The pantry of the world is an event that attracts much attention, provides visibility and can modify the structural profile of certain regions where the soccer departures will be disputed. He is all wonderful, pretty one, but the cost of if promoting an event of this magnitude? Certainly they involve many resources so that definitive areas are adjusted to the necessary conditions to the success of the event as a whole. In a country as Brazil, where the deficiencies of all nature are visible, the expenses will be very high involving great expense of resources for the execution of directly involved workmanships with the event as stadium or workmanships that they are only indirectly involved as transport and others. The costs for the pantry of 2014 will be paid for the government or the private initiative? It is just to take off money of the health, education, security, etc. to be expense with the pantry of the world? In all the cities where games of the pantry will occur will have an enormous amount of resources to be applied with the adequacy of the infrastructure, however, the responsibility will be mainly of the public sector. Either in great, average, rich or poor the cities it is of the public sector where it will leave the money to bank these costs of sets of ten of billions of Reals. Certain estimates exist that arrive the R$ 40 billion the value that will leave the safes of the government for the accomplishment of workmanships for the pantry. This value is composed of arrives in port direct of resources, tax exemption and subsidies in the banking loans. In the majority of the cities headquarters of the pantry the stadiums are public, thus, the government will go to invest in public good, will go to carry through expenses to construct public good, a public asset.