Tag: stock exchange & stock markets

Property Investors

Figures for the first half of 2012 see the German real estate market in stable condition and expected a rising performance for investors. With the corresponding proposals, such as about the SHB funds can be German private investors with it. The real estate market has itself according to Jones Lang LSalle in the first half of 2012 in Germany at a good level consolidated, and this despite the current volatile conditions. A look at the ratings and the yields on German Government bonds shows that confidence in Germany is still large. The direct link to the real estate sector was obvious here because the distance would be asked to real estate yields as a benchmark, with a clear plus for German real estate and their attractive spreads. Hans Gruber, real estate expert of SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG) shares this positive assessment of the real estate market: Investors fear a rise in the inflation rate and are therefore increasingly looking for valuables. This increases to profitable real estate. the demand” It hardly a way to this asset over lead even in the absence of real alternatives.

Germany is considered particularly safe haven in this respect at national and international institutional investors. Just in time world characterised by the specter of the debt crisis. The sales figures for the first six months of the current year, this can be traced though limited. The year has, according to Jones Lang LSalle retail real estate values slightly weaker than last started, but increased again in the spring the activities of the purchaser. Foreign investors and particularly pension funds and insurance companies significantly increased their number of strokes. “For Hans Gruber SHB Immobilienfonds this message of the Frankfurt of investment and rental specialists does not come as a surprise: Germany is very much in demand, but also a sufficient supply is by far not every demand.” It was very interesting to see and in addition also revealing, that is dedicated in the activities of foreign investors first and foremost, companies should focus their very specifically not only opportunities, but also value stable systems. Because just the long-term retirement security in addition to the return at the top would be. SHB expert Hans Gruber added: Government bonds are the debt crisis now with many also institutional investors as hot iron “, the real estate funds, such as, for example, the SHB funds, are preferred over.” Security and return on investment are mainly in the top layers of the Metropolitan at the same pace, large outliers are also hardly to be expected according to the study. “Unlike see it in the subcentres, so smaller cities with lower rents and lower gave out, adds Hans Huber SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG), but continues: here, the real estate market as trade behaves with State and corporate bonds.” The market is ever more volatile, more the yields were higher.

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Bonn Investment

Tropical forest offers high returns and low volatility real assets such as real estate as investment and forests are in demand increasingly since the strong increase in the public debt, as they are clearly independent of fluctuations in value. Real values are long lasting, even in times of financial crisis, because its exchange value represents a non-influenceable size. Real values are in the long run safer than stocks and other investments. An investment in the real value of forests is particularly attractive. Sheryl Sandberg: the source for more info. In the past, forest privileged classes such as the nobility and landowners was reserved as a real value.

Now however, there are more and more forest investment opportunities for private investors. Also at the Bonn party forest direct investments ForestFinance has significantly increased demand in 2011. Real value of forest – high returns and low volatility: Trees grow regardless of stock market crashes and economic fluctuations and win as well in the financial crisis by tree growth steadily in value. Tropical forest investments and investment in America are particularly profitable. So the American forest investment index, NCREIF scored timberland property index to 2008 over 20 years an average annual return of about 14 percent, with only a loss year. The populous emerging economies in Asia and Latin America will contribute to the world’s growing demand for wood. In addition, the demand of wood pellets of CO2-free energy is growing worldwide.

More and more pension funds and banks therefore invest in the real value of tropical forests: A real value of investment that offers a combination of security and return on investment as opposed to stocks or other investments. The real value of forest should be therefore a component of the asset portfolios. Because the past shows: the forest prices rise. Forest investments: Outlook continues to be very good! Seen in the long term the market prospects for the real value of forests are very good: an always lower supply faces the rising demand for tropical wood.

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Guido Gerold Celtic

Recognition is also the investment policy, which envisages investment in German power generation plants and based on the principle of risk spreading. Specifically a strong distribution partner highlights invest report also the competence of IVAG / innovative distribution concepts AG according to the auditor of the Fund”, which can look back on extensive experience. For more advice on the oKORENTA new energy V IVAG / innovative distribution concepts AG is by phone no. 089 / 4 576 978 300 available. About oKORENTA AG, oKORENTA AG formed in 1999 as a sales company for environmental financial products.

Today, the oKORENTA AG services includes also product development and consulting services. The company is one of the German pioneers for ethical and ecological investments according to invest report. The oKORENTA AG is Aurich. IV innovative distribution concepts AG / IVAG IV innovative distribution concepts AG / IVAG is a service provider that advises conceptual initiator of closed-end funds and for individual, strictly preselected products exclusively nationwide coordinated the distribution. Also be carried out by the IV innovative distribution concepts AG / IVAG investors management and Commission calculation with their own staff and data center. The management of IVAG has more than 20 years experience in the financial services industry. Activities were bundled into the IV innovative distribution concepts Corporation in 2008. Today, more than 100 financial advisors, consulting firms, and insurance agencies offer IVAG products. In the last 2 years alone more than 6450 investors with 103 million drawing sum chose products, coordinated by the IV innovative distribution concepts AG / IVAG. Contact IV innovative distribution concepts AG / IVAG Guido Gerold Celtic ring 10-12 82041 Oberhaching phone: 089 / 4 576 978 300 fax: 089 / 4 576 978 333

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Banyan RWB

Fifth investment of banyan tree within six months of mid-2010 the RWB AG has invested in the Indian Wachstumsfinanzierer Banyan tree. Now, Banyan tree already made its fifth investment within 6 months, and participated in the Indian manufacturer of pipe and tank systems Dee Development. The 1983 founded company headquartered in Faridabad specializes in the manufacture of high pressure tubing,-boilern and tanks for multinational manufacturers in the power generation, oil, gas and chemical industries. Dee development’s customers include large corporations such as MAN, Siemens, Voith, Skoda, and many more. Dee produced in Tatarpur and built two biomass power plants in the Punjab region of India. A further power plant to go in Madya Pradesh 2011 on the network. The RWB AG target companies occupied with far and away number one in its market segment and is five times greater than the next competitor. The investment by Banyan tree Dee Development helps to maintain his position in the consolidation of the market and new developments in the field efficient energy conversion to finance.

The RWB special market fund India I, II, and III are involved in Banyan tree with a total of 10 million USD. More about the investments of RWB AG in India, see. The RWB AG specialises in private equity. Founded in 1999, is one of the first initiators, which have made available to exclusive investment programs of the private equity a broad investing public. With over 100 international fund holdings in 16 States and 5 continents the RWB AG now belongs to the most experienced roof fund investors of in Germany. The RWB AG is managed by its owners and bank-independent. So it guarantees the independent selection of the world’s most promising investment destinations. Contact: RWB AG PR Department Celtic ring 5 82041 Oberhaching Tel. 089 / 66 66 94 0 fax.

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As you well can create your money in Germany if one has put a certain capital, then thinks to invest in one. But investing in Germany is, as everywhere in the world, some risks but also rewards associated with. Already, several experts drew attention in late 2007 on various risks. The economy is very vulnerable due to the strong dependency on exports for fluctuations in the climate of other economies. But the unemployment rate has fallen since then very much, at least in Germany.

The unemployment rate has risen, however, even in other countries. Germany is regarded even by some experts as the best country for investment opportunities throughout Europe. Never the market in Germany has grown so quickly, like other markets in other countries, as in the past ten years, for this reason, we had also a much smoother slowdown. The conservatism of the German investors, protected from strong fluctuations the German market up to now. However, all investors from around the world want buy a cheap, therefore even local investor groups from all over the world in Germany to look, including also automotive brands.

The only real hurdle in Germany for investors is the legal situation and the high taxes. A good lawyer can help here, then you can create strong connections as entrepreneur or investor and make also good sales. You can invest with often excellent conditions in the market of business start-ups. Therefore relatively large companies use this opportunity often first in the real estate sector under-capitalised because only 43 percent of the population in Germany have their own property and secondly in the acquisitions area. The Forbes investment group bought about 80,000 real estate in Germany at a price of EUR 2.45 billion, for example, not too long ago. This article was written by Alessandro Reichgruber. As you can see there are some ways to the invest. You should not disregard also earning money on the Internet and work from home then, no more problem.

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Sustainable Investments

It has become a focus in the investment market and therefore follows a study of the next probably. Is the talk of sustainability, so investments in products that must meet also ethical, ecological and moral criteria in addition to the conventional criteria such as rate of return, risk and liquidity. Sustainable systems the classic triad of economy, ecology and social must be fulfilled”, explains the ThomasLloyd founder and CEO Michael Sieg. And exactly this to a few people in Germany can imagine really something concrete. Against this background the quoted renowned financial times Germany recently from the study the optimal investment product”, which was published by the Cologne market research of YouGowPsychonomics and which is based on the representative survey of 1,000 citizens. The results may surprise you. For every second surveyed sustainable investments in question come, but only 14 percent know it exactly what it is about. Experts call this the positive charge of a concept of what constitutes a virtually existing ideal State from a marketing perspective.

Also the ThomasLloyd group is active in the field of sustainable investments. ThomasLloyd is as global financial services providers in the areas of investment banking, securities and investment management is engaged. Among the customers are it companies, financial intermediaries, institutional investors, but also high net worth individuals, ThomasLloyd offers a variety of financial products and services. The portfolio extends this worldwide and taken into account whatever the perspective of the question of whether it is an investment that meets the demands of a high sustainability. This claim ThomasLloyd is not alone.

According to Prof. Dr. Stephan Paul of the Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, for example, the number of sustainable funds in Europe increased in the past 20 years from 15 to 680. 280 in Germany are listed with managed assets of EUR 30 billion. So that this type of investment has long been is clear, the niche has come out, although knowledge of investors about this is still comparatively low”, so the ThomasLloyd Chairman victory. “” It is technically but also not so overly important, whether each investor exactly the legal definition of sustainability “can rattle off is more important, however, that here a movement has been, who want certain areas and other not”, to victory. While CEO of ThomasLloyd refers to possible exclusion criteria such as the missing observance of human and labour rights, but also certain products such as pornography, weapons or alcohol or the attitude to animals. The reverse just topics circumstances how clean tech front on the positive list, so investments in products that protect the livelihood of generations under maximum conservation of resources. ThomasLloyd has set up a blog for this purpose, where interested on the subject of sustainability can discuss. It reads: thomaslloyd-nachhaltigkeit.blogspot.com

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Professor Gerald Mann

Security instead of return type the current bad news and speculation on the development of the euro certainly cause for concern. Currently, these topics seem many people. The news portal reported news.de which facilities the Germans seem safest for their savings. Many Germans try to invest their money in most secure values. Stocks, real estate and gold are currently high demand. The worries about money are not entirely unfounded. This view, is at least Professor Gerald Mann, an economist at the College of Economics and management in Munich.

Primarily investments in gold are considered currently apparently safe. So far, about 26 percent of the population own physical gold investment. Converted the German households have thus about 7,500 tons of gold. The gold systems are in this country very high compared to other European countries. And the trend seems undiminished, because at least 40 percent can imagine about, possibly in the next three years to buy gold. The increase in the Gold investment among other things indicates that the people’s desire for safe investment has risen, because indeed, the returns on these investments are relatively small. It is again increasingly invested money in real estate. It is however uncertain, as the value of money will develop in the next few years.

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Global Partner Award

Asset value forest: yield strong, inflation stable and crisis-proof. When the value changes and the impact on the environment, there are however significant differences in various kinds of investment. Forest investments are becoming increasingly popular. There were only a few a few investment types of forest, some years ago a variety of different forms, such as forest stocks and forest shares Fund, forest fund and forest direct investments exist in the meantime. This diversity is understandable given the benefits of forest investments: so the American forest investment index increased NCREIF Timberland index from 1987 to 2009 average about 14 percent annually. Another advantage: the value fluctuations were minimal compared to stock indices and in 22 years, there was only one loss year. Forest investments have become increasingly popular as a personal investment and inflation protection.

This is however primarily for direct forest investments and many forest fund and not for forest shares. Financial test: Wood grows to the own asset class also the independent consumer magazine Finanztest of Stiftung Warentest employees engaged direct forest investments and stressed: “Wood grows slowly to an own asset class.” The Bonn forest investment provider ForestFinance was it evaluates financial test as follows: “the entry in the land register, the coverage on pool surfaces, and the German Panamanian investment protection agreement is beneficial for investors if individual surfaces fail, the fire insurance. (…) To plant a forest, considered to be investment, the also discards an ethical return”, so the magazine. “No wonder that icons of the green business put on forest. ForestFinance Harry Aboagye, the confidence of many friends of the correct Geldanlagens enjoying holding as a former Managing Director of the Association and board the Securvita behind.” ForestFinance was the only FSC certified under the forest investments financial test tested. The company is also the world’s first German, which the “FSC Global Partner Award” in the “Financial Services” Division received.

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Alternative Investment

Luximo holding brings Wurzburg March 2011 with ‘Mephisto 1’ new ‘Sin ‘funds on the market. Wurzburger Emissionshaus luximo Holding AG will start with an exceptional investment idea in the year 2011. Because the Prosperia Mephisto 1 GmbH & co. KG, briefly Mephisto, very consciously focuses on the seven deadly sins: greed, gluttony, lust, envy, pride, sloth and wrath. The idea of the seven deadly sins was formulated in the 4th century monk Evagrius Ponticus for the first time and now finds himself in the Mephisto Fund of luximo holding in a number of sectors with appropriate investment options. The pride, for example, symbolizes the luxury industry. The investment portfolio of the luximo holding Fund provides direct or indirect holdings in companies in tend to be sinful”sectors are active. The Mephisto Fund of luximo holding is a private equity fund with a fund size of 20 million.

Private investors can join from 5,000 euros a time investment plus five per cent premium. The placement has the luximo holding planned for this year. The term of the new Fund is scheduled for around six years. The partner luximo holding investment GmbH only participates in winning the Prosperia Mephisto 1, when investors have a computational base interest rate of 7 per cent on the investment amount invested by them. Of their share, the luximo holding investment GmbH donates percent 10 for charitable purposes, for example for approved projects that engage against the abuse of children. The luximo holding supported choosing the investments of CONQUEST investment advisory AG, which specializes in the development of investment strategies based on the principles of behavioral finance. “” One over a period of ten years backward simulation of luximo holding this showed that sinful “-oriented industries significantly better cut than, for example, the so-called sustainability sectors”.

The previous response to this topic and our Fund shows that we have made a sensitive point for. From rejection to enthusiasm is everything included. We, however, believe that it reflects highest ethical obligation, when portfolio managers pick what’s best for their customers and there now even sinful business fared best in recent years,”commented on Slobodan Cvetkovic, CEO of luximo holding, the start of the Mephisto Fund. About the luximo holding, the underwriter of luximo holding is specialised in development and emission of investment concepts in the area of closed-end Fund. The focus at the luximo holding of direct investments in private equity, infrastructure and multi asset. This, the management of the luximo holding can build on their own experiences, as well as a network of mostly institutional partners. While the luximo holding in the implementation of the offered investments maintains a high standard of quality. To maintain this standard, a team of professionals continuously analyzes the economic opportunities offered by the markets, derives from this high-yielding investments and developed investments that meet the expectations of private investors.

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Pro Invest Management 24 AG

“Police on the Pro-invest and the underlying spouses of Lammers had become aware and were first investigations, crystallized now more and more out, that the funds are obviously not sure laid, it is rather to assessment of lawyer Krause to a so-called Ponzi scheme” has acted. Where the funds remained the investors, is still unclear. “In the US cases but also increasingly turns out that most funded facilities at 24 Pro Invest AG about a GE Money Bank loans were financed. Thus, there is an opportunity from our point of view if the system over such a loan was funded, to claim the damage compared to the lending banks or their legal successor. The corresponding loan agreements are”not according to the guidelines prescribed for this purpose for consumer loan agreements designed, Attorney for banking and capital market law Anja Appelt Lawyers representing Cape already several damaged investor the company Pro invest 24 AG and see good opportunities to take the Bank’s liability. Lawyer Kareem recommends affected investors, one in the field of banking and capital market law of specialist lawyers advise to any claims to check.

Contact: Cape lawyers Krause Appelt Partnerschaft von rechtsanwalten Sonnenstrasse 19 D-80331 Munich phone: + 49 (0) 89 – 41 61 72 75-0 fax: + 49 (0) 89 – 41 61 72 75 – 9 E-mail: Cape lawyers have specialized in the representation of affected investors. The lawyers of the firm have many years experience in the area of investor protection for capital investments. They were involved in many ground-breaking decisions and bring this experience to the benefit of their clients. The partner, Attorney for banking and capital market law Anja Appelt and lawyer Thorsten Krause, have experience in investor protection, the credit-financed system (“pension model) all types of funds (u. a. ship -, solar -, and real estate funds) to atypical silent companies. This required in-depth background research lawyers work Cape closely with specialists such as accountants, auditors and investigators.

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