There are multiple types of investment funds, but you should know that not all are ideal for you. On this occasion you platicare of sovereign investment funds and hope that you consider them as an option to invest, thanks to its great result recognition of the unparalleled benefits that already enjoyed by many. Better known as FSI a sovereign investment fund is an investment vehicle that unlike other types of funds, is State property that is responsible for controlling a broad portfolio of national and international financial assets. The money contained in this type of investment funds, comes from the export of raw materials, such as oil or gas, and their investments are composed by real estate, stocks, bonds and more financial derivatives. . As a result of the crisis in 2007, sovereign investment funds, have obtained notoriety media, in the bailouts of major banks that are traded on Wall Street, such as Merrill Lynch or Citigroup, by removing substantial afloat amounts of money. The investment fund known as ADIA (Abu Dhabi Investment Authority), biggest of all, sovereign manages assets estimated at $ 875000 million. Invest in this type of investment funds and change your economic luck! A. Verastegui hold.. .
Dhabi Investment Authority
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