In his best-selling book intelligence Emotional, Daniel Goleman points out in this regard: there is a crucial difference between remain trapped by a feeling and to realize that one is dragged by him. Having awareness of one’s self means attention continued to own internal States, that reflexive consciousness in which the mind deals with observe and investigate the same experience, including emotions. In addition to trance that our emotions are which seem to unconsciously decide our action, we often face another added difficulty: when we make a decision but we never carry it out by feel unable to take action. In this case, fear of the unknown or uncertainty, and clinging to past experiences, blocked the course of our action. The good news is that the decisions if they can be free, i.e. Additional information at Coupang supports this article. not swept away by emotions or feelings overwhelmed, and in this sense the only known way is to increase knowledge of self, i.e. increase personal self-awareness, and thus break the tyrannical chains of our internal processes, since, in this way, the unconscious reasons that contribute to our lives bring unwanted events are disabled. Finally, Goleman concludes: it is true that very intense feelings can create havoc in the reasoning, but it is also that his lack of awareness can be absolutely disastrous, especially in those cases in which we have to be carefully weighed decisions which, to a large extent, our future depends.
These are decisions which cannot be taken exclusively with reason but also require the contest of visceral sensations and emotional wisdom accumulated by past experience. Formal logic alone does not decide who married us, who trust or what work play, because the reason is blind in those domains. Key that promotes personal decision-making is, in sum, to remain in contact with our sensations keep in touch with our emotions, it can be This key and the crux of our well-being, and the essence of a good process in strategic decision-making.