Month: January 2024

Cie Ship Fund

The renovation of the ship Fund has failed investors have a good chance to claim damages. Revenue, which lag far behind the forecast assumptions and a bank that loses patience with her defaulting borrowers. Bernard Golden follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The result is fatal for the investors of the King & Cie. yield Fund 62 – MT “King Edwin”: you will see nothing more of their money invested with security again, the total loss has occurred. A further ship Fund failed with the King & Cie. ship Fund MT “King Edwin”, it will not be the last, where the risks of a speculative business investment have achieved.

In addition to the General risks of the shipping market and the German fund initiators, shipowners and naked pursuit of profit to overcapacity created loads of investors, banks, there were many risks of the ship fund construction itself, contributed to the detriment of investors. At least the known to us investors of the Fund about the basic facts of the funds and the risks of their advisors, were regrettable way for example, the BBBank Karlsruhe and other Volks – und Raiffeisenbanken not informed. No information about sources of funds and borrowing in the advice the consultants have pointed out our clients not, that the costs for acquisition of the ship just accounted for 87% of the total expenses of the King & Cie. return on Fund 62 MT “King Edwin”. Nor, they were informed that the required by investors Kommanditkapital incl. constitutes premium amounting to 14.227.500 43% of the total expenditure and the remaining 57% were financed by loans. Borrowing higher, the risk of loss for the investors are greater.

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NetMoms Top Winner

Strong increase in the range with the AGOF – NetMoms team celebrates. Cologne, March 19, 2009 – the successful German-speaking mother Portal NetMoms has expanded its reach in the new AGOF internet facts 2008-IV by more than 66% to now 410,000 unique users. Thus, NetMoms also established competitors could overtake intra half of 2 years. The great increase in the range is associated with a growing popularity among advertisers. Strong increase in the range with the AGOF – NetMoms team celebrates. The new AGOF internet facts 2008-IV confirm successful months of the young mother portal.

With an increase of more than 66%, NetMoms wave among the big winners of the new AGOF. The range of 410,000 unique users makes NetMoms now to one of the largest portals in the maternal and female segment. NetMoms is now on par with the industry sizes and In the IVW figures this development reflected now in 1.7 million visits a month. And the growth curve shows further above. NetMoms anticipates one also in Q1/2009 further increase of the range. ( and Spain ( shows international successes – that NetMoms has an attractive offer not only in the German-speaking countries, in Poland.

In Poland, 150,000 in Spain already NetMoms reached 100,000 unique visitors per month. Successful marketing brings black figures – is the team with the successes of the first marketing year, together with the quality channel partner satisfaction. Managing Director Tanja zu Waldeck confirmed: we have can convince us very interesting advertising clients with Ariel, Milupa, Ravensburger, LEGO, Ferrero and other companies. We appreciate currently many recurring bookings and solid integrations.” “That still attractive advertising rates can be achieved in the family and female environment, Managing Director Jens Echterling underlines: we have exceeded our revenue expectations in Q4/2008 to more than 75%”. NetMoms is months positive with the resulting revenue and first cash flow for further growth and the international Upgraded expansion. NetMoms NetMoms is the most successful German-language portal for mothers on the Internet. NetMoms to the first European mother Portal expands with additional sites in Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom. NetMoms offers quality information, rapid exchange, simply getting to know, as well as a variety of shopping. NetMoms speaks to the Central needs of online active women and mothers and fills the gap in the market as the central focal point for mothers on the Internet through its extensive range. The portal recorded in February, according to IVW 18.6 million page views and almost 1.7 million visits. NetMoms was founded in 2007 by Tanja Princess of Waldeck, Jens Echterling and Stephanie Staar. Press contact: NetMoms GmbH Dr. Tanja zu Waldeck + 49 (0) 221 – 17 04 98 21

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Begoa River

Although sometimes the circumstances do not make it possible, to anybody it escapes to him that generally the best form of safekeeping on the common children after the rupture of a pair is the one of shared type. Of what an agreement of shared safekeeping consists? It is precise to clarify that this modality of safekeeping does not imply unlike which many people could believe, a perfectly equitable distribution of his time, to the fifty percent, between both ancestors. On the contrary, it supposes that both they share responsibilities on the same in the day to day, having to cooperate and to act of mutual agreement in the subjects regarding the minor. As far as the distribution of the time with them, this one could be realised as both ancestors would agree. Thus, this could work although the children would much more spend time with one of them who with the other. Their more remarkable aspects Obvious are an ideal option, because it supposes a total implication on the part of both ex- companions in the life of his children, without having to be neither besides the same.

Nevertheless, it requires of a concerted effort and commitment so that it can work of suitable way. this topic. It can absolutely not be pleasant to see an ex- pair of form continued after the rupture, but of not taking place that fluid relation this modality of safekeeping never could work. In addition, it is clear that with time rubbing and disagreements will arise. To speak with tranquillity and of constructive form will be the best form to lead back the situation and to give back the calm to this safekeeping. The necessity to respect the rules an indispensable element in all regime of safekeeping, and especially in the shared one, is the necessity to fix and to respect a certain discipline and direction for the children, so that these feel that the rules on which they must rely do not change from a home to another one. And it is that it is common after the divorce that one of the parents behavior of form stricter than the other, which can finish being amazing for those. For this reason, both would have to be put in agreement on aspects like the hour to go to sleep, the gifts or the accomplishment of the scholastic tasks. On the other hand, in no case the authority of the other ancestor in front of the children would be due to reduce.

On the contrary, it is precise to maintain the possible rubbing with that one in private, showing in front of the children a common position. Really, it is necessary to leave to the rage and the resentment that could feel sometimes towards the other of a side, establishing as priority to take care of properly to the needs of the children and not to interfere with the safekeeping of the other ancestor. Conclusions to consider Being respected all these basic principles can be possible that an agreement of shared safekeeping can work actually. A dialogue flowed with the ex- pair will be fundamental in it, and in spite of the worries and the frustrations that could entail, in the end it will be worth the pain to decide on this modality of safekeeping.

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Telefonica Insurance

Find cheap car insurance is possible by Intelligent Internet searching. When you have the first car, it is also the first experience buying a car insurance policy. Add to your understanding with Fitched Ratings. You can hire it without thinking too much or take your time and get it right and patiently. What to look for is acquiring it thing more asequiblemente possible and with the necessary basic coverage, why you should take the time to learn a little more about how insurance either car, motorcycle, home, so that they can get the best policy you believe that appropriate. Some insurance cheap car have given way to others with less coverage, but much more economical, and at the same time, have triggered a price war in all segments of the insurance cheap car, of which the major beneficiaries are the customers, the drivers themselves; the Council is then that in addition to finding cheap car insurance known to compare, and carry out recruitment online, as it has shown that discounts may be higher by the same policy contracted form Telefonica. Click Imogen Lloyd Webber to learn more. The obligation to have an insurance to cover the risks that can cause the possession of the thing itself and primarily harms that may occur by the use of it was expressed among other things in the automotive. Taking into account auto not only because of the potential risk of fire, theft or destruction of the vehicle, but for the damage that can lead to life or property of third parties, whether these transported or not. So the insurance were understood as a real necessity to having one covering the above-mentioned risks, therefore having a cheap car insurance for truck is today a common thing, primarily by accessible cost.

Choose well before risking to have a safe cars not so convinced. The premium is the economic compensation that has been paid to the insurer in exchange for this assume the unfavourable economic consequences resulting from the occurrence of the risks covered by the insurance. The greater or less willingness to take risks by the person in question. Without However while there are many cheap car insurance there is no one today who take chances to circulate without having previously read each of the clauses and coverage of the same. On the Web it found that seeks about cheap car insurance.

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You should allow your child to experience and learn the easiest way to grab the pencil. This does not mean you can not teach, but you must do so subtly. For example by putting his hand and grabbing another pencil and paper for him to see as you are holding. Praise, praise and more praise. Take the opportunity to celebrate every achievement, big or small. Felicita your child when he made an effort to complete a task. Compliment your child when she learned a new skill. Praise your child when he shows interest in something new. Praise him for anything that you would like to encourage it. The praise must be sincere and be accompanied by enthusiasm.

At the end of the day when your child lie down in bed, chatting about the day’s events. Ask about the good things that happened in the day. Make sure your child’s last thoughts before sleep, are all positive, about the positive experiences of the day and praise her again. 5. Write down some positive affirmations to say to your child. Good examples of this are: “You’re so smart, you’re smarter every day.” O “every day you learn more and more”. The statements must be written in present tense, in a positive way (“I am strong and healthy” instead of “I’m not sick.”) Repeat the affirmations to your son, three times each in the early morning when your child wakes up is also a good time to do so. Try to find moments of the day passed without having to be evident.

Your child learns about the world and himself through them, their teachers and all those around him. It’s a good idea to make sure, as far as possible, that your child is in a positive environment. If your child is very young, make sure that all who care are also aware of the need to build confidence in your child. When choosing a nursery or kindergarten, or a nanny, be sure to choose a positive environment. 7. Make sure your child knows he can discuss any issue that’s on your mind. Thus, if something negative happens, you will be able to help your child deal with it in a positive way, instead of creating a painful memory that can affect your child for the rest of his life. L to self-esteem is central to being human. For his conception of himself and his relationships with others.

The trust and confidence in itself determines how we manage and how we develop tasks we face every day.

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