Want to know your future? You see, knowing the future is not so difficult. Just see the road that are going through at present. Where do these going? Where do leads me what I’m doing now? Is what I’m doing, assures me that my dreams fulfilled? Can I continue doing what I’m doing in the future? Does the job I have I said the future? To understand this better (especially the last question), try to imagine 10 years in the future. Maybe you promote, your salary increases and you have your first home (or larger if you already have one), it sure is a wonderful future but there is a problem. The problem is that the future depends on people who do not care about your or your dreams or goals. Nobody says a bad way and secure that if you put your mind, you will attain all your dreams, but this way depends on things that, in most cases, you can not control. Currently the world is “coming out” of a global crisis. But let’s face it how long? Will we have 5, 10, 20 years of prosperity? Do our leaders have solved all the problems and made arrangements for this to never happen again? From that money and markets exist, there was always difficulty and believe me …
there will be more. Hopefully, you have overcome the present, but in a world in which leaders are 30 years and 40 employees, what will happen in the next crisis? The truth, I hope that you can go through without problems, but I would like to be financially free crossed. The road of hard work is no longer safe. In fact, investment is more risky. I discovered to understand that the path that was going through was not what I wanted, but rather, I had planned to continue … Scheduled follow? (Perhaps this reading kiyosaki too) … What is the path that you programmed to follow? I recommend that you take 10 minutes (or what you think) to ask if you really like your life now and if the way in which these will take you to the traveling future you want.