Raw material reservoir significantly greater than another aid soon Stuttgart, 08.06.2011. Funding revenues were 200 barrels of oil per day the specialists of the energy capital invest (ECI) in the original calculation of the first investment property of the US oil and gas Fund X KG”subordinated. This original assumption should be exceeded however. Because the ongoing horizontal bore by Leon 1 a much thicker layer of support as first discovered over a large distance accepted. We know how big the daily flow rates will be actually already soon.

Our experts are not only significantly higher funding revenues than originally anticipated, but due to the thicker by more than 80 percent support layer from a much larger reservoir of raw materials”, declares Kay Rieck as Managing Director of the energy capital invest. Another aspect for the results from this situation also Fund investors. A much larger reservoir and higher delivery prices mean also a tremendous increase in value of mineral extraction rights provided by the initiator and thus additional security for the investors of the US oil and gas Fund X KG. Investors of now tenth Fund of the Stuttgart-based energy specialists take advantage not only of the probably better funding revenues and a much larger reservoir of raw materials, but in addition also still by the current oil price. Just 60 US dollars per barrel were been assumed in costing hardly a market participant but currently assumes that oil prices of over $ 100 per barrel in the long term much might be. The current price of oil reflects several developments: there is a the still tense political situation in some countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA); All Libya. On the other hand continue to demand seems for crude oil, especially from Asia, as well as the worldwide decline from existing fields continue a reliable booster to be promotion. The already raised fund capital also allows that the management of the energy capital invest might give more holes in order. Soon we will begin with the exploration activities in a further, promising aid”Fund Managing Director Rieck explains. For more information,