SAINTS, Appeared Letcia Pear tree (Orientanda) 1 GRANDSON, Elpdio Rodrigues of Rock (Orienting) 2 elpidiorochaneto@ Institution: Integrated facultieses of the North of Mines – FUNORTE/SOEBRAS Clear Mounts, Minas Gerais, Brazil. 2010 SUMMARY the present article aims at to establish the effective contribution of the discursivo content for the learning of the reading public of histories in quadrinhos. The evolution of these histories, fruit of the association of the discursivo content and the use of visual resources in the structure of the magazines? in special ' ' Group of the Mnica' ' , that, after transformations and adequacy, launched in the market ' ' Group of the Mnica Jovem' ' each ampler time comes conquering a public, with current boardings and of extreme relevance, leading each reader to the context of history. In this research, of bibliographical matrix, we will base in them in the following authors: Will Eisner, Elyssa Marine Soares, Brown Adriano de Avance, amongst others. Word-key: Contribution, Group of the Mnica, Discursivo Content, Images, Adequacies. There RESUMEN This I articulate tiene for objective to establecer contribucin effective of discursivos contenidos los for el aprendizaje of lectores of cmics. There evolucin of these histories, resulted woollen combinacin del contenido discursivo y del use of imgenes en estructura of wools there reviewed, en particular Mnica y su pandilla, that, despus of aos of exchange y adaptacin, if ha lanzado public Mnica y su pandilla young adquiriendo un each time bad I extend, con los pertinent current approaches y muy, that conduzca to each lector al woollen context history. En this investigacin, of joins revisin woollen literature, basado en los siguientes authors: Will Eisner, Elyssa Marine Soares, Brown Adriano de Avance, between otros. Words clave: Discursivo Contribucin, el contenido of Mnica, imgenes, adecuaciones. 1 – Academic of 8 period of the Spanish course of Letters Portuguese/, of the Integrated Facultieses of the North of Mines? Funorte/SOEBRAS.