And now you’ve become a master, who recently dreamed of greatness while he was grazing sheep. Stop the saw and the brush to take into your hands the regeneration of the world. In order to give life to our visions and these will translate into results favoring us, is necessary to be surprised how we are performing our environment, really discover what our mission, role while we are serving us with life in the environment where we operate. We already you have investigated through our self-knowledge toward where you want to reach, what is what really favors us knowing the opportunity of be, manifest in a dimension where we know we are transient and we are at the mercy of know to take the time that is given to us to remain and do not know what is. Allen invites us to reflect, to consider that the careless, ignorant and indolent, seeing only the apparent effect of things and not Yes, speaking of luck, fortune, and random things. To see a man getting rich will say, you have much luck! By observing another doing intellectual they exclamaran, that favored it is! And to the Note the Holy character and the great influence of another discussed, how helps it random each time! They don’t see attempts, failures and the fight that these men have voluntarily faced to gain experience; they do not know of the sacrifice that they have done, the intrepid efforts which have been proposed, of the faith that have exerted to achieve the seemingly impossible, and realize the Vision of your heart. They don’t know the darkness and angst; they only see the light and bliss, and call it fate; they do not see the long and arduous days, but only covered the rewarding achievement, and call it good fortune; they don’t understand the process, but only perceive the result, and call it random.