I have big lust with young to work motivated media creators and am sure to learn from them”, forward the lifeblood journalist. Also, she moderated the Panel on the subject of quality journalism”on the first day of the event, where she will debate clappers and Josef Otto Freudenreich on the future of the media together with Barbara Dane, Volker Herres, Peter. Mrs Ruge is a very competent and dedicated journalist and therefore a role model for the children of the media. Her extensive experience and her likable charisma are extremely enrich our student-organized Conference. We are therefore very happy that we could win it as patroness”forward Martin Glass, producer of the media forum Mittweida. Also the journalist himself is of the three-day Congress “convincing and looks happy in October: the head is round, so that our thinking can change the direction and the media forum Mittweida is a perfect platform to experience that.” “She is also enthusiastic by the organization team: the media young ‘ from Mittweida is with the Organization of this Congress on the professional track the highest form of learning is learning by doing.” Nina Ruge at RIAS TV in Berlin started her media career. Her breakthrough role in the television business was as the first presenter of the “ZDF today journal”.

Numerous other productions commissioned by ZDF followed, among other things, the Bundespost newsmagazine “tonight” and the Boulevard magazine “People today”. For the latter she appeared since 1997 around 2,500 times in front of the camera. Today, Ruge regularly hosted “Unter4Augen” in the Bavarian television and the WissenschaftsForum Petersberg”on Phoenix. Also the journalist is committed, through their professional activity for diverse social projects. It is inter alia for UNICEF, for the children’s charity, for the network by and for women with disabilities in Bavaria”as well as for the Felix Burda Foundation volunteers. Nina Ruge wishes the organization team of the 14th to be Media Forum Mittweida especially with heart in the matter. Then everything will be fine!” INA Heinrich.