Figures for the first half of 2012 see the German real estate market in stable condition and expected a rising performance for investors. With the corresponding proposals, such as about the SHB funds can be German private investors with it. The real estate market has itself according to Jones Lang LSalle in the first half of 2012 in Germany at a good level consolidated, and this despite the current volatile conditions. A look at the ratings and the yields on German Government bonds shows that confidence in Germany is still large. The direct link to the real estate sector was obvious here because the distance would be asked to real estate yields as a benchmark, with a clear plus for German real estate and their attractive spreads. Hans Gruber, real estate expert of SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG) shares this positive assessment of the real estate market: Investors fear a rise in the inflation rate and are therefore increasingly looking for valuables. This increases to profitable real estate. the demand” It hardly a way to this asset over lead even in the absence of real alternatives.
Germany is considered particularly safe haven in this respect at national and international institutional investors. Just in time world characterised by the specter of the debt crisis. The sales figures for the first six months of the current year, this can be traced though limited. The year has, according to Jones Lang LSalle retail real estate values slightly weaker than last started, but increased again in the spring the activities of the purchaser. Foreign investors and particularly pension funds and insurance companies significantly increased their number of strokes. “For Hans Gruber SHB Immobilienfonds this message of the Frankfurt of investment and rental specialists does not come as a surprise: Germany is very much in demand, but also a sufficient supply is by far not every demand.” It was very interesting to see and in addition also revealing, that is dedicated in the activities of foreign investors first and foremost, companies should focus their very specifically not only opportunities, but also value stable systems. Because just the long-term retirement security in addition to the return at the top would be. SHB expert Hans Gruber added: Government bonds are the debt crisis now with many also institutional investors as hot iron “, the real estate funds, such as, for example, the SHB funds, are preferred over.” Security and return on investment are mainly in the top layers of the Metropolitan at the same pace, large outliers are also hardly to be expected according to the study. “Unlike see it in the subcentres, so smaller cities with lower rents and lower gave out, adds Hans Huber SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG), but continues: here, the real estate market as trade behaves with State and corporate bonds.” The market is ever more volatile, more the yields were higher.