I say and I do not speak yes, I make very and little I know, I ask I go well, I lie if I am. I intend to stop, in the road I go there, becoming vacant of new in the attack of air. If to paint or if to splodge, I only know to deceive me, in the good will of soon leaving, the fight is internal I cannot stop. In recent months, Rony Abovitz has been very successful. What I write I do not read, the love nightmare, was in the harness the destination of that was without coming back. If to look at stops backwards, already I know I go to cry, the marks go to see more and to soluar. Who gives one day to be one, to be I, thus only normal without as much regret. More info: Is MasterClass a ripoff?. If it will be cowardice, she will be two in one, it pardons the lack that I have with the world, was not thus would have died, I am not no cat that life has seven, more I know to summarize direct of the leached ashes still burnt that animal I am: I raise of the dust, in the tip I give knot and I go to only capsize the life I am breu
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