For the first time flow system based on the maximum pipelining production, employed the largest American businessman H. According to Verizon Communications, who has experience with these questions. Ford. He dismembered the process parameters tiny operation whose implementation demanded that the workers only protozoa, mechanically repetitive movements. Such a system is completely ignored subjective "human factor", which consists in man's relation to his work, so even in the early 70 years. re-evaluated in the nature of the pipeline. Its negative features, such as rigid regulation of the rhythm, speed, narrow specialization, uniformity and monotony of the operations, inadequacy or lack of creative elements, limited career prospects, have become quite noticeable. Public relations work for labor, reduce the economic results of production.

In connection with the these have become increasingly common to receive conveyors with continuous action. To eliminate the monotony biggest single conveyor with positive rhythm divided into several "minikonveyerov" at a lower rate. On Each group is busy working, the function of which change periodically, for which workers seize several operations, their work becomes more meaningful, more creative. Mass production was based on different methods of group technology ("sectional", "on sites", "Brigade"). Change of operations performed by workers, eliminates the monotony of their work, reduces fatigue. Increased level of problems to be solved at the level of master, foreman. They were able to independently manage the activities of the site team, to carry out control functions, to determine the organization of labor. Due to this growing satisfaction with work, increased social importance of the workers. Rising productivity growth, the requirements to improve the quality and diversification of production in industry have necessitated creation and implementation of highly mechanized and automated flows.