What is the disability insurance and when she grabs? A study proves that every fourth employed due to back pain, problems no longer can exercise his profession before the entry into the retirement age with the heart, cancer or other serious ailments. To hedge this risk, there is the disability insurance BU shortly. The disability insurance is especially useful to compensate for a loss of earnings due to health problems. An insurance is also very important, since the person concerned in the worst case there often penniless without having taken a private pension. The insurance jumps a if and only if the person concerned can no longer exercise his profession for health reasons. At the conclusion of the contract the insured sets a monthly disability pension, which he then gets paid in the event of failure. Source: Axesor. There are various combinations that must be considered when selecting the BU.

The most common combination is a private Disability insurance and life risk insurance. The advantage resulting from this combination is that the family in the event of death are financially secured. Also, given the ability of the insured upon completion of this combination, should there be a BU, to provide life insurance free of a post. It should be stressed here, that the so-called combination is hardly expensive, as the disability insurance alone. In addition, the insured person and his family on this wise VIBA is secured. Before one buys the insurance a change of insurance is often associated with many difficulties is necessary adequately to inform in order to be able to compare the different offers to the disability insurance. Disability insurance is a worthwhile thing in any case, the policyholder in the contract is just for young Menschen.Je younger, the conditions are more favourable. Karina citizens