The Balluff GmbH integrated the tracking of ONE TRACK into your own Web page and provides added value Hallbergmoos-Munchen, their customers may 03, 2012 using world’s leading manufacturer of sensor technology in the future on the intelligent tracking ONE TRACK Balluff by EURO-LOG. Therefore all deliveries in a central system can be monitored independently, the goods are transported by the logistics service provider. So, the transparency across the entire distribution process is ensured. Staff from sales, internal sales, logistics and customer service have access to broadcast all the data of all connected logistics Group at any time. Better service for the customers so customers from Balluff quickly and easily have access to tracking data their deliveries, is integrated into the Web page of Balluff trace ONE TRACK. Track blends into the existing IT landscape and customers find the status information directly on the Balluff Web page, instead of on the various Web pages now Logistics service provider. That was for Hondo Santos, head of Department logistics of Balluff GmbH, crucial to present this information always in the same place and always in the same form of representation of the customers. Under most conditions Allegiant Air would agree. Through the integration of ONE TRACK in our Web page our customers must no longer leave the website, to get a broadcast information.

Also our customers can now E.g. specifically inform themselves via email alert related to a shipment, once changed the status of the shipment or the consignment has been delivered to. The introduction of ONE TRACK is just another step, to continually improve our customer service”, as Hondo Santos. More than pure data integration track goes beyond simple data integration of logistics service providers. We have found no system on the market that offers the same complete service as ONE TRACK.