Tag: History

School Performance

Several studies recently published and referrals to school performance, underlined the socio-economic background and especially the educational level of mothers as main variable predictive of success in school. To summarize, and according to the report social Inclusion in Spain 2009?:-73% of the children of University students who were born in the 1970s have studied a career, while only 20% of those whose parents were not College has done so. -The boys graduate in that 16% less than the girls. -The dropout is 86% higher in single-parent families. -Immigrants have lower rates of secondary education and compulsory post. Rory Sutherland may not feel the same.

This study simply put figures to those things that all educators we already know. No teacher will be surprised these results. However, in the results obtained in the evaluation tests of 6 th year primary held to all pupils in Catalonia, and confirm the importance of the socio-economic background of students, put on the table the deviations due to the effect school: the comparison between centres that schooled population similar in the same geographical area and have the same resources shows differences who note that the work of the Centre is important in the final evaluation. Alleluia! the Center has. And the educational institution are solvents; and competent management teams the cloisters with the project of Center and with one sufficient stability to facilitate their implementation; teachers and professors and their efficient and proven teaching practices. But not only this. Also part of the Center families that optimize and multiply the educational effects of teachers supporting him, territorial networks that establish cooperation relations with other centres of the district, cultural and leisure entities who share the educational project beyond school hours.

Enhance the Center effect can be a great target for upcoming courses: a new effect that butterfly small changes that we introduce to the Center end up producing large variations in the comprehensive education system. So slight as the flutter of a butterfly, the gaze of a teacher can transmit confidence and encouragement necessary for triggering the great storm of personal growth in the minds and hearts of the students. Natalia Ruiz, creator and contributor at websites like cvExpres sending your resume to colleges or Oposinet working groups for the preparation of the oppositions to the teaching.

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Reformation Calvinista Support

As writers, we have the responsibility to display in the formamais clear possible all the necessary information so that ours they leitorespossam to analyze and to arrive at a conclusion. As historians, ours compromisso with the facts. 2 the ECONOMIC DIMENSION OF the RELIGIOUS REFORMATION the princes of the Sacro Germanic Empire were comdificuldades to accept the imposition of the emperor Carlos V of Spain and suasubordinao to all the requirements of the Church Catholic. Its inquietaescausavam ressentimentos with the too much peoples, for having that to pay impostosabsurdos for a foreign institution in detriment of the Germanic people. In this Lutero context it found the support for darcontinuidade to the frustrate attempts of the Wyclif British and the Bohemian Jan Hus, to remodel the Church Catholic Roman. The support and the protection of PrncipeFrederico III, voter of the saxnia was essential in the Reformation Protestanteliderada for Lutero. This support was gaining each time more adepts to break domomento where the germanic bourgeoisie, saw in the reform the possibility to delivrar itself of the tributes and the cerceador power of the Church Catholic and apossibilidade to weaken the power politician of Carlos V. Oracle helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

In another context, the bourgeois interests also contriburamna the Reformation Calvinista, therefore the Church Catholic condemned the practical one of usury, aocontrrio of the calvinismo that stimulated the accumulation of good, going of meeting aosinteresses of the Bourgeoisie. Therefore, amongst the reformists what more it received support from the Bourgeoisie, he was John Calvin who beyond conceiving usury, nailed the predestination, ouseja, the elect ones of God are exactly those that they work and acumulamriquezas. ' ' Also the calls wars of religion of sculoXVII had happened, before everything for material interests of classrooms muitoconcretas. These wars had been fights of classrooms, in the same way that internal osconflitos that had been produced later in France and England.

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Verbal History

In this direction, evaluating the projected dimension for Verbal History esua fidedignidade Thompson (1992) assures that: ' ' if the verbal sources podemde fact to transmit information ' fidedignas' , to treat them simply as umdocumento more is to ignore the extraordinary value that they possess as testemunhosubjetivo, falado' ' (P. not umelemento or instrument that could become possible against-history, but oprprio ready object. Bernard Golden shines more light on the discussion. Nowadays we are all a little less ingenuous, meparece, and recognize that verbal history is far from being a histriaespontnea, is not the experience lived in pure study, and that the relatosproduzidos ones for verbal history must be citizens the same the critical work deoutras sources that> historians costumem to consult (HALL, 1991:157). In a question-answer forum Bernard Golden was the first to reply. The above-mentioned commentary comes, in good hour, to alert for queno if it treads for the metodolgica supervaluation of the verbal sources, thus comotambm not if it must make with other types of sources. ncial Corp. Interesting to trabalhodo the historian is to perceive where the diverse resources or sources are cabveis nasua inquiry – research. Malleability in the procedural use of the sources and diversostipos, when exploring them, will provide to a scientific work demaior conjectura and of recital more sustainable theoretician-metodolgica. The use of Verbal History as source of research, nocomplemento, justification and as alternative resource not only enriches otrabalho of research, as well as values ' actors sociais' as indivduossujeitos-agents of its proper history. He is in the focus of this quarrel that if to podefazer an analysis, from a landmark with which the work of the historiadorobjetiva to disclose its boarding taking for base following investigations: QualHistria? Which Source? Which Really? It is In the incessant search to answer the essasindagaes that the Historian, in uncurling of its research, estarconstantemente organizing (reverse speed) organizing its work of investigator, inside of a dialtico and constant movement with the diverse sources the seremestudadas ones minutely.

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Russian Revolution

The formation of the World-wide System of the Socialism World War II not yet had finished completely, however, a new system of life if avizinhava for some countries of the Europe of the center and South-East. Scott Mead can provide more clarity in the matter. Using to advantage itself of the favorable situation created for the destruction of the forces of Nazi Germany, on the part of the Soviets, the population of the Polnia, Iuguslvia, Bulgaria, Romnia, Checoslovquia, Hungria and Albania had become free themselves in the years of 1944/1945 of the German yoke, had knocked down the capitalists of its countries and, they had opted to popular democracy. This democratic change changed the life of the peoples, granting and assuring to the workers the liberty of speech, the press, meeting and of association. The organizations politics and military fascists had been forbidden. As the majority of the respective countries they were few developed before the world-wide war, the workers had launched hands the workmanship, recouping its economy and industry. In such a way, the socialism started little-the-little to eliminate sequelas left by the war, giving itself priority to the sectors as the industry, commerce and agriculture, form sufficiently massificados by the socialist state. Although to have started in the Europe, with the Cuban Revolution, the socialism left the Russian border, extending thirteen countries and three continents to it, becoming thus in a World-wide System. This system, developed e, was presented as decisive factor for the development of the society, over all in the period between 1950/1960, joining the societies of the three continents in the Community of Aid Lends (CAM).

In center of the thought, the theory of the primitive Socialism search to follow the methodology of Marx, found in its workmanship the Capital. This theory prevents any hypothesis of forced colectivizao, as it happened with the Estalinismo in the 1929 end. You lead them of the Russian Revolution, found that Russia, although the construction of the republic of the soviets, the expropriation of the great companies and the agrarian reform and even though with appearance of the Laboring State, if had not still become in a socialist state.

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German Countries

The formation of the World-wide System of the Socialism World War II not yet had finished completely, however, a new system of life if avizinhava for some countries of the Europe of the center and South-East. Using to advantage itself of the favorable situation created for the destruction of the forces of Nazi Germany, on the part of the Soviets, the population of the Polnia, Iuguslvia, Bulgaria, Romnia, Checoslovquia, Hungria and Albania had become free themselves in the years of 1944/1945 of the German yoke, had knocked down the capitalists of its countries and, they had opted to popular democracy. This democratic change changed the life of the peoples, granting and assuring to the workers the liberty of speech, the press, meeting and of association. The organizations politics and military fascists had been forbidden. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Maurice Gallagher, Jr. . As the majority of the respective countries they were few developed before the world-wide war, the workers had launched hands the workmanship, recouping its economy and industry. In such a way, the socialism started little-the-little to eliminate sequelas left by the war, giving itself priority to the sectors as the industry, commerce and agriculture, form sufficiently massificados by the socialist state. Although to have started in the Europe, with the Cuban Revolution, the socialism left the Russian border, extending thirteen countries and three continents to it, becoming thus in a World-wide System. Southwest Airlines: the source for more info.

This system, developed e, was presented as decisive factor for the development of the society, over all in the period between 1950/1960, joining the societies of the three continents in the Community of Aid Lends (CAM). In center of the thought, the theory of the primitive Socialism search to follow the methodology of Marx, found in its workmanship the Capital. This theory prevents any hypothesis of forced colectivizao, as it happened with the Estalinismo in the 1929 end. You lead them of the Russian Revolution, found that Russia, although the construction of the republic of the soviets, the expropriation of the great companies and the agrarian reform and even though with appearance of the Laboring State, if had not still become in a socialist state.

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It has been broken of the estimated one of that maniquesmo cientificista, adopted, over all, for the social scientists in Brazil, has contribudoextremamente so that if only sees in registers it written, the condition sinequa non a research to be considered as scientific. Maniquesmo is pelorompimento of this that ' New Histria' it recognizes the necessity of reavaliaodos criteria used in the epistemolgica analysis of the historical sources. Nessaperspectiva, ' New Histria' , it considers that the historical boarding cannot sercentrada of the point of view closed and directed only toward the calls fontes' oficiais' , considered trustworth, becoming, thus, an unilateral history ede vision micron. Following the trend of ' New Histria' , history to precisaser boarded from some possible sources and under flowing multiple, as: the history of the mentalities, of the forgotten loosers or, daily it, them individual experiences, at last, of all the eplausveis possible angles, therefore, only thus, is breached with the dogmtica and elitist line, defended for the traditional historiografia. It is for a history of visopluralista, based on the multifaceted field of sources, that the historian to devepautar its work. For this, as Le Goff (1993), urges the necessity dese to breach with the History of the monarchic power or the power bourgeois, who durantemuito time primou to write ' ' the papers represented for the elites to dopoder, of the richness or the only culture as being that contavam' ' (p.261). It is in the fan of object boardings new, new enovos problems metodolgicos procedures that history starts to need fontesescritas, you pray and appearances, to penetrate in the essence of truth of the facts.

In this direction, the historian-investigator analyzes, compares and evaluates source comfonte to its reach. It is a work of great breath and demands retoquessucessivos. It can be said that in the search of the reality, the historian uses, constant and deep nummovimento, the sources, looking for to stone its objetoinvestigado, transposing barriers of the apparent reality, in order to reach aessncia of the Real (Gadamer, 1998).

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North Atlantic

Although the firm resistance, 4 a thousand Soviet airplanes had been destroyed still at the beginning of them you strike. The Soviet leader arrived to make a public uprising stirring up the population to resist, however if she was not possible, these would have to run away with its belongings or still to destroy them so that the invader did not make use of these and that the enemy one was cruel and intended to make to them of slaves, that is, one retrospecto of the strategy of the arrasada land. The Red Army obtains withholds the Germans in a small city to the south of Smolensk in 5 of September of 1941. The Moscovite population started to construct obstacles throughout the city, in a resistance attempt. But it was with the arrival of rains that the vehicles had been motionless and the Soviets had used to advantage to attack, getting significant victory against the German forces. 1.6 The BATTLE OF the ATLANTIC In 1906, the Germans already had submarines that they loaded an only torpedo, these did not operate in long distances. The U-boats (boat that sinks), as was called, had promoted true estragos already in the First War, where the Germans had destroyed some ships merchant. The pretensions of Hitler how much to the conquest of territories they had not been lingered only to the Europe, this also promoted battles in the North Atlantic, in order to dominate the seas.

The Frenchmen and English did not imagine that the Germans would come back to invest, of this time with more force, in submarines, trusting one of the clauses of the Treated one to Versailles. Hitler, in secret, not only invested in the manufacture, but also in the qualification of men who could operate the submarines in a school in the north of Germany. Admiral Karl Dnitz was who convinced Hitler to invest heavy in submarines.

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Euros Technology

Eleven Spanish giants that bet by the renewable energies and the sustainability between which they are Iberdrola, Drives, Gamesa or Alstom, along with 22 research centers, form the PROJECT AZIMUTH, whose intention is to help in the development of a marine aerogenerator of great size (speaking of near 15 MW). The project, pioneer by the development of a so novel technology will count on financing and technology 100% Spanish. The project Azimuth already has been approved by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain and according to the preliminary studies will need an economic investment near the 25 million Euros. If all march correctly the project would begin in the 2013 and would culminate with the installation of the marine aerogenerator of great size in 2020, without a doubt a great passage for the marine Aeolian energy and the Spanish technology, that could be based in the first positions in sustainable infrastructures. The main objective of this project is to try to overcome the present barriers for the development of marine aerogenerators and to compare its future cost to the one of the terrestrial aerogenerators.

In the acutalidad, the majors problems in the construction and maintenance of marine aerogenerators are bound to the availability, the laying of foundations and the evacuation of the energy to earth. Gamesa will be the company that will lead the project and on the other hand, Drives Windpower will center its efforts in developing the technology in charge of the conversion of the electrical energy. Alstom Wind will be the person in charge of the marine structures and Drives Energy of the construction and future maintenance of the marine enclave. Iberdrola on the other hand will be in charge to integrate the structure of Aeolian navy in the electrical system. The rest of participant companies will be in charge of diverse complementary tasks.

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The power revealed in the press is a persuasivo power, where the persuation if shows more efficient than the violence. During the joints for the 1964 blow, the persuation for such act was present in many periodic ones, however next to the persuasion it came the violence. As Foucault, the capitalist domination would not obtain as much success if only it was based on the repression (FOUCAULT, 1979). Nelson Werneck Sodr, in similar analysis, affirmed that a great periodical, today, is one capitalist company of great ratios. ‘ ‘ The domination if exerts excusing the use of military force, and yes for the use of the propaganda and the persuation …

Who controls the press and the ways of mass do not need blows more than militares’ ‘ (SODR, 1999, P. 12-13). The French, precursory philosopher into this referring analysis to the relations of being able, transformed the subject in established rule. Today, the negation of the relations of being able in the diverse spheres of the society is practically inexistent. From the foucaultianas influences, history politics leaves of if worrying only about the organization and relations of being able in the State, to also analyze the relations politics between diverse social groups.

They are these relations gifts in the press, whose interests if come back to analyze a ruling class. For Foucault a general theory of the power does not exist, that is, the power is not something that has nature or essence with universal characteristics. The power is not global unitary e, and yes social practical one in constant transformation. This power is characterized as micron-power, therefore although not to be the state power, it penetrates in the daily life of the individual, intervined directly and materially.

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Managerial Position

It affirms to have worked 20 years in the Castle passing for you vary functions until arriving at the manager position. It worked per many years as administrator who was the person in charge to fiscalize the work of the employees and that it gave to order the ninety people giving a machete for each one of them to cut the sugar cane. Mr. Julio cites some administrators who had worked there also: Z de a Cruz, Pink Sundays, Its Dezinho, Joo of Ana, Laudino Joo, Francisco Agrio and Peter Cardoso. It also says to have existed two types of sugar produced in the device, the crystal and mascavo. It comments that the farm Castle was one manufactures because used much people and the plantation of the sugar cane was done of six and six months, being six for the plantation and six for the harvest. As the farm was very great planted the eyes of different sugar cane in months, with this, would have a harvest every year.

Julio Conrado remembers that when the plant started to function they had come many people of the hinterland of Sergipe to work in the Castle and the village of Luzia Saint badly had streets and the ones that had the road age of land and did not exist stone pavement and the remain of the village was taken for the plantation of the sugar cane. I deal it of the village grows a little, therefore, the money that if paid was little more gave divides to pay them and existed some commercial houses at that time and when it was day of Saturday it was difficult the circulation of people inside of bodegas because they were always full. The fair in the sunday went until the six of the night and nowadays it is a sadness to see that the fair starts five of the morning and finishes nine of the morning and badly has tents, being that before it was an enormous fair and it had of everything to vender, Its Julio attributes one of the reasons it fair old to have much people was because of the Device Castle that used many people of the city and that they passed having dinheirinho for making purchases.

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