Hello and welcome my dear entrepreneur, in this article I will tell about your endeavors and micro-enterprises. Specific about the level one in the classification of investors that exist, proposed by a large investor in real estate and perfected by another big investment. As already said: Crucial to your financial education. I recommend you continue reading don’t forget that this article has been written based on the book by Robert Kiyosaki and which I recommend reading necessarily to enjoy everything of value that it contains topics of business and entrepreneurship. We continue talking about the qualities that define this group of people of level one of investors, there is so much to tell and we discuss it with enough simplicity to all entrepreneurs. () They believe that defer debt for an extended period is intelligent and deceive if themselves with the idea that to work harder and pay its debts someday. They spend all what they earn and something else. You are known as consumers.
The owners of stores and car salesmen love to this class of people. If they have money, they spend it. If they don’t have money, they call it borrowed. () – These people are quite vulnerable to any offers of low-priced or special discounts and they especially love to borrow or acquire something to pay for it later, without even realising it has themselves that that could mean his own financial throatcutting. -What we must and need to highlight and warn is that a time that may not have so much money to pay its debts and will occur a financial disaster in his life, could lose it will come all and also any opportunity to get a loan. I say goodbye and wish you the best.