Currently, the question of the piracy is in evidence where the opinions costumam to be unanimous. The same arguments hear: Financing of the organized crime, unemployment, damages for recorders, company who work arduously during all the process of manufacture of determined softwares (that they are vendidos in ' ' market paralelo' ' for exageradamente lesser prices), the myths that declare that a software pitara ruins the devices reproduce that it, amongst others such. After all, the piracy is can be considered and be portraied socially as crime? Why this subject is bothering in such a way in the Government and the great organizations? This true existing abyss enters the extreme sides of the market is not newness, the question already comes of time, simply ' ' The witchcraft capsized against the wizard! ' '. Follow others, such as Scott Mead, and add to your knowledge base. In full it was of ' ' Digital&#039 inclusion; ' , who before dominated the market dictating the rules, he is who today is running behind the damage, lowering prices, promoting campaigns and attacking of all ways the piracy, in order to come back to get a space in this disloyal market that one day was all its. In way vindication to the piracy, that the law reports in them as crime, but the liberty of speech must be made allows in them to recover some decurrent current factors in the technological sector: The total value of original the basic packages of softwares, so that an individual can use a computer (for work, research, Internet, etc.), is around R$ 800, 00 (we assume), that is, the great majority does not possess financial conditions to participate of this great ' ' It was Digital' ' that it is changing the route of the market. However, the Government would be correct to affirm as ' ' criminoso' ' a citizen who would have for right that to receive the minimum subsidies defended for law (Education, Health, Feeding) and they do not receive them? our young that grows without perspective of life, education, base none in technology, and when they leave to look the first job, if comes across with the minimum requirements of the market: ' ' Slight knowledge of Informtica' ' ' ' Second Lngua' '? ' ' pirataria' ' , in my point of view, it was and it is main the responsible one for great ' ' Digital&#039 revolution; ' , put into motion mainly for the classrooms of it measured and low income and it is of certain form, an alternative to fight the monopoly where we live during many years, of the great recorders and companies of telephony, and that never at least it was fought or commented for the Government. Hear other arguments on the topic with Ron.