TerrSound.de now with his own music catalog and online store now can access high-quality sounds and music as background music for films, advertising and games quickly and directly commercial users. TerrSound.de serves a wide range of different music genres, PopRock, film music, easy listening. All pieces are professional and top notch produced. The songs are clearly divided into categories and pre-listen to the built-in player in full length and can be licensed directly if necessary. The operators of the website and highly experienced audio producer Dag Reinbott is also composer of all available pieces. This can be entered on editing requirements of the customer, such as a special edit version or compositional adjustments of songs, direct and uncomplicated. This personal collaboration with the licensee produces excellent results: advertising with clear product statement audiovisual precisely tailored to their target audience, dynamic computer games with live character or movies and sites that evoke a wide range of emotion. While the cost to the customer remain always transparent and manageable, because with the price of the selected license type, precisely the desired use setting the customer is covered and no further musical societies, such as E.g. Credit: Facebook-2011.

the GEMA, flat-rate fees must be paid in public performance or reproduction of the pieces. All pieces of music it is music, royalty free which should be interesting for small and medium-sized enterprises.