It is possible and necessary to be open to the transformation of the world, searching efficient and pleasant form in the learning process. In the search to know this world better infantile, this project has also for objective to investigate through bibliographical research, as the trick is carried through, if manipulation exists and if the same one develops the child, as well as if it assists the learning process. Therefore, the good professor and that one that helps its pupil to construct its proper knowledge. From its experience, working with innovative methodology, contributing in a special way with the cognitivo affective development of its clientele. The choice of this subject is the inquiry on what it is happening in the schools, ahead of the reality where we live deeply the depreciation, the autoconfiana that does not exist on the part of some children and the knowledge who have its imperfections, in this direction is necessary to create games where the child feels itself confident in what she is happening and that it participates of productive form in the process of education education learning. Then she is necessary to make one analyzes in relation what the authors tell in books, therefore to play, to play, to imitate and to create rhythms and to create rhythms and movements, the children also if they appropriate of repertoire of the corporal culture in which she is inserted.

2 JUSTIFICATION In if treating to social matrix that the present research holds in its bulge, urges to emphasize that this work is of great value not only in the academy, as well as in the prxis daily. It adds values, knowledge, chances, principles, rights and duties to be observed for the humanity. The choice of the subject Games and tricks: One forms of if to educate left of the necessity to understand the relation of the professor with this new scene and its insertion or not with technological and its use in the education process learning, from there its importance for the formation of professors for the basic education.