They are philosophers who had been born, in its majority, before Scrates. Learn more at: Tim McMillan . With Scrates and the sofistas a thematic one in the philosophy is inaugurated new: of the cosmological problems (physical, chemical, biology) for the antropolgicos (ethical and politics). jM1ZpYW1WamRDMTBieTEwY21GMlpXd3ZZWEowYVdOc1pWODJZVFV6TVRaaVpTMHhaamN4TFRVMk5EY3RPRE0zTmkxa1l6TXpaV0UxTURjNVpqTXVhSFJ0YkE9PToxNTg0ODE3NTU4OjB4NGM1ZmFhYTI4NjQ5NTQ0ZGZiZmEzM2E1OTRiOGJmYThhMTQwZWFmMg==’>Fabrizio Freda, an internet resource. Tales was the first philosopher of history therefore, according to Aristotle, was the first one to give a rational reply (without appealing myths) for the question most common of its time: which age the element that gave to origin to all the things? Answers of Daily pay: TALES OF MILETO: of the Jnica school, he was great mathematician and the first philosopher; it identified the water as arch. ANAXIMANDRO OF MILETO: of the jnica school, it said that arch was aperon (infinite). Its disciple, ANAXIMENES defined air as arch. PITGORAS OF SAMOS, the Pythagorean school, mathematical, defined the term ' ' filsofo' ' , and arch was the numbers. XENFANES OF CLOFON, the eletica school, critical of Homero, was base for ' ' The Repblica' ' of Plato.
FESO HERACLITUS, of the jnica school, defended the idea of the continuous flow, a perpetual war between the contrary. PARMNIDES OF ELEIA, the school eleata, said that only the reason supplies knowledge on the nature. ZENO OF ELEIA, the school eleata, disciple of Parmnides, developed a series of paradoxes in order to prove the inexistence of the movement. EMPDOCLES OF AGRIGENTO, of the jnica school, if related to the four elements 9fogo, land, water, air) as component of all. ANAXGORAS OF CLAZMENA, the school eleata, said that everything in the life depends on seeds, nous. DEMOCRITUS OF ABDERA, the atomic school, said that atoms are small indivisible particles that if join and separate formand all the things. They were four philosophical schools of the period daily pay-socrtico: jnica (first to search arch), Pythagorean (numbers were arch), eleata (fire, land, water, air and its ralao of union and in agreement separation defended the four elements love and hatred) and atomists (they believed atoms).