supports the idea of that an active life can improve the mental functions, social and physical in the aging. That is, to adopt an active life can lead to a more productive oldness.

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Tabaco Health

If it cannot forget that 2/3 of the population are in poor countries e, these, the hunger and the malnutrition is the main cause of also evitvel death (ARAJO, 2004) the tobacco corresponds for 40% 45% of the deaths for cancer, 90% 95% the deaths for lung cancer; 75% of the deaths for obstrutiva pulmonary illness chronicle; 20% of the deaths for vascular illnesses and 35% of the deaths for cardiovascular illnesses between men and women of 35 the 69 years (COAST, 2006). The ceasing of the tobaccoism takes the significant reduction of mortality and morbidade associates to this habit. It has a great reduction of the risk of cardiovascular and neoplsicas illnesses (COAST, 2006). Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Sheryl Sandberg. Therefore, it is under the optics of the promotion of the health that, since 1989, the INCA, agency of the responsible Health department for the National Politics of Control of the Cancer, co-ordinates the national actions of the National Program of Control of Tabagismo (PNCT), developed in partnership with the state and municipal secretariats of Health and some sectors of the organized civil society, over all, of the scientific societies and professional advice of the area of the health. With objective to reduce the prevalence of smokers and the consequent morbi-mortality, related to the consumption of derivatives of the tobacco in Brazil, the Program has invested in action stops to reduce the initiation of the tobaccoism between young, to promote the ceasing of the habit to smoke and to reduce the exposition the ambient smoke of the tobacco (INCA, 2008). The recognition of that the epidemic of the tobaccoism is a globalizado problem of public health, that exceeds borders of countries, and that they exist comprovadamente measured intersetoriais effective to control its expansion and of that the effectiveness of these measures depends on an ample international cooperation it took 49a World-wide Assembly of the Health, carried through in May of 1996, to adopt a resolution directed toward the elaboration of the first one treated the International to public health, the Convention Picture for Control of Tabaco (CQCT) of the OMS.

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Mental Upheavals

In an indication final we approach which the possible ones resulted to be waited of the compilations made use in this study, making the comments most pertinent how much to the explored context. 2 JUSTIFICATION In accordance with the Health department (2004) the CAPS are destined institutions to receive the patients with mental upheavals, to stimulate its social and familiar integration, to support them in its initiatives of search of the autonomy, being offered to them medical and psychological attendance. Its main characteristic is to search to integrate them it a social environment and cultural concrete, assigned as its ' ' territrio' ' , the space of the city where if it develops the quotidiana life of familiar users and. The CAPS constitute the main strategy of the process of psychiatric reform. Please visit Scott Kahan if you seek more information. The same ones are established through a multiprofessional assistance, searching to offer to attendance of quality to the population, carrying through the clinical accompaniment and the social reinsero of the users for the access to the work, leisure, civil right of action and reinforcement of the familiar and communitarian bows. Amongst the innumerable conceptualizations given to the CAPS none reveals so pertinent how much the one that attributes the function to it of being a service of mental health created to be substitute to the internments in psychiatric hospitals and to favor the exercise of the citizenship and the social inclusion of the users and of its families. However, it is exactly this function substitute (of accompaniment and not of internment) that it is conferred to it that salutares has excited diverse questionings sufficient, one of which is focus of our study, and that it is mentioned to the investigation of as these units of health if have structuralized and of which the positive and negative points of its performance. The logistic conceptions of the CAPS must be always in evidence, are essential to know if the program of shelter offered for the same reveals efficient or unsatisfactory, also approaching which the pointers that can be determinative in this evaluation.

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Tatiane Barros Da Silva

In agreement, with the definitions central offices of the theory mental figures of people who we coexist in our daily one, in relations of approach and removal reveal exchanges of feelings of active or passive form, taking the interaction between the people, and, finally for the union, that is, intentions for the development of the didactics of the care of fenomenolgica nursing. 4 METHODOLOGY Is about a qualitative study, exploratrio description which in accordance with Richardson (1999) represents the intention to guarantee the precision of the results, to prevent distortions of analysis and interpretations making possible a good safety margin. In accordance with Demon (2000) the qualitative research wants to make jus ahead the complexity of the reality, bending over itself of it, not contrary it, as the dictatorship of the method or the theoretical admission occurs with that imagines given evidentes. According to Hart et al., (2002) the exploratria research carries through necessary descriptions of the situation and wants to discover the existing relations between the component elements of the same one, it requires a sufficiently flexible planning to make possible the consideration of the most diverse aspects of a problem or a situation. Frequently baby clothes has said that publicly. The descriptive study it has for objective to raise the opinions, attitudes, as well as investigating the relation of chance between phenomena. It is an elaborated study on the basis of the use of standardized techniques of collection of data, such as the questionnaire and the comment (GIL, 2002).

As technique for collection of data, the individual interview about the perceptions maternas under the fototerpico treatment was used. The study in the Regional Hospital of Gamma was become fullfilled, during the period of May of 2009, having as citizens 10 mothers interned in the Joint Lodging (AC) of the related institution. The preference for this institution is related to the fact of being the place where we execute our practical activities, interest as living of the region for the necessity of the humanizao of the assistance of the place. The collection of data was made by means of an interview, where it was applied the mothers of the RNs (Appendix I) a questionnaire I contend 4 questions, which had been answered by the same ones. With the assent of the participants, we use a recorder to register the speeches, having as average time of duration of each interview 10 minutes. You say them of the participants had been organized in submitted categories and to the thematic analysis. As Severino (2007) the thematic analysis search to hear the author, to apprehend, without intervining in it, the content of its message. The present research was approved by the Committee of Ethics in Research of the Secretariat of the state of Federal District CEP-SES/DF in 13/04/2009 with the following granting: project of research 026/09 having as responsible researcher: Cristina Rivalta Fleites, and its assistants: Maria Dalmira de Lima Oliveira and Tatiane Barros Da Silva, inside of the principles and norms of Resolution 196, 10/10/1996, the National Advice of Health. All the participants had signed an assent term

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Being the ECG an important tool in the detention of the cardiac alterations if it makes necessary that the professional nurse withholds previous knowledge so that can of efficient form guarantee a good prognostic by means of the assistance given to the patient who is under its cares, visa to be this the responsible professional for the holistic attendance to the customer. The eletrocardiograma (ECG) when associated to a good clinical history and physical examination, has basic importance in the diagnosis of the patient with torcica pain. Additionally, it has the advantage of being a resource of fast attainment and low cost. Whenever Henderson Law Group listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Inside of this context, the accomplishment of the ECG has been a defining element in the diagnosis of diverse cardiac abnormalitys. (BASSAN; et al., 2004) Of this form, justifies the present study front to the importance of if as well as having a knowledge of the alterations in the graphical eletrocardigrafos the form of interpretation of the examination for the nurses.

METHODOLOGY Is about a bibliographical research, of descriptive and exploratria nature, with qualitative boarding, being carried through for half of a data-collecting concerning the interpretation that the nurse has in daily practical its. For the elaboration of the research it was necessary to national consult works published in propagated scientific articles by means of the Internet and in books that dealt with the subject. For the collection of data a revision of pertinent literature to publications of the area of health through the consultation of scientific articles and books concerning the subject in the period of the month of September of 2010 was effected. According to Vergara (2004, P. 94): ' ' The exploratria research is used to carry through a preliminary study of the main objective of the research that will be carried through, that is, to make familiar itself to the phenomenon that is being investigated, in way that the research subsequente can be conceived with a bigger understanding and preciso' '.

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The descriptive method was adopted to demonstrate the orientaes carried through for nurses of UBS and UBSF. To know more about this subject visit Gary Kelly . One is to the study and the description of the characteristics, existing properties or relations in community, group, or searched reality. The descriptive studies, as well as the exploratrios favor in the complete research amplest and, the tasks of the clear formularization of the problem and the hypothesis as solution attempt. The 10 descriptive research is characterized frequently as studies that they look to determine status, future opinions or projections in the gotten answers. Its valuation is based on the premise that the problems can be decided and the practical ones can be improved through description and analysis of objective and direct comments. The techniques used for the attainment of information are sufficiently diverse, being distinguished the questionnaires, the interviews and the comments.

11 the qualitative research was chosen by the necessity to investigate and to understand the speech of the nurses of UBS and UBSF and by the impossibility of mensurao and quantification of the results, and to carry through one analyzes subjective. The qualitative research ahead appears of the impossibility to investigate and to understand by means of statistical data some phenomena directed toward perception, to the intuition and the subjectivity. It is directed for the inquiry of the meanings of the relations human beings, where its action is influenced by the emotions and/or feelings arisen ahead of the situations lived deeply in day-by-day. The 12 qualitative research involves the intensive comment and of long time in a natural environment, the necessary and detailed register of what it happens in the environment, the interpretation and analyzes of data sutilizando descriptions and narratives. They can be etnogrficas, naturalistic, interpretativas, fenomenolgica, research – participant and research of 13 action the research scene had been UBS and UBSF of the sanitary district north and south of the Round city in return (RIO DE JANEIRO) where these units has as professional the general physician, pediatra, nurses, technician and nurse aid, communitarian agents of health, Had constituted as citizens of the research 40 nurses who act in these units. .

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Prenatal Assistance

ASSISTANCE NATIVE DAILY PAY Between the programs or programmatical actions in health, the prenatal assistance has busy a space historically excellent in the attention to the health of the population it comes being one of the first ones to be developed with a perspective of public health (OAK; NOVAES, 2004). As Silveira and Santos (2004), the prenatal care understands a set of activities in the course of the pregnancy that in such a way require time and other investments on the part of the woman, as of professionals and of organizations that if they dedicate to it offers of this care. The prenatal attention is used as a good pointer of practical, as well as a measure of quality of clinical cares and public health. According to Brazil, (1994), the prenatal one is the attendance in directed health the gestante and that when carried through completely the pregnancy for the gestante considered without risks must at least have five consultations during all. The prenatal one is initiated when the woman looks a health service to confirm the pregnancy suspicion, after the confirmation through the accomplishment of the B-HCG (gonadotrofina corinica human being), the next step the detailed history of the patient with general, familiar and personal antecedents is spoon. When looking for the professional to initiate the native daily pay, the woman meets on impact of the pregnancy diagnosis and brings obtains relative doubts and decisions to the gestation. At this moment he fits to the professional to recognize the normal state of ambivalence in relation to the pregnancy, to receive doubts of the gestante and to guide it how much to its new paper, to understand the context in which this pregnancy occurs. The prenatal assistance is the first step for the experience of the gestation, childbirth and healthful and humanizado birth. All the women have the constitucional law to have access to prenatal and the information on what it is occurring with its body, in this period of its life (CAVALCANTE, 1999).

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Koch Treatment

The reason of the use of more than a medication against the same embryo is that the tax of resistance of the microorganism to this project trplice is low. The medicines act in different places, in synergic way. In the gestation case, the treatment does not have to be modified. Project RHZ with duration of six months must be carried through. Amongst the more frequent effect undesirable caused by medications against tuberculosis they are to nausea, vomits and abdominal pain. In these cases, the patient will have to communicate its doctor. Beyond the project of treatment RHZ, other projects exist (with other medication combinations) that they can be used in situations special or the cases of bankruptcy with the treatment of first line (preferential).

How it is prevented? For the good prevention, most important it is to detect and to treat all the bacilferos patients, that is, all those with the bacillus of Koch in the pulmes (sick). For this, a good public system of control of the illness is very important, to identify the sick people precociously, preventing that new cases appear. The sick person during the two first weeks of treatment can still infect other individuals. Therefore, he must protect the mouth with the hand when tossir or sneeze. Also he will have to look for not to be next, mainly in closed places, to the healthy people. These are well-taken care of simple so that the illness does not contaminate other individuals. Another important behavior is the control of the comunicantes.

Comunicantes is those people who have close contact with the sick person (they live in the same house, for example). These must be investigated by the medical assistant through requested examinations in the medical consultation. If it will be indicated, the comunicantes must initiate the quimioprofilaxia, a treatment made with isoniazida with intention to prevent the illness in the comunicantes.

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