Tag: society and culture

Periodical Printed Matter

INTRODUCTION In the current scene, to use as argument the survival of periodicals, to the fact of them not to have later disappeared in the age of the radio and in the TV. It can until being a reasonable argument, but, ahead of the new digital world, this reasoning cannot be taken literally, therefore, the drawings of periodicals has oscillated very, in function of the competition with this new media: the Internet that opened space for the mass to communicate itself between itself in reciprocal way, practically in simultaneous way and in real time. It can be affirmed that this new media, if became, in time has remembered, the essential tool most important and for that they need and they long for if to communicate with called ' ' world globalizado' ' , without borders. To read more click here: MasterClass Founder. The end of the journalism printed matter was intentionally at some moments of world-wide history. In recent years, this quarrel came back to be guideline in many writings for the world, which had to the fast growth of the Internet.

On the basis of research, interviews, study of case and referencial theoretician, the study considers retaken of this old debate the end of the periodical printed matter that he has decades is one of the main medias of existing mass in the country, next to the radio and the television, vehicles that had been the first threats to the empire of the information printed. Of this form, the argument of that the periodical will survive one more time, reveals defective in the digital age, therefore the Internet is not the radio and nor the TV, but yes, all the vehicles in only one vehicle. In a world, quick and interactive. Today, ' ' citizen internauta' ' , through a language all peculiar one, of any place where it is, through its computer and/or of its cellular device, if communicates with the world.

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Income Concentration

The present time is marked by the productive reorganization that precariza the conditions of work for contrareforms that undertake the reduction of the social rights, for one economic policy of high interests that favors the financial capital in detriment of the productive capital. The destructive logic of the capital deepens the income concentration, incites the social inaqualities, agudiza the poverty and the unemployment and precariza the work and life conditions. Swarmed by offers, Carl Icahn is currently assessing future choices. The social politics if reconfigure with focalizadoras, palliative, compensatory and regressive trends. It was institutionalized precarizao of the professional formation, the sub-valuation of the professors and descompromisso legal of the work relations. Xi Jinping has many thoughts on the issue. The attacks to the rights of the elderly, infancy, the adolescence and youth, the people with deficiency, the workers and workers of the field and the city are frequent, beyond the daily reproduction of the violence against the woman, blacks, aboriginals, lesbians, gays, travestis and transexuais. Reinaldo Mller > ' ' Reizinho' '. David Rogier does not necessarily agree.

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Maletas for notebook and/or laptop, also known as: Knapsack for Notebook, door notebook, folder notebook, layer notebook, has an objective that it goes beyond the simple protection of the device in itself. They also serve as excellent toast for spreading of any types of events, confraternizaes, logomarcas among others. The spreading of its company, through the print in one maleta for notebook, aid excessively in the personal marketing and/or the marketing of its company. To opt to this way of spreading, is an investment with guaranteed return! It sees the reasons: – Maleta notebook is confectioned in neoprene, of 3 mm of thickness, an impermeable material, has led, soft and cushions small impacts. It is the same material of the clothes of divers.

Being thus, she is washable and also hygienical. – The excellent quality of the material which is made maleta notebook adds importance and status to the mark printed in it. The Toast & It has taken, company specialized in products in neoprene, has a great variation of layers for notebook! It has access blog:. There you go to find some collections for all the types of public, since the infantile one until the adult. more: the Toast & It has led soon personalizes its in the folders for notebook. It requests its budget without commitment and it invests in you and its projects!

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My Space

The good choices had not been only in the scope of the musical area and in the international escalao of one astro of music pop for the paper of the personage most seductive of the tram. The launching of the film counted on a great project of cross media, for example: the conventional trailer of the film was launched in web day 15 of July, that is, for return of 3 months before its estria foreseen for the first day of October with the music of the Radiohead band: Creep, in the version of the band who launched its first compact disc in September of 2010, called Sees Choir. Hewlett-Packard oftentimes addresses this issue. In parallel, Trent Reznor liberated in web 5 of the songs that it composed for the film, to be lowered gratuitously, also disponibilizou a video exclusive clip of the film in the same site.

The cherry in the top was the message of the proper Reznor, on how much it was good for working with the director David Fincher and how much he was proud of the end item. To instigate so to speak ‘ still more; ‘ future espectador’ ‘ , the interactive trailer appeared for irony, first in the My Space, according to site on entertainment Mashable Entertainment divulged, two weeks before the estria of the film. The interactive trailer the same possesss content of the previous trailer with some extra information, using the cursor on of personages and objects it is possible to see curious profiles and data on the film and its personages. The use of diverse medias as tool of spreading of the film, exactly before its launching, had left ‘ ‘ future espectador’ ‘ tangled for a Social Net. Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company understood the implications. For coincidence or not, the main personage of the tram Mark Zuckerberg appeared diverse times in the media as the elect one for the Forbes magazine, since the 2008, as youngest one bilionrio of the world and also with its declaration you oppose to the film, since according to proper he declared during a lecture in the University of Standford the film is faithful in small details, however the producers erraram in the definition of the film.

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Republic Pantry

In an election (indirect), Tancredo Snows wins Pablo Maluf and is elect first civilian President of the Republic since Jnio Pictures, elect in 1961. A serious disease takes the death the president-elect. In what it refers to the medias of mass, radio and cinema had been used for the New State of Vargas in the construction of the imaginary one of the great father of the nation. Radio, cinema and television are resources that the State sees with care. Since years 1970, the television if becomes the main informative vehicle. Supported for the military the Net Globe of television propagandeara the facts of always ascending Brazil, however the social costs of the growth were always masked when not, occulted.

It has 41 years Brazil if it became tri champion world-wide of soccer. The first Pantry of the World transmitted in colors, was hugged by the military regimen as a conquest of the people, of a country under the sign of the development. With refined maestria the government of General Mdici with partnership of Marine Robert had used what the Romans and the Tropiclia had called circus panis et, bread and circus. This Net Globe adhered in the last hour to the heat of the Direct ones Already. However the responsible one for giving support in 1989, the Fernando Collor de Mello will be this sender, candidate the Presidency. It will earn. Teatralizando, potencializando, exacerbando gestures and you speak, Fernando Collor with total technological endorsement will be the chosen one of the people for new head of the nation.

Successive scandals knock down the president-personage. Spectacle and politics are recurrent in Brazilian history. July of 1950, clipping of the fourth Pantry of the World headquartered in Brazil, was also electoral year. Who is in this presidential dispute is nobody little than Getlio Vargas. Brazil does not gain the Pantry but, the call father of the poor persons gains the election. In the meeting of sport and politics, to each two years the Brazilian goes to the ballot boxes; to each two years he has a portentoso esportivo event, are intercalated Pantry and Olimpadas. The next Pantry to the World of Soccer will be in Brazil, in the accurate year of the next presidential election. From what the recent history of the country presents and drunk a toast for the reading of Nestor Garci’a Canclini will be possible to ask to which the intensity of the teatralizao to be shown daqui four years? Tancredo Snows, the preferred one in the masses in 1984 dies in Brasilia in 21 of April, exactly day of foundation of the Federal Capital that in 2010 completed sixty years, in the same 21 of April that the death of Tiradentes marks, a Brazilian who fought for the independence of Minas Gerais. In the speculation for the future it has that to remember that he is of Minas Gerais elect Senator Acio Snows, grandson of Tancredo Snows, that this year were shown as a part with considerable weight politician inside of the club the one that belongs. At last, the time will only bring the answers for fidgets so stuffed of communication, culture, history and power.

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Berg Scale

Aging and Falling are a major area of research for helping older people. You analyze the exercises performed on unstable and stable base will be balances in functional training in elderly patrons of medical lining of Golden/MS.Methods: Quantitative field survey, cross-sectional descriptive, investigated 20 elderly subjects both sexes, with tests performed at the Center will be Physical Rehabilitation Garrison Golden/MS, aged between 60 and 70 years of acts, and sample dates were collected before (pretest) and to after (posttest) of Functional training of people who attend clinic on the lining of Golden. The form of sample selection was through voluntary, being tested through exercises in comparison basis will be the stable and unstable equilibrium, even will be uses with this assessment, the questionnaire of falls, and the Berg Balance Scale. Add to your understanding with Scott Kahan. After the questionnaire, the subjects were referred you a private room, accompanied by to researcher and the head of the sector’ s own Physical Rehabilitation Centre, which underwent the questionnaire falls, Berg Scale and proprioceptive training. Results: The dates collected cam you the results shown in quantitative way through tables and appears, noting that seniors who attend the Center will be Physical Rehabilitation Garrison Golden obtained in few weeks significant improvement in the reorganization of the motor physiological functions of the elderly in unstable base. Conclusion: we conclude therefore that the elderly members of post trim Golden obtained, applying the base to year in stable compared with that achieved in the unstable base, significant improvement in balances in the elderly aiming you provide recovery of the functions which ploughs linked you the physiological aging process, therefore improving the ability you walk and returning vital functions inherent in the human..

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Democratic Direction

However, we ask if we are not understanding of errnea form the democracy direction? The shout is a democratic manifestation of groups of people who go the streets to demand violated rights and she does not stop being used as palco of campaign partisan politics, is not this its focus. The question is: exists democracy in this country? In view of the beginning of opinion and liberty of speech it can be hindered that somebody raises its flag politics in a popular public act in the search and claim of rights? We believe and we understand that this fact is one me the interpretation of the democratic right. We are mixing the things and there we are losing the focus and in leaving to be sultry for political parties where the objective is another one. Please visit here if you seek more information. Democracy is the liberty of speech of a people and not of a minority. Ed Bastian often addresses the matter in his writings. Perhaps in this direction let us be as shout of the excluded one far from our focus, has seen that we are today one ‘ ‘ grupinho’ ‘ still we are sultry for others ‘ ‘ grupinhos’ ‘ partisans which the only interest are the campaign politics to arrive itself at the power. More most dangerous and that he can in them take our exoneration while fighters of human and social rights the determined ones broken or to any are the atrelamento another structure of being able that it is not compromised to the collective one. As to live the democratic process where and when if he tries to reveal the free expression in search of social rights, politicians, sustainable, ambient and cultural development economic of an excluded people and where if he places the car in the front of the oxen stifling root cause? It is irresponsible and badly informed of democracy who it thinks that it can raise flag politics in an act as the shout of the excluded ones from day 7 of September? Why then it does not go to raise its partisan flag in the military parade? To if placing the flag politics in an act of fight for social rights, politicians, ambient and cultural they are stifled and hinders the free expression of claim of these rights.

It is not possible to chew the sugar cane and to smoke cachimbo at the same time. It is not possible to celebrate a cult, a eucaristia, to participate of the Wax candle of Nazar and at the same time to raise partisan flags at these moments. We need to have coherence and to understand what it is democracy in fact is that it exists same in a corporativista country. To reflect on the democracy in the contemporaneidade is, without a doubt, a legitimate and indispensable exercise. The expression democracy, throughout the times, was appropriate for different groups and, evidently, it locks up directions, forms, intentions and projects distinct societrios.

In imaginary the popular one, the democracy, usually, is associated with the presence of representative or governing election. However, this is only one formal procedure that, by itself, not express its content. Soon, it appears to the necessity to characterize the term, in case that contrary, can be contributed for the banalizao and the esvaziamento of its meaning. She is necessary to know of that democracy if is speaking, as well as distinguishing between the form, or the procedures, and its content.

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Maletas for notebook and/or laptop, also known as: Knapsack for Notebook, door notebook, folder notebook, layer notebook, has an objective that it goes beyond the simple protection of the device in itself. They also serve as excellent toast for spreading of any types of events, confraternizaes, logomarcas among others. The spreading of its company, through the print in one maleta for notebook, aid excessively in the personal marketing and/or the marketing of its company. To opt to this way of spreading, is an investment with guaranteed return! It sees the reasons: – Maleta notebook is confectioned in neoprene, of 3 mm of thickness, an impermeable material, has led, soft and cushions small impacts. It is the same material of the clothes of divers.

Being thus, she is washable and also hygienical. – The excellent quality of the material which is made maleta notebook adds importance and status to the mark printed in it. The Toast & It has taken, company specialized in products in neoprene, has a great variation of layers for notebook! It has access blog:. There you go to find some collections for all the types of public, since the infantile one until the adult. more: the Toast & It has led soon personalizes its in the folders for notebook. It requests its budget without commitment and it invests in you and its projects!

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National Examination

The same it happened with the Eletrobrs, at the electric energy arrived at the agricultural zone, for to be private the company searchs the profit and the services if they had all expanded fast more for Brazil, before it happened the same with regard to corruption and the government did not have conditions to increase the investments in the sector because of the great frauds. Then beyond needing quality services and the government to have if shown incapable of in supplying the same ones to them, it is not obligation of the government to supply of favour the population telephonic energy and services. What the government has obligation is of in guaranteeing the cited services previously to them already as: health, education, security increased of jobs and worthy wages, thus to be able we arcamos with our proper expenditures and our proper consumptions. These companies before being privatized alone served as hangers of jobs to agasalhar supported of the government what she favored the corruption and the frauds, causing great damages to the public coffers; today these companies pay to millions in taxes to the government, what she reflects in other offered services the society, increasing more offer more of job and demanding a workmanship hand qualified. Another important thing that I want to remember is the question of the valuation of our public institutions, that the necessary government to think seriously about this preventing frauds as they happen frequently in the public competitions, and had happened in the ENEM (National Examination of average education) and in the ENADE (National Examination of performance of students), I remember that before when heard to speak in the news of an agency of the government, if said soon is official is of the government, there the risks of not being the true news or if to deal with frauds they were minimum, in contrast of what it happens currently.

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The Dominations

Although it has occurred in France, the Revolution reached the entire world of a more general form, a time that it was important in the construction of a new democratic order. Still in the end of century XIX, Brazil lived deeply two important historical moments that had decisively marked the great transformations of the society: the Abolition of the Slavery (1888) and the Announcement of the Republic (1889). At this moment, according to Chalhoub (2004), it has a reorganization in the relations, as much in what respect to the dominations is said, how much in the classroom relations. is exactly inside of this historical context that has the sprouting of new and alternative forms of life, where the bohemians, fruits of the happened modernity of these transformations, starts to be part. Decidedly, century XIX was marked by protagonists who had faced with insolence the rules of good social convivncia. To say in these practical of life bohemian, in Brazil, is to think about the masculinidade, a time that this group was, historically, the main attribute.

According to Perrot (1995), the men were the main ones benefited with this alternative way of life, a time who had, in the night, diversion forms, therefore the social spaces created were come back toward the masculine public. is exactly in this scene that finishes perpassando the multiple relations of sort. The sort question, automatically in sends to the idea of the sexuality human being to them, that, according to Goals (1991), it is a largeness of the social experience where if innumerable questions perpassam. It is through the sexuality that if develops a vast field of desires, beliefs and values, that go, of some form, defining an ample specter of our identity. As the sexuality is not to the edge of history, but yes, inside of a social context where if they develop the estruturaes of the social hierarchies, we can think about as this sexuality was object of dispute and social control throughout history.

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