Tag: home and family

Central Asian Shepherd Puppy

How to Bring Central Asian Shepherd Dog … First you need to decide why you need a Central Asian Shepherd Dog? In general, the original purpose of this breed – the protection of herds of sheep, from humans and wolves. Of course in Russia Dog this breed is used primarily for the protection of suburban areas, cottages, houses the private sector. By raising such a strong and independent Central Asian Shepherd dog like to be approached very seriously. No matter, for What goals do you plan to keep the dog. Even if just for the protection of the site. First of all, you need to train your dog obedience.

Home Team 'foo', many replace this command on: you can not, stop and so on. But that's not the name of the team, and in its execution. Must begin to teach your dog the command 'foo' at the age of three months and seek its enforcement by any means. That – is feeding the command 'foo' puppy should stop any action. It is best to teach the puppy team 'Foo' for a walk, using a leash.

When I try to make your puppy is not advisable for you to action, for example: trying to pick up that – something from the ground, fed, stern voice command 'foo', if the puppy does not respond, it should be sharply jerk the leash. But, you never beat your puppy leash, otherwise he will be afraid of the leash. Usually, puppies in Central Asia Shepherd, quickly and permanently recorded on the team.

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April Wedding

10-15 thousand dollars – the amount to which Moscow's wedding agencies begin to work at the complex organization of the wedding. Of course, there are those who take up any budget – but usually it is just a publicity stunt. Judge themselves, with 15-20% of the commission the agency to take less profitable agency with a big budget weddings, serve more than celebrations, receiving the same income. 10 thousand dollars – a large sum for a young family, the lack of material security forces to look for a couple of options for reducing the cost of the wedding. But how to do it so as not to humiliate myself and guests? For the "postulates" attitudinal "No worse than others," "To shame then was not," etc., dictate their own rules, and the family are at the luxurious wedding banquet, so not to be considered a curmudgeon, or worse, those in need.

Still want to believe that most large weddings are more richly, out of respect for tradition, require giving the wedding festivities scale loud, though entailing considerable costs. Let us consider a few points about how to sustain a small wedding budget. First, give your wedding is not "in active season. " In the summer to play a wedding, of course, is good, but almost 70% of all weddings take place from June to November, with flexible dates, positions, regardless of the movable date of Easter – such as popular wedding feast at Red Hill. Even in cases Heart inevitable laws of supply and demand. If more solvent vapor competes with you for a place in the banquet halls and limousines for the best florists, photographers, price, of course, increases.

It is likely that you will get and the best service in the months and individual dates, "the off-season." So, for 2007 this past Petrov post, short post before the Savior and late October – early December. Try to avoid only New Year's and Christmas days, when the fabulously expensive everything: restaurants, artists, the opportunity to order tamada, wedding tours. It is also possible fine snowy January or February, March and April with their cheerful drippings and the bright spring sunshine. Pick a restaurant, the most suitable for the number of seats, with a maximum of 1:1.5 ratio of the number of guests and not the most expensive, but well-chosen menu. If you intend to rent Hall "at closing" in that room you will not have to pay for the rent of the hall. Try convincing to agree on a self-purchase of all or most expensive alcoholic beverages, salads and cut-ups and other 'Home' additions to the menu. You win not only money but also in peace for the quality of products: every family has their own recipes! Convincing agreement can be gift administrator, be sure to pay ahead gratuities to waiters, to a week before the wedding you did not give 10% of the money surprise. Talk with the administration of the question of food and beverages ordered by the guests in excess of the agreed menu, so no additional expense, and brought them to you in shock. Remember that the payment or lobster Hennessey, ordered out of the banquet guests in a wedding scenario in the evening and the wedding code is not listed – you are free to do as you see fit. Correctly calculate quantity of alcoholic beverages: This is usually up to 350 grams of vodka and 0.7 of wine per person. Do not forget that at the time of collection banquet guests will not be too expensive, but cheer up everyone!

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Jewelry Boxes for Women

Gift for women can be absolutely anything, and his choice all depends on who you have one or another representative of the fair sex. First of all, choosing gifts for March 8, the men recall their most intimate women: spouses, moms, daughters, sisters. In this case, the choice of a gift for a woman is quite extensive, as tastes and preferences of girls and women of his entourage men know best, and therefore know what they want and try to please them. Of course, the main gift on March 8, are likely to be the flowers, they remind the imminent arrival of the long-awaited spring. However, in addition to pick up and something else, such as beautiful Jewelry Box made of wood, leather, stone or metal, elegant mirror with crystals.

Costume jewelry will be too good an additional gift. Suitable for girls and colorful soft toys board games, in addition, a small women of fashion will appreciate the collection of children’s jewelry: bright headbands, elastic bands, headbands, barrettes. But it’s worth noting that soft toys like not only girls but also girls as well. Exquisite gift for the woman could be a picture Swarovski crystals glitter which will win the heart of any woman, and will long to please the eye as hostess and her guests. Paintings have a variety of Swarovski theme: “East”, “seascapes”, “Flora and Fauna,” “Zodiac” and many others, so you can pick the one that will appeal to her. Their fellow women to congratulate you, giving them pleasant things, to example, souvenir pens and business card holders, or such things are always required for women as the boxes or mirrors with crystals. In this case presents on March 8, must be the same as women in the group want to own equal attention. Perhaps the only exception might be a female boss or business partner.

Gifts for such women should be special, for example, pretty desk clock, a stylish desk set or Swarovski picture with the image of Russian symbolism, such gifts on March 8 will please business lady and decorates her office, where she spends a lot of vremeni.8 March – Presents issue price on March 8 may be quite diverse, ranging from a simple bouquet of mimosa or postcards to friends and colleagues and ending with expensive jewelry or perfume for the wife or girl. The range of all possible gifts in the market so great that everyone can pick what he likes, and most importantly affordable. Prices range from 100 to several thousand rubles for a gift. However, if the money for gifts for women is not so much, do not despair, a bouquet of flowers and poems, read all my heart – a modest, but less significant gift that any woman will appreciate you to give dostoinstvu.Chto ..? On this question, each man in the anticipation of the spring holiday will find the answer himself, but he needs to remember a rather simple truth: no matter what gift to women, it is necessary to invest in the warmth of his loving heart, and the price of the gift at the same time has no meaning. On this day, women are primarily expected of men of attention, warmth and caring.

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