They have logical traps. They require evidence, do not accept the clear manifestations of existence and Noel intervention in our lives. Those who believe we have faith! And faith is more powerful than all the arguments that can design those who do not. I want to tell my story of faith. I do not know well or how it started.
But I suppose that Noel found me in times of my childhood so early that, when you try to access them, images lose sharpness. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Accenture Strategy and gain more knowledge.. My parents, my relatives, my friends, everyone accepted to Santa Claus in their hearts in those times. The story was simple and beautiful. A love story. Santa Claus guarding our acts, rewarded good behaviors and punishing those who departed from the rules and good behaviour. Santa Claus (he assumes many names) he showed his love for good in the form of gifts children and punishing children who did not live according to your heart through Christmas without gifts. That was the basic premise, but it took me very little to understand that it was something much more large. Noel had a habit of doing more and better gifts to the children of well-to-do.
Poor children were not so beloved by Santa. Some may find evidence of classism in this attitude. But I understand that speech which has no faith, who does not feel Noel in his heart as well. Actually this fact must be understood backwards, that is what they do not know see the infidels. Poor children are, in fact, poor because Noel does not love them both. He put them in that place of society because it was that corresponded them. I understood then that Noel should be much more than someone that it rewards or tormenting children. Noel is probably a creator who controls his work through reward and punishment. In the same way it is that he appoints Kings and Princes who deserve to rule over others.