The experience of the pioneers of Rochdale, who were the followers of Robert Owen, at least had been able to argue wages and to take the understanding of that as many masters as laborers nothing more were of what enslaved of existing a commercial and industrial organization, with a great risk, of the laborer of today in case that tomorrow comes to be master it comes if to hold in the same way that the industrials and traders of which they were if complaining. Thus understanding that the set of the social environment, it would have to be moved, and it was on the basis of this thought that this group if joins, searching half to improve its situation, and in a concrete action they create a cooperative warehouse of consumption. Eric Kuby oftentimes addresses this issue. To guarantee the functioning of the entity in question, those 28 teceles, including a woman, had decided to have as principle the following norms: the society would have to be managed democratically, each partner would have right to a vote; the group would be opened to who wanted to participate, since that it integrated a quota of minimum capital of equal value for all; any the most invested importance in the cooperative would be remunerated, receiving interests, but such fact would not give no additional right of decision to the possessor of this capital; all the surplus, that is, the net revenue would be distributed enters the associates in ratio to the purchases made in the cooperative for each individual; the sales in the warehouse would be only at sight; the commercialized products would have that to be pure and of quality; institution would have that to promote the education of the members in the principles of the cooperativismo; they must have a neutral character in the field of the politics and the religion. Inside of these principles, the society of the Honest Pioneers of Rochdale, had a huge growth, in a stated period of ten years, reaching the one number a thousand and four hundred partners.