In this direction, evaluating the projected dimension for Verbal History esua fidedignidade Thompson (1992) assures that: ' ' if the verbal sources podemde fact to transmit information ' fidedignas' , to treat them simply as umdocumento more is to ignore the extraordinary value that they possess as testemunhosubjetivo, falado' ' (P. not umelemento or instrument that could become possible against-history, but oprprio ready object. Bernard Golden shines more light on the discussion. Nowadays we are all a little less ingenuous, meparece, and recognize that verbal history is far from being a histriaespontnea, is not the experience lived in pure study, and that the relatosproduzidos ones for verbal history must be citizens the same the critical work deoutras sources that> historians costumem to consult (HALL, 1991:157). In a question-answer forum Bernard Golden was the first to reply. The above-mentioned commentary comes, in good hour, to alert for queno if it treads for the metodolgica supervaluation of the verbal sources, thus comotambm not if it must make with other types of sources. ncial Corp. Interesting to trabalhodo the historian is to perceive where the diverse resources or sources are cabveis nasua inquiry – research. Malleability in the procedural use of the sources and diversostipos, when exploring them, will provide to a scientific work demaior conjectura and of recital more sustainable theoretician-metodolgica. The use of Verbal History as source of research, nocomplemento, justification and as alternative resource not only enriches otrabalho of research, as well as values ' actors sociais' as indivduossujeitos-agents of its proper history. He is in the focus of this quarrel that if to podefazer an analysis, from a landmark with which the work of the historiadorobjetiva to disclose its boarding taking for base following investigations: QualHistria? Which Source? Which Really? It is In the incessant search to answer the essasindagaes that the Historian, in uncurling of its research, estarconstantemente organizing (reverse speed) organizing its work of investigator, inside of a dialtico and constant movement with the diverse sources the seremestudadas ones minutely.