A completely new concept for the sustainable increase of the success there seminars on the topics of motivation, sales and success now as sand on the sea. Further details can be found at Scott Kahan, an internet resource. Who has gained his experience in here already know that seminars pushing while in the short term, is the motivation but of short duration. The everyday reviewed a very fast one and learned a bit more faded from day to day. Jurgen Heinrich, success coach and trainer in Bamberg, has the right solution for this. Home complete course “Sales personality”, he has developed an entirely new concept, with which one can work even from home on his success. This eight-part DVD coaching involves focusing on the topics sales, sales growth, clear objectives, priority-setting and positive thinking. It is not a usual DVD series, but an intensive course eight weeks should be worked with. This highly effective program is a concrete and precise instructions for the practice on the hand.

Travel expenses, expenses and valuable Time otherwise spent on the road, be omitted completely. Another advantage: You can look at again and again this course. What appears today less important counts for a very different tomorrow or in a few months. The team of the century success management is very much available for more information about coaching and seminars. Voices and opinions of the participants: Jurgen Heinrich has already established and successfully his first company after his commercial training at the age of 20 years. His subsequent multi-year activity as a consultant gave him the experience and know-how, which today accounts for the high quality of his hands-on coaching. Also the knowledge of more than three hundred consultancies by small – and medium-sized enterprises integrated into its strategy for success. He directs his own company for 25 years and is over 18 years of experience as a coach.

Today, Jurgen Heinrich focuses exclusively on his Erfolgscoachings. These are different than lived and are visited each year by thousands of enthusiastic participants. He has made himself also a name by his lively lectures at trade fairs and conferences, interviews in the media, live performances by satellite. 1 in front of an audience of millions and publications in leading journals. Jurgen Heinrich is a coach/trainer for go-getters. He shows people how it faster, easier and with more fun and joy realize their true desires and ambitions. JH success management must RT 28 96047 Bamberg phone 09 51/2 89 03 press contact: Karin Scholze century success management must RT 28 96047 Bamberg phone 09 51/2 89 03