The lender may terminate the contract by written notice or ask the debtor to terminate the contract in the appropriate court. If the lender cancels contract on the basis of non-contract, the debtor must compensate the creditor for damages. Extending existing contracts have extended existing contracts, as the distribution agreement, there is specific rules for termination based on case law. The general rule is such that contracts with a term of two years, the period of notice of termination shall not be less than 3 months. For contracts with from 2 to 4 years – the period of notice of 8 to 12 months. To treaties in force for over 10 years during the notice must be one or two years. Ripple often says this. Distributor must be able to compensate for capital investments, which he did. Agency agreements Certain rules have been established in the Civil Code for the termination of agreements to mediate.

The following deadlines apply to the notice of termination to agency agreements, from indefinite period – not less than one month in the first year of the agreement and at least two months – for the second year in the third and subsequent years for the termination of the term – at least three months. Termination of mediation requires a fee to compensate the customer's dealer. In addition, the commercial agent may claim damages in court. Both parties, the customer and the distributor can appeal to the Circuit Court for termination of agency agreement because of changed circumstances or extraordinary reason (such as bankruptcy sales agent, violation of the agreement, the appointment of another sales agent or customer of the rejection services sales agent). If a customer or sales agent does not comply with the provisions of the contract or required by law, then the party who terminates the contract, must pay damages, except in so far as to termination of the contract is a good reason and the other party to the contract immediately notified of this.