“In addition to the professional qualification (at least three years experience in a managerial function of a Bank), the personal reliability and the necessary equity capital amounting to EUR 50,000 are mainly a comprehensive insurance protection, a continuous auditing, membership in the EdW (compensation scheme of securities trading companies) and compliance with comprehensive control requirements of banking supervision required.” Ulf Niklas explains how to do this. Stephanie Lehmann reported: from our point of view only the stand-alone permission can ensure continue authentic independent advice. Laurent Potdevin has compatible beliefs. “” Because by the costs that the tied agent “will be made of its MiFID billed of course there not for nothing is the protection of this group mainly a financial pressure.” How this actually works, differiere by Vendor to vendor. Usually it asks a minimum sales volume through the platform of the liability umbrella provider. Also the tied agent could”not decide what cheap products and services he specifically recommend its customers. Real independence no more mention can be from our point of view within the framework of a liability umbrella solution so.” Ulf Niklas explains: the absolute majority of the smaller, self-employed financial advisor, which can play out its cost advantages to an established bank in favour of the customers, not meeting the requirements for their own approval. Then no other way than to go back either to the pure Investment Fund Advisory or but to join the roof of a liability with the corresponding consequences for the quality of their own advice remains to them.

The compulsion, either for economic reasons or the missing qualification to connect a MiFID, is a serious threat for our opinion “real consumer protection objectives of MiFID represent.” The experts were agreed that the number of truly independent, free financial services will reduce dramatically. The numbers seem to support this: in Berlin and Brandenburg alone less than a handful of advisors have sought since the introduction of MiFID in the last year to a separate license. “This means: almost all independent consultants have gone under a liability umbrella, hanging in the air” or have retreated to the exemptions. Now the latter has with a comprehensive investment advice but nothing more to do.”there will be hardly any provider, which can continue to independently operate with an own permit and at the same time share the cost benefits of a small, independent financial advisor to their customers. But exactly this combination we offer and want to be pioneer of starting in Germany, new consulting culture: the independent honorary consulting. With unbeatable cost and Quality advantages for the customers.

This is the decisive argument.” Stiftung Warentest have responded to sharply increased consumer interest in its current issue from February 2008 and extensively tested the offer of honorary advisors. Key quality factors the Foundation with a high consultant qualifications, (2) name (1) sufficient insurance protection of the honorary consultant, (3.) is a comprehensive recording of customer data, (4) a professional asset analysis, (5) a detailed documentation, and (6) a reasonable job Offerierung. Ulf Niklas explains: we meet exactly these criteria as part of our consulting approach. “Particularly in the area of professional qualification, we belong to in whole Germany only around 300 DIN certified financial planners, who are at the same time working as a certified financial planner.”