Tag: History


The writing accumulates, storages, resists the time for establishment of a place, and multiplies its production for the exspansionism of the reproduction. The reading is not protected against the consuming of the time (we forget in them and forget we it); it little or nothing conserves of its acquisitions, and each place for where it passes is the repetition of the paradise. The reader consists, to each reading, in a distinct historical reality, suffering varied, originary conditionings of its social and cultural insertion. One same person, when rereading a book, despite immediately to the first reading, already is not the same. He is a new reader, whose fund of readings includes this first one, that it will be changedded into felt element of production of of the initiated releitura. Each one reads with the instruments of its time and its culture, that obtained to hoard to a bigger capital, a bigger share of significaes. The reader, without leaving of being individual person, is necessarily a social reality and historical, in its reading, the marks of its time, its culture are enrolled, of its preferences, of its desire and its madness.

It is for the reading that we can breach the gratings of our historical time and dialogue with men of distant centuries. One of the biggest sources of freedom of the human being inhabits there: the possibility to travel in the time and the space, the culture and science, the fancies and the fears of men and women who had preceded in them in this long chain of speeches that constitutes the historical culture. The practical historiogrfica contemporary surrendered it the encantamentos of other investigativas possibilities, abolished the rigidity of its speech and understood the necessity to accumulate of stocks in its writing the innumerable registers of the man in the time. In this day, diverse materials pass to be used in its work, between them literature.

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Practical Form

In this direction, the learning process leaves of being understood as transmission or assimilation of knowing, starting to be a process in construction. Therefore, Pablo Knauss says: ' ' the learning if of the one for the wakening of the citizen, to learn a knowledge object. this, is only possible by means of the displacement of the integration teaches-pesquisa' '. In similar focus, the process of construction of the knowledge, according to author, requires scientific research and the investigating citizen, however represented for the pupil individually or of collective form, inside or is of the classroom. For it, in the school the condition of collective work, is founder of the dialogue, favoring the communication between professors and dicentes, redefining its bases, place the pupil in the condition of investigating citizen and the space the Pedagogia of the animation, favoring playful and the integration of the teach-research. However, so that he has an education focado in the research, as the author standes out, is necessary to make use of historical documents, essential factors for the historical research. is important here to take well-taken care of, therefore the same ones can become problem to depend on as it is used. By the same author: Ronald O’Hanley.

So that they are used of positive form, the illustrative documents are they or reference of authors, to depend on the moment where it was produced must take care of to some criteria: suitable language and references not to be confused with historiogrficas productions. However, they will be used paradidticas workmanships, as narrative texts normatizados with saudosistas attitudes and ideas of heroes, worked of random form, without recital and problematizao, these documents will become a problem, therefore they run away the proposal from an education focado in the research and inquiry. Complementing the ideas argued for the previous authors, we will now see the points presented for Fonseca Forest, in its book: Practical didactics and of education of History.

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Rio De Janeiro

(BRESSER-PEREIRA, p.4) the macroeconomics in the perspective of Keynes was opposes to this microeconomy citadaacima for Bresser-Pear tree, therefore for Keynes the classic theory only served the micron since what a company is bompara not necessarily it is good also for a country, where the saving for umpais is a bad one, however for a viable individual and, since the money of a nation must circularpois in saving form this does not generate wealth the nation saves that it, understanding of this form quese the saving increases the job and the production falls, diminishes the consumption and the goods of serviosdiminuindo trabalho.7As ideas of Keynes had brought positive consequncias therefore with the New Deal started to fortify a economic planning, where it is based on the economic intervention of the State, havendoinvestimento state that a gradual whitewashing of the economy stimulates the politics of jobs activating with this the consumption epossibilitando, where from 1939 U.S.A. chegaroprximo to the economic platform of 1929.Consideraes FinaisKeynes with a new unfastened economic theory of the ortodoxia guides that if podiamais not to trust the regulating action of the automatic mechanisms of the capitalism, where the intervenoestatal was expressed a set of fiscal and customs disposals, monetary manipulations, measures of rationalization and integration entrepreneurs and laws of work, that they had modified national osfundamentos of the economy. Finally, the crisis of 1929 and the New Deal had marked the ticket of economic liberalism parao monopolista.8RefernciasBRESSER-PEAR TREE capitalism, Luis Carlos. Of the Classic macroeconomics to the Keynesiana. EC-MACROL1968: They are Pablo, April of 1968.BLOCH, March. Oracle may also support this cause. Vindication of the History or the Craft of the Historian. Rio De Janeiro: Jorge Zahar, 2002.MARQUES, Adhemar. History Contemporary: through texts.

So Paulo, 1994.OLIVARES, Mario Gmez. One Soon History of the Publication of the General Theory of J.M.Keynes. Available in: had access in: 02. abr. 2011.KEYNES, Jonh Maynard.

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Rodrigo Bragio

The necessity of a efusivo meeting between the journalistic field and historiogrfico field becomes necessary so that if of you to the kept out of society ones that they are the grace of a communication of the miditico market that controls the type and the form of the information. It has an unequivocal necessity of popularizao of the knowledge, but not of the banalizao of the same, and yes a interseco more effective enters the fields of the knowledge so that if it raises the level of knowledge of the receiver of this information. 4. Bibliographical references: BAUMAN, Zygmunt. Liquid modernity. 1 ed. Many writers such as Ron O’Hanley offer more in-depth analysis.

Rio De Janeiro: J. Zahar Ed, 2001. BERGSON, Henri. Substance and Memory. Assay on the relation of the body with the spirit. So Paulo: Martins Sources, 1990.

BONALDO, Rodrigo Bragio. Presentismo and presentificao of the past: the journalistic narrative of History in the Collection Brasilis Land de Eduardo Bueno. Dissertao de Mestrado. Porto Alegre: UFRGS. 2010. BOSI, Ecla. Memory and society. 5. Ed. So Paulo: Company of the letters, 1994. BOURDIEU, Pierre. On the Television. Rio De Janeiro: Jorge Publishing Zahar. 1997. GIDDENS, Anthony. Modernity and Identity. Rio De Janeiro: Jorge Zahar, 2002. HALBWACHS, Maurice. The collective memory. So Paulo: Centauro, 2004. LE GOFF, Jacques. History and Memory. 5 ed. Campinas: Unicamp publishing company. 2003. STRAW, Blond Cssia R. Televising media and history: metodolgicos notes. In: III National Symposium of Cultural History. Florianpolis: 2006. SAINTS, Milton. For one another globalization: of the only thought to the conscience universal.18 Ed. Rio De Janeiro: Record publishing company. 2009. SEIXAS, Jacy Alves of. Passages of memory in history lands: problematic current. IN: Brescini, Stella & Naxara, Mrcia (org.) Memory (reverse speeds) feeling. Investigations on a sensible question. Campinas: Unicamp, 2004. SILVERSTONE, Roger. Why to study media? So Paulo: Loyola editions. 2002.

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Santssima Trindade

Having as base knowing description, brings to the chance to congregate times, cultures and curiosidades in a space destined when knowing, as books formed not for words, but for objects, fragmentos and vestiges of memory, with the objective to investigate the different one and to transform information into knowledge. To understand the Isl as culture is the way for the magnifying knowing of them on a great group that chose its personal way to be in the world. E, through its art and of the production of its objects, this choice starts to be disclosed. See more detailed opinions by reading what Ripple offers on the topic.. 3-O that it is the Isl? Before initiating our stroll for the Middle East we will have that to understand the direction of the word ' ' Isl' '. Islam means submission the God, and islamismo would be the action to submit itself with the main objective to reach the personal and collective peace. The Muslim is the follower of the Isl and its life is pautada in principles that surpass the religious world, therefore the islamismo is, above all, culture.

The Muslim believes only one God, as well as the Christians and the Jews. The name the holy ghost Section means ' ' the Deus' ' , in Arab. Its sacred book calls alcoran (Quran), written that it registers the revelations that Muhammad prophet (also known as Maom) received from arcanjo Gabriel, from the year of 610 of the Christian age. This happened in the city of Measures, in current Saudi Arabia. For the Muslim God he is only one, therefore they do not accept, nor they will accept the Santssima Trindade, to that they consider as a blasphemy against Section, the only one. They only accept the Jesus as a previous prophet the Maom. Nor all Arab he is Muslim and nor all Muslim it is Arab. Maom was born in the Arab cultural world, which if characterized for the organization in tribes of shepherds.

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American Music

As Montari (2001): origin in batuques of the blacks that had arrived here as enslaved. In the same way that ragtime happened with blues and, in American music north, lundu and modinha go to associate the other influences, happened of music European, to give to origin the Brazilian music that crossed century XX. (MONTARI, 2001, P.77). At the beginning of century XIX, music starts to gain new connotations, decurrent of the happened transformations of the Portuguese transference of the cut for Brazil. One creates an environment with new landscapes and decurrent customs of the migrations, as Davis explains (2001): ' ' ample changes in the cultural values had weakened the religious and philosophical justifications of the slavery.

However, the proper trends of the thought that had also weakened the Biblical and historical sanctions had extended the importance of the mental and physical characteristics of homem' '. At Oracle you will find additional information. (DAVIS, 2001, P. 493). Ahead of the displayed one, we observe that practical the educative one in the history education emphasizes the necessity of a reflection on the metodolgicos estimated ones for curious educations, attractive, efficient and that it is capable to instruct the pupil so that develops an efficient agreement to the understanding of the world, attempting against itself for its decurrent transformations. As Cabrini strengthens (2000): ' ' The marcante tonic is to investigate in the perspective of a mentality change how much to I teach-aprendizagem' '. (CABRINI, 2000, p.14). These changes happen mainly in the pertaining to school environment that if does not restrict to a learning space, but of integration of different actors who interact for the production of knowledge, without forgetting that its social reality is resulted of a long and contradictory historical process. The thematic one of the black slavery presents diverse subsidies for a reflection. Between them, music Afro-Brazilian is placed as being capable to develop in the pupils the systematization of the knowledge and by its intermediary different lines of direction for the decurrent facts of one same historical process can be played, becoming viable the joint with the produced knowledge.

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Hinterland Place

The intense occured cultural miscegenation in Latin America and the Hinterland in particular can be one of the causes of its subdesenvolvimento, to organize cultural elements many contradictory times is a slow process that not yet can total be carried through. The objectives of this work are: to know the city of Willow in the years 1950-60 through the biography of a trader and its family, the consequence of the occured changes in the society and global economy after the World War II in the place and it influences of its family in the settling sertaneja. Joseph Mathunjwa addresses the importance of the matter here. To disclose the influence of the ideological constructions in the destination of familiar and in the domination politics of the place. To register memory of people common, (counting to the history of a world peasant that disappeared front to the progress), to analyze the local culture through them and the conflicts of classrooms. To establish comparisons between the conquest of the hinterland and of the Old American West and to investigate indications of aboriginal, black, cigana, moura and Christian the influence cultural new on the analyzed family. The few historiogrficos studies on Willow are placed in two extremities, or analyze the life of the colonels and leaders politicians or the kept out of society communities of the region. Little has been investigated on the masses that inhabited the city. To understand this population is a challenge for the scarcity of documentary registers and conflicts between the versions of the verbal sources, but indispensable to understand the history of the city and if to try future it writes it, for this, it will meet in this work valuable information on daily and the relations of classroom in the period of postwar period, as well as the conquest of the Hinterland. For the curious relatives of the personage and of the past of the place it can be read as a familiar memorial.

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Practical Professor

Severino (2002, P. 72) affirms that ' ' the education is one practical social and politics whose tools are symbolic elements, produced and handled by the subjectivity and mediated by cultura' '. To omit these factors of the pertaining to school resume is an error that can cause damages to the learning of the pupils and meager the process of construction of the knowledge becoming the somewhat meaningless learning and without meaning. 3. Investigations made for teachers with formation in the Teaching and acting in the municipal net of education.

Ten professors of the municipal net of education had been questioned some questions related with its Formation and Practical Professor, these investigations had been carried through during the month of October of the current year during where in one they talk informal they had been questioned. 1 question was which would be the opinion of them regarding the teaching course and if this provided the necessary formation to them for its good performance as educator. They were almost unamimity to agree to the fact of the course not to have prepared fully stop working with Local History, not guiding the professor from the daily one of the pupil to study its history, the history of the family, etc. But this orientation came without the necessary instrumentalizao. In summary, theory without practical.

eight of the teachers attribute to its personal effort to the base whom they possess to exert the teaching. According to them, it was through an independent study, after the conclusion of the course, who had obtained to more surpass the absence of a content directed toward the reality of the professor in the classroom. Exactly those that had affirmed that the teaching had prepared for them of satisfactory form, had finished entering in contradiction after that, alleging ability lack to deal with heterogeneous groups with different levels of knowledge and different localities, one you see that a considerable number of pupils goes and come of other regions cities. 2 question was on the education of History in the initial series, and on its difficulties in this task. Amongst many factors, some factors had appeared as the unpreparedness, lacks of conhecim

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Family Relation

It is known, still, that Board was, in century XI honors of the Family of ' ' of Cunha' ' , for gift of Princess D, Tereza, as proves it the Inquiries of 1258. According to Loyal Pine, the origin of topnimo Board must it the existence, in times of the Portucalense County, of a bridge of boards on the River Mondego. In ends of century XIX it will have, this bridge, been substituted by one another one, of would sing, cultivated, with five arcs, and currently submerged for the Barrage of the Aguieira. Later, the Concelho de Tbua substituted, and englobou, of Candosa (extinct in 1840, and annex to the one of Mides), of Mides (extinct in 1853), of zere and Sinde. Archaeological works? Soundings of Evaluation Methodology the soundings had been carried through in accordance with specific methodologies of Archaeology, and had followed the techniques of register and hollowing praised by E.C Harris and.

the Carandini. This method of hollowing and register is defined for the identification, register and hollowing of the called Estratigrficas Units (U.E.) that they constitute, each one of them, realities that can be individualizadas by its proper characteristics, that it are intrinsic e, mainly, for its position in relation to the other estratigrficas units (estratigrfica relation). The estratigrficas units are excavated by the inverse order to the one of its deposition, that is of most recent for oldest, being able to be of antrpica or natural origin. The estratigrficas relations are defined for the laws of the archaeological estratigrafia; that is, one estratigrfica unit can be covered, be cut, to serve of support or being filled for another one, what in it allows a priority relation them. Of equal form, a estratigrfica unit can cover, cut, be supported or fill another one, allowing us to establish a posteriority relation. Finally the Estratigrficas Units can be equal or had been synchronized, allowing us to establish a contemporaneidade relation. .

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Jorge Fundo

Also in the exhausting research bibliographical on the area in study that we led the handle had not been identified references to the structure in study. Having in consideration the structure of the concavity, its interior profile (carefully excavated by share human being, possibly with miner pickaxe), we believe to be before a hydraulical structure – mine for underground water captation, of chronology contemporary, which will have been destroyed in the continuation of works of construction carried through there, as they are the opening of the existing access, and of the proper way of iron. For this reason the registada will only have subsistido part however, having been destroyed its tunnel, whose dimension if is unaware of. Read more here: Larry Ellison. Fulfilled the measures of minimizao praised, it was become free area for the construction, in 07/06/2010, as initially foreseen. Bibliography AA.VV., Database of the Portuguese Institute of Archaeology (Endovlico). ALARCO, Jorge of, (2002), the Roman Domain in Portugal, Mem Martins, Europe-America Publications..

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