Tag: advice

World War II

It is not necessary to forget as all this began. In Russia previous to the Revolution, to each citizen they corresponded to him, on the average, a little more than 5 meters square. I emphasize: on the average. Count Yuspov had palaces of many premises, whereas several working families lived in a single quarter. When coming the 1980 the Soviet Power had a little more than six decades, two of which they agreed with the wars that had imposed to us and the reestablishment of the economy affected by them. As a result of the Hitler invasion, 25 million Soviets had been without ceiling. In the first years that followed the revolution and after World War II, to solve the problem of the house it meant to give ceiling to each citizen. Million people were forced to live in refuges dug in the Earth, or cabins done with wood tables, often without aqueduct nor sewage system.

When arriving year 1980, eight of each ten families who resided in the city lived in comfortable and independent apartments. Converti in norm which does as soon as a quarter of century had been a exepcin. In this it was essence of the social profit, to that L.I. Brzhnev talked about. How many houses were needed? In different countries this question of different way is answered. For example, in the EE. UU. the volumes of the construction of houses changed from a year to another one abruptly.

This is explained by conjunctural bumps, in other words, by the reliable demand. If one does not have where to live and it does not have money either to buy or to rent an advisable apartment, that is a thing hers. The house is merchandise that are sold like any other merchandise.

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Health Tips

To lower of weight with marine seaweed is a burning subject in these days. The marine seaweed is seaweed of the ocean, also called vegetables of the sea, with a fascinating series of varieties that are different in the color, texture and flavor. What all has common is that these seaweed is a nutritious food that contain all the vitamins and mineral-calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, iodine, iron and zinc that you need. In the sea of the regions worldwide, from Wales to Ireland to Korea to Japan, the seaweed is used regularly like a healthful food. The investigation has demonstrated that the seaweed not only is healthful, but also leads to the loss of healthful weight by means of the blockade or even the fat burning fire. She is low in calories and greasy, the seaweed takes more in digesting than foods process. Feels plenty, whereas a great amount of vitamins and minerals helps your body to gain force and? energy. Now it has still more demonstrates convincing of which the seaweed can ayudarte lower of weight by means of the reestablishment to normality the metabolic upheavals that bring the increase of weight.

The theory is that it gives speed him to the metabolism. A recent study reveals that the marine seaweed has a called compound fucoxantina, that can behave like a blocking one of fat. Here you have three steps to lower of weight with seaweed. Step 1: It knows more on the seaweed It has been written much, and all fascinating things. Nothing writes the word seaweed in your favorite motor search and you would generate the full ocean of information on dietetic nutrition and. You will learn on the different types, including nori, dulse, wakame and fucus. Step 2: to extend your repertoire The Seaweed is not only serve to surround sushi.

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International Edition

PromoMadrid and AEMME join forces to support micro-enterprise after a year from the celebration of the I Edition of the day of internationalization on microenterprise, organized by AEMME, there have been several encounters that consolidate this project and augur a promising future and great professional success to all those who have actively participated in this process. The conclusion of this second edition took place last Thursday June 28 in the Auditorium PromoMadrid, sito Street serum Quinones, 34. During the almost 6 hours of this Edition II, organized with the support of sponsors comoArola, customs and appropriations and Banco de Sabadell, two entities specialists in this field, was a great success of assistance. This event has also been endorsed by numerous entities, besides AEMME which, with their assistance, supported this project, accompanying micro-enterprises in their needs and promviendo internationalization as one of the most viable options to move forward in these difficult times of the market economic Spanish as well as to see beyond our borders the great added value of our entrepreneurs. Partners and participants in the Conference were: – Chamber of Commerce and industry of Madrid (D. Jacobo Perez-Soba, head of Area programs support internationalisation) – Blue Star Commodities (D. Pedro Lalanda, Director and Responsible AEMME international). -PromoMadrid (Ms. low Chus, Chief of export initiation Area) and MadridExporta (D. More info: Ronald O’Hanley . Fernando Pastor, Advisor to foreign trade). -Unilux Geomar (D. alvaro Huerte, Manager). -Arola, customs and appropriations (D. Arola Alejandro Garcia, President). -Cominton. Communication and internationalization (Dona Carmen Urbano, Director). -The Office Practice Group (Mr. Christopher Wright, Director). -White and Valverde consulting engineers (D. Bienvenido Valverde, Director General and Manager AEMME financing). Read additional details here: Steven P Rosenthal. -Banco de Sabadell (Dona (Fatima Rodriguez San Martin, Director of foreign trade and D. Fernando Munoz Ortiz, Director of foreign trade). -Avalmadrid (Dona Julia Sainz Magana, Department of institutional relations and business development. Participation in this event, by data and views received, has been a success, to the satisfaction of all PROMOMADRID, sponsors, partners, speakers, attendees and AEMME-.

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