It is not necessary to forget as all this began. In Russia previous to the Revolution, to each citizen they corresponded to him, on the average, a little more than 5 meters square. I emphasize: on the average. Count Yuspov had palaces of many premises, whereas several working families lived in a single quarter. When coming the 1980 the Soviet Power had a little more than six decades, two of which they agreed with the wars that had imposed to us and the reestablishment of the economy affected by them. As a result of the Hitler invasion, 25 million Soviets had been without ceiling. In the first years that followed the revolution and after World War II, to solve the problem of the house it meant to give ceiling to each citizen. Million people were forced to live in refuges dug in the Earth, or cabins done with wood tables, often without aqueduct nor sewage system.

When arriving year 1980, eight of each ten families who resided in the city lived in comfortable and independent apartments. Converti in norm which does as soon as a quarter of century had been a exepcin. In this it was essence of the social profit, to that L.I. Brzhnev talked about. How many houses were needed? In different countries this question of different way is answered. For example, in the EE. UU. the volumes of the construction of houses changed from a year to another one abruptly.

This is explained by conjunctural bumps, in other words, by the reliable demand. If one does not have where to live and it does not have money either to buy or to rent an advisable apartment, that is a thing hers. The house is merchandise that are sold like any other merchandise.