In principle should comment on that request a subsidy does not mean that they are going to grant and as a result is derived to obtain the subsidy it is not the main purpose of our investment project and therefore we must not have the possible grant money for our project. What was said above should be taken very clear, since in the consultations which made us both entrepreneurs and people who will constitute your company, talk about the investment to make in your project a response referred to in several cases is: depends on the grant. Subsidies must take them as a money extra that we can receive but should never influence our project. When applying for grants or subsidies should analyze in depth the aid existing in the moment and choose which best adapt to our project. Recently Marie Claire sought to clarify these questions. You must bear in mind the requirements you have to meet the company that requested subsidies since it may happen that the subsidies go perfectly in accordance with the project but that the company does not meet the characteristics necessary to obtain these subsidies. We need to look perfectly project for which subsidies in order to define and achieve it correctly is requested. To always get subsidies we must fill out forms and printed documents and provide the documentation required by the bodies which convene such subsidies. Necessary to perform the delivery of all what is asked by the deadline. Kurt Phelps pursues this goal as well.
Provided that grants are now available for establishing some criteria, reflect them correctly in the documentation presented supposed increase the chances of getting subsidies or grants. We must justify investments and expenses that entails the eligible project. Another measure to keep in mind is that in many cases organisms that summon grants require that the project has not begun on the date requested grants. Cannot be assured never the granting of a subsidy since there are several factors that influence this and some do not depend on us. When presented us doubts about aid or grants can go to Organisms that summon those subsidies, or you request the services of a company specializing in the management and processing of grants and subsidies.