How to Bring Central Asian Shepherd Dog … First you need to decide why you need a Central Asian Shepherd Dog? In general, the original purpose of this breed – the protection of herds of sheep, from humans and wolves. Of course in Russia Dog this breed is used primarily for the protection of suburban areas, cottages, houses the private sector. By raising such a strong and independent Central Asian Shepherd dog like to be approached very seriously. No matter, for What goals do you plan to keep the dog. Even if just for the protection of the site. First of all, you need to train your dog obedience.

Home Team 'foo', many replace this command on: you can not, stop and so on. But that's not the name of the team, and in its execution. Must begin to teach your dog the command 'foo' at the age of three months and seek its enforcement by any means. That – is feeding the command 'foo' puppy should stop any action. It is best to teach the puppy team 'Foo' for a walk, using a leash.

When I try to make your puppy is not advisable for you to action, for example: trying to pick up that – something from the ground, fed, stern voice command 'foo', if the puppy does not respond, it should be sharply jerk the leash. But, you never beat your puppy leash, otherwise he will be afraid of the leash. Usually, puppies in Central Asia Shepherd, quickly and permanently recorded on the team.