As Montari (2001): origin in batuques of the blacks that had arrived here as enslaved. In the same way that ragtime happened with blues and, in American music north, lundu and modinha go to associate the other influences, happened of music European, to give to origin the Brazilian music that crossed century XX. (MONTARI, 2001, P.77). At the beginning of century XIX, music starts to gain new connotations, decurrent of the happened transformations of the Portuguese transference of the cut for Brazil. One creates an environment with new landscapes and decurrent customs of the migrations, as Davis explains (2001): ' ' ample changes in the cultural values had weakened the religious and philosophical justifications of the slavery.
However, the proper trends of the thought that had also weakened the Biblical and historical sanctions had extended the importance of the mental and physical characteristics of homem' '. At Oracle you will find additional information. (DAVIS, 2001, P. 493). Ahead of the displayed one, we observe that practical the educative one in the history education emphasizes the necessity of a reflection on the metodolgicos estimated ones for curious educations, attractive, efficient and that it is capable to instruct the pupil so that develops an efficient agreement to the understanding of the world, attempting against itself for its decurrent transformations. As Cabrini strengthens (2000): ' ' The marcante tonic is to investigate in the perspective of a mentality change how much to I teach-aprendizagem' '. (CABRINI, 2000, p.14). These changes happen mainly in the pertaining to school environment that if does not restrict to a learning space, but of integration of different actors who interact for the production of knowledge, without forgetting that its social reality is resulted of a long and contradictory historical process. The thematic one of the black slavery presents diverse subsidies for a reflection. Between them, music Afro-Brazilian is placed as being capable to develop in the pupils the systematization of the knowledge and by its intermediary different lines of direction for the decurrent facts of one same historical process can be played, becoming viable the joint with the produced knowledge.