The reciprocal relation between the friendship and justice in face of the happiness, the peripattica moral philosophy For Adrian Barbosa and Silva ' ' The man is an animal poltico' ' , this is mote on which everything that will be said in the aristotelian philosophy is pautado. The human being is for essence a social being, that is, is by its very nature, destined to live with the others, and, therefore, deliberate to the life in society. The life in society implies in the exercise of the politics, therefore who is this will go to establish the rules of conviviality of any social habitat species. Science politics searchs the formation ethical of the social man, the creation of a character based on the virtue (aret). This armed virtue of other external goods (richness, the proper corporeal properties, and other ways that searchs the well human one) and the proper intellect? what is the essence of the human being and that it becomes it distinct of the too much beings irrationals? if thus the individual if to autodeterminar and making voluntarily, will be able to reach happiness (eudaimonia), the greater of all the goods. The happiness is a good that an end in itself possesss exactly, and a desirable end and fully investigated. It is the good under which all the actions human beings previously are based. Then, the well human one is the active exercise of the facultieses of the soul in agreement human being the virtue. Aristotle conceives Justice as equality, and preleciona: ' ' justice involves, the least, four terms, that is, specifically: two individuals which has justice and two portions that are jousts. will have the same equality between portions as between the individuals, a time that the ratio between the portions will be equal to the ratio between the individuals, therefore not being the equal people, will not have equal portions? it is when the equal ones withhold or receive portions different, or different individuals withhold or receive portions equal that appear conflicts and complaints.