It is known, still, that Board was, in century XI honors of the Family of ' ' of Cunha' ' , for gift of Princess D, Tereza, as proves it the Inquiries of 1258. According to Loyal Pine, the origin of topnimo Board must it the existence, in times of the Portucalense County, of a bridge of boards on the River Mondego. In ends of century XIX it will have, this bridge, been substituted by one another one, of would sing, cultivated, with five arcs, and currently submerged for the Barrage of the Aguieira. Later, the Concelho de Tbua substituted, and englobou, of Candosa (extinct in 1840, and annex to the one of Mides), of Mides (extinct in 1853), of zere and Sinde. Archaeological works? Soundings of Evaluation Methodology the soundings had been carried through in accordance with specific methodologies of Archaeology, and had followed the techniques of register and hollowing praised by E.C Harris and.
the Carandini. This method of hollowing and register is defined for the identification, register and hollowing of the called Estratigrficas Units (U.E.) that they constitute, each one of them, realities that can be individualizadas by its proper characteristics, that it are intrinsic e, mainly, for its position in relation to the other estratigrficas units (estratigrfica relation). The estratigrficas units are excavated by the inverse order to the one of its deposition, that is of most recent for oldest, being able to be of antrpica or natural origin. The estratigrficas relations are defined for the laws of the archaeological estratigrafia; that is, one estratigrfica unit can be covered, be cut, to serve of support or being filled for another one, what in it allows a priority relation them. Of equal form, a estratigrfica unit can cover, cut, be supported or fill another one, allowing us to establish a posteriority relation. Finally the Estratigrficas Units can be equal or had been synchronized, allowing us to establish a contemporaneidade relation. .