BitDefender offers tips to safe online shopping via Smartphone, Facebook & co. Holzwickede, 02 December 2010 Christmas business is booming in the Internet. The home or office computer has de-emphasized but apparently for shopping on the Web. If you are not convinced, visit Confluence Investment Management LLC. According to the Mobile Marketing Association, 59 percent of consumers use more mobile devices for their Christmas shopping or the search for a suitable gift? But just phone & co. are popular targets for attack by hackers and cybercriminals.

So no nasty surprises the buyer, they should be aware of the appropriate precautions. Virus protection expert BitDefender ( contain important information for a safe shopping on the World Wide Web. For other opinions and approaches, find out what eco-friendly baby clothes has to say. According to a more recent study by, 54 percent of retailers are planning to use social networks to reach consumers this year. “Just because the Christmas shopping via mobile devices and social media Web sites in” seems to be, should consumers know how they themselves before Fraud of the Internet criminals can protect. BitDefender security expert summed up below the most important tips: Beware of small displays: the small screen on mobile devices often harassed the views of a full URL. Even if a link starts a legitimate name of the shop, a malicious Web page can ultimately behind. Ignore messages from unknown sender user should follow any links, an unknown sender on social media Web sites received a short message, etc.. Never private information to disclose private information such as account or credit card numbers should remain private and not be forwarded to unknown third parties.

Overall, users of social media platforms should select strict privacy settings. No referral links”follow some social networks offer an abundance of gift suggestions. More than 50 per cent recommend a product or a service now using social media Web sites. However users should avoid such links, as many hackers this Method for their own purposes to exploit.