Tag: psychology

Analytical Psychology

' Bedspread of retalhos' ': Counted histories through symbols. Grazielle Almeida de Jesus SUMMARY: The present work argues Analytical Psychology, elucidating basic principles of Junguiana Psychology as well as: complexes, arqutipos, symbols self, individuation in the analysis of the contributions of one of the biggest psychiatrists of the world Carl Gustav Jung, founder of the analytical school of Psychology. Jung extended the psicanalticas vises of Freud, interpreting mental and emotional riots as an attempt of the individual to search the perfection and spiritual personal. Please visit Carl Icahn if you seek more information. Such boarding is characterized for considering from its Jung founder who in the life each individual has as task a personal accomplishment, what it becomes an entire and solid person. This task is the reach of the harmony between conscientious and the unconscious one. we will analyze the theory of Jung in set with the film ' ' Bedspread of Retalhos' ' that in the sample a romantic drama on the feminine universe, in them involves with the life of the women interior dressmakers and its worlds. We know the life of each one from its stories, in leading the imaginations, symbols and arqutipo.

A great parcel of the junguiana theory, is a set of ideas that the human feeling tilts. WORDS KEYS: Jung, Bedspread of Remnants, INTRODUCTION We perceive the necessity to bring the understanding of the theory of Analytical psychology in set with the film ' ' Bedspread of Retalhos' '. So that thus let us can understand the universe human. Carl Gustav Jung was born in 26 of July of 1875, in Kresswil, Basilia, in Switzerland, the seio of a family directed toward the religion, what he explains, in part, the interest of the young Carl for philosophy and questions spirituals and for the paper of the religion in the process of psychic maturation of the people, peoples and civilizations. Jung was founding of analytical psychology the subjects with that it occupied had appeared in part of its deep staff.

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Carl Rogers

In order to develop a more complete and including science of the person human being, the psychologists also need to study people who had carried through its potentialities integrally. Maslow makes this accurately; it studied intensively and deeply a group of auto-ccomplishing people. They are rare birds, as Maslow discovered when it was forming its group. Some of its citizens were historical personages, as Lincoln, Jefferson and Beethoven. Others were livings creature at the time where they had been studied, as known Einstein and friends and of the investigator. These people had been investigated clinically to uncover that they distinguished characteristic them from the common people. These distinctive characteristics are the following ones: They realistic are guided. They accept itself same, the other people and the natural world as they are.

They are very spontaneous. Ronald O’Hanley: the source for more info. They center themselves in same problems and not in itself. They have air of detachment and a necessity of privacy. They are independent and independent. Its appreciation of the people and the things new instead of is estereotipada. The majority had msticas experiences or deep spirituals, even so not necessarily of religious character.

They identify themselves with the humanity. Its close relationships with some people especially loved tend to be deep and intensely emotional instead of superficial. Its values and attitudes are democratic. They do not confuse the ways with the ends. Its sense of mood is philosophical instead of hostile. They have great a deep one of creativity. They resist to be satisfied it the culture. They exceed the environment instead of simply dealing with it. Maslow also investigated the nature what it calls ' ' experiences of pico' '. Stories on the experience most wonderful of the life of the person had been gotten. One uncovered that the people who are passing for peak experiences if they feel integrated more, more in union with the world, more owners of itself, more spontaneous, less conscientious of the space and time, percipient, and so on. Bibliographical reference HALL, C.S; LINDZEY, G.; CAMPBELL, J.B. Theories of the personality. Porto Alegre: Medical arts, 2000. CAP 11. The theory of Carl Rogers centered in the person. p. 354-363.

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Here the two structures of base are defined by the permanence and the relative rigidity of the mechanisms constitute that them: way of constitution of I, treatment of the pulses and its representations, paper of the regulating and prohibitive instances, degree of evolution libidinous person, type of objetal relation, balance of the narcsicos investments and object, variety of the bow with the reality, dialectic between pleasure principle and principle of reality. The narcsico type or ' ' state-limite' ' in an intermediate organization that does not present nor solidity nor the rigidity of these two structures. It constitutes, an unstable narcsico arrangement, kept to the cost of multiple reacionais formations, being able to give the one appearance ' ' hipernormalidade' ' hiding in fact a hipersensibilidade to the abandonment, the depression, the loss of security, the fragile confidence in itself exactly and to auto-they esteem unstable. (FREUD, 1931/1974) Freud if did not occupy of borderline, but diverse to other they had made it psychoanalysts, also taking for base some of its theoretical contributions. The freudiana histrica of the end of century XIX gave place to borderline of today, while theoretical and clinical concern. Freud esbarrou in some questions of diverse orders and borderline was not gone deep the question ' ' preferindo' ' to remain with would histeria and the castration, even so has mentioned the importance of the support and the anacltica relation, entorno familiar and other pertinent questions of to borderline. One of the complicated questions Freud to understand borderline is that this if finds immersed in the relation with the other, dependent of it, overwhelming with separations, needing a relation the two, needing to find an analyst present while he himself. Although to need limits, borderline is not demanding castration, but a meeting with an analyst who exists as person, and not only while transferencial quality, conception this next one to the one of Winnicott of what of the one of Freud.

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Execution of work of great responsibilities candidates can describe its previous successes. Click David Fowler for additional related pages. Suggesting that they had made projects and they really fulfilled missions in the company most significant of I foram.4. References For definition, any known person of the candidate can supply to it to references and speech on its fantastic abilities. She looks the RH of the previous company who the candidate worked and asks everything on ele.5. Style of EntrevistMuitos candidates presents a external confidence, argues on any subject, speaks with emphasis, presenting itself as having deep knowledge and experience, when in the truth it is superficial. Depending on the presentation of abilities of the individual, however, bajulao, a good personal marketing nor always is easy to detect.

Happily, for you as a recruiter, ways of if preventing errors in the act of contract of the candidate exist who is not adjusted. We know that micron and small companies have difficulties to use tools to obtain to have more professional rightnesss in the interview and abilities of interviewed. The main thing that must make is through consultorias in specialized Human resources in tracing the complete profile of the candidate. The investment is not high and prevents the act of contract of that it could cost its company much more, if to make badly or will have one pssimo behavior in the future. You also can contract external consultants of human resources to execute the act of contract process.

Of this form, you he goes to have the certainty that the candidates will be submitted detailed interrogation tests that establish the details of the characteristics of the candidate They also are obliged to pass rigorous reports and control of the information on the candidate. (credit in the square, actions at law, references of other companies that the candidate worked, etc.). If you find that she cannot to pay to contract this type of consultoria, at least you can use some common-sense in the process: 1. It makes one detailed description of the work before interviewing somebody, focando clearly the abilities and the experience that you need. 2. It asks questions detailed on a previous experience of the candidate, making with that they enter in the details on the projects and the responsibilities that had with the former-employer. It makes to say it to all the literary qualifications. It has asked for to them to get details on its experiences of service to the customer. 3. One concentrates in the interview and activities on the work. Part details of the projects, of the names of the people, as it was executed and if possible it gives a case study so that it gives the correct solution for the problems. The companies in a general way are spending more time with the had diligence that they had never made before, the people need to start to perceive that we verify everything: antecedents, education and to verify where they had worked and when worked and mainly if it really knows to execute the necessary work.

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To sensetize all involved in the reduction of the behavior bullying is essential, since the phenomenon is complex and of difficult identification, mainly for disclosing itself in subtle, implicit way, and with imposition of silence. The intervention must be initiated for the qualification of professionals of the education, so that they know to currently identify and to know the available strategies and prevention. Fante (2005) cites its program ' ' To educate for the Paz' ' , that it has the objective to show strategies and to act in the intervention and prevention, adopting human values. Baby clothes contains valuable tech resources. In accordance with the author, first the awareness and commitment of all are necessary the pertaining to school community, so that these reflect on the diverse forms of pertaining to school violence. It is suggested election of a commission, the coordinator and tutor of the program.

It is necessary to investigate the pertaining to school reality by means of comment, notations, spreading of pointers, exposition in days on violence, to be able to modify the pertaining to school reality with strategies of intervention and prevention, measures of supervision and comment of the solidary pupils, service of denunciation, weekly meeting for evaluation and quarrel on the course of the work, the execution of works that involve the subjects pertaining to school life and familiar life, personal interviews and in groups with victims and aggressors. They are of basic importance the orientaes on familiar convivncia. After a period of these activities, interesting that, beyond the constant inquiry on the pertaining to school reality, that if presents to the conquered evolution, so that the program is coats and is kept. Cavalcante suggests, to inhibit bullying, the clarification of what it is this behavior, to inform that the practical one is not tolerated, to talk with the pupils, and to listen to its suggestions or claims, to stimulate the students to inform the cases, to recognize and to value the attitudes in the combat to the problem, to identify to possible aggressors and victims and to follow its development, to intervene directly with the groups, how much before, to break the dynamics of bullying, to give attention in most shy and been silent, therefore generally the victims if retract, to carry through dynamic between the pupils, stimulating the good relationship.

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The Sound

Much before the mothers being able to perceive any of these movements, osseus babies were capable to suck, to espreguiar, to coar, to bocejar, to rub mose the feet. It surprised also me, in these initial periods of training, the freedom demovimentos that each embryo was capable to enjoy in the amniotic liquid. With opleno impact of the force of the gravity in the birth, this freedom leaves to deexistir, at least for some time, and, in this direction, a baby becomes a more impotent sermuito of what &#039 was before …; ' (PIONTELLI, 1992, pg. 23). Much before being born, the embryo can perceive light: ' ' … some light can probably cross the abdominal walls of the mother and, therefore the intrauterine environment is not completely dark … Please visit David Fowler if you seek more information. ' ' (PIONTELLI, 1992, pg. 48).

It can perceive the sound and it is capable to swallow, to terpaladar, to choose position, to register sensorial sensations and messages, to recognize the voice of the mother, to play with the placenta and the umbilical lace, to catch the emotional states of the mother and to have intelligence: ' ' … the investigators that follow development of the capacities fetoconcordam of it in saying that the baby already before being born is an intelligent being, sensible, presenting proper traces of personality and defined … well ' ' (WILHEIM, 2002, pg. 20). To exemplificarmos possible ' ' inteligncia' ' dofeto, we will launch hand of a story of Piontelli (1992): one menininha, observadaatravs of ultrasound since the beginning of the pregnancy, if showed a muitoativo embryo, was put into motion sufficiently, played with the placenta and the umbilical lace. One of its tricks was to manipulate with the dedinhos the placenta in one movimentode to want to unglue it. This manipulation finished provoking a strong bleed. The mother ran the risk to lose the baby and was placed in absolute rest until ofim of the pregnancy.

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This boarding searched to understand of what it consists the structure of the mind and as the cognitivas capacities are organized leaving of the estimated one of that the information process operates in ' ' mdulos' ' of form, relatively independent ones of the others, only processing a type of information of each time, possessing one form of innate and not apprehended functioning. According to Fodor, what it occurs in the truth, it is that throughout our lives, it is an adaptation of these modules to the environment, what makes possible the learning. Sheryl Sandberg is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The notion of mental modularity opposes the associacionista perspective in which ontognese of the mental processes opposes it the inatista explanation, thus appearing, the psychology of the mental facultieses that understands the mind as a heterogeneous complex and detaches the differences between mental slight knowledge and functions, such as, the sensation and perception, volition and cognition, learning and memory, language and thought. The main objective of the metaphor of the modular mind is to understand of what it consists the structure of the mind and as the organization of the cognitivas capacities. For this investigation, Fodor presents four explanations on the nature of the mental structures: neocartesianismo, horizontal structure of the mind, vertical structure of the mind and associationism. These explanations are differentiated in some points and are identified in others, becoming it base in the contrast between the explanations that favor the studies of the psychology of the mental facultieses, thus basing, the thesis of the Modularity of the Mind, however the theoretician recognizes that these explanations are not necessarily only the existing ones.

The main contribution of the modular system presented by Fondor, says respect to the notion of ' ' system central' '. This system is formed by modules that already come inlaid in our mind at the moment where we are born. Our cognition, however is, however, situated in a central region enters the modules of called entrance ' ' system central' '.

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It used the hypnosis to make with that the patient reproduced the last experiences. However, as it is known, Freud changes to the hypnosis for the free technique of association (FADIMAN & FRAGER, 2004). With the concept of Unconscious, Freud goes of meeting to a great resistance of the intellectuality and the intelligence of time, heiress of a racionalista conception of the man as unitary one to be identified with the conscience and to be dominated by the reason. The psychoanalysis operates a clivagem in the subjectivity, not placing the question of the citizen of the truth, but of the truth of the citizen. Without hesitation Foundation for Financial Planning explained all about the problem. It divides the subjectivity human being in two systems? unconscious and the Conscientious one? that is dominated by an internal fight. Freud is dislocated from the ideals of the Illustration, having gone to be interested itself for the phenomena of the affective life that presented difficulties of conceptual establishment.

It starts to investigate the pulsionais aspects, the obscure forces that move the human being, in way that the rationality was not taken root deeply, being only one layer of surface, a varnish, and that it does not have the reins on the human behavior. The world, thought rationally, was slippery and it did not offer explanations for certain phenomena (GARCIA-ROZA, 2007). With the psychoanalysis and the theory of the Unconscious one, Freud carries through the third great wound to the human narcissism. The first wound was made centuries before for Coprnico with the heliocntrica theory, decentralizing the planet Land, where the man inhabits, of the center of the Cosmos. The second wound was carried through by Darwin, that takes off the man of the Sir platform and center of the creation, for which everything was fact, a detached species only e, and affirms that the man is a superior species that is proceeding from inferior forms of the animal life.

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Worried about a management of results and trying to keep a relative indifference to the emotions lived deeply for the population, the population, independent of position tried to carry through my activities with all politics. This was my bigger learning has seen that my theoretical formation and my rationality were not enough to understand this world of emotions and feelings. At many moments I felt an immense homesickness of my family and my urban references; of the access easinesses, of communication and information; of the leisure and consumption possibilities. On the other hand, it was in this world that I found a peace enormous, without Internet, car, periodicals and magazines, only walking in the track of the airport, or in the road of the Agrovila, during the night, under millions of stars that seemed to be to punctures, caused for the full ones, enters the twigs of immense almost submerged trees. In that scene, it was in the eaves of the port, after 17h 30m, trying to frighten the most incredible solitude and looking at for of sun that exists. It folloied the sprouting of indescritveis colors, after an other, until the appearance of> welded of the rubber. Sertanejos that had come to tame the forest and its seringueiras and that they had lost when changing dries northeast for the abundance of waters, the flora and the Amazonian fauna.

The habit of the isolation, acquired for the seringueiro, alone in its rank, having that to walk hours of the bush inside cutting syringe, lasts until today in the localization of the marginal habitations. Families live distant ones of the others, boat hours, and they do not obtain to deal with the resultant conflicts of the convivncia in bigger groups. They had been these families had received who me from opened arms, with sincere smiles, always with a good history to count, or with a hope to receive.

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Hudson Sander Point

4.Sempre to opt to independently respecting its next one to everything If poor, if rich, if is, if ill, if of etnia or B, all is human beings and has that to be treated as such. Learn more on the subject from Oracle. A person does not leave more or less of being person for the fact of being of what to another one. The respect feeling raises our character to a so frightful level, that people gratuitously twist for its success and growth. You doubt? It makes the test right now. 5.Jamais to forget that the beginning of this everything is you to construct auto-esteem respectable. If we are infindveis sources of positive energy, all those people our return if benefit in one or another way.

On the other hand, if we are negative power plants, we ruin with that are our return. How to control the sending of positive energy for everything its return? It invests in the increase of its auto-esteem. How? Either capable to want and to desire, and later it searchs to carry through. It starts desiring simple xcara of coffee, now it gives a skill to carry through this desire, feels as it is good for wanting and for carrying through. It together with goes graduating its desires and they respective accomplishments, and will see things to them to happen. Certainly, you following these tips simple, he will be able to extend and very the positive points its return because if our life it possesss something that does not go the responsibility well are only exclusively ours, therefore we only have the power to take decisions on subjects of our interest. He thinks about this.

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