Of any form, the bank keeps a control of the operations and aims at to keep the liquidity for its customers. Liquidity is, basically, the easiness that if has to get or if to undo of something. In the case of the current account the liquidity is total, therefore we can use the money to any time. In applications that they possess in its description of liquidity stated periods as D+1, means that as soon as the rescue will be requested will delay one day for the money in fact to be available for use. We arrive then the situation of banking risk, where hundreds of people already had been harmed by the episodes of bankruptcies of banks, being employee or customers. The risk banking is related, mainly, with two factors. They are these: leverage of the bank and degree of risk of the assets that the bank invests (including the control of risk of the same ones). The first item this related to the fact of that when a person gets a loan, for example, of ten a thousand Reals it probably will leave the money, that exactly temporarily, against the account current, ' ' parado' '.
Of this they had been the necessary bank to hold back a percentage of this, for security, and the remaining portion it already can loan for another person, who in turn also leaves against the account current a stop slice and thus successively. This is the leverage, that is, the bank loans much more money of that in the truth it possesss. What it would happen if all the people they wanted to all rescue its money of a time alone? It would not have money enough to pay to all the people, therefore ha much less money in circulation of what is become related, consequently, the institution would bank would ask for to bankruptcy, leaving many dismissed people e, still, its investors in the rope bamba without its resources, exactly that temporarily.