Tag: birds

Quino Tal

Look at that cute phrase: money does not give happiness “that I already know it that excites me is the manna given to imitate it.” Mafalda with Manolito, Quino Tal this time be the favorite. By definition, the broken no money, and, however, is who most spend it. And I mean to spend money. To save? Investment? Mah! Life is too short to have a better time it well. Does everyone have expensive cell phone? Therefore I also! To the end that I can get credit and with little ones to pay for fertilizers little. There is also to buy the stereo that will make more noise, because the neighbors have to learn that we if we can them.

Are holiday? Let’s go to the beach! It doesn’t matter if there is no money, the joke is leave and arrive with many photos and that everyone knows, especially those who could not go. Roland Berger addresses the importance of the matter here. That will realize how lucky that are together with me, broken ball. At the end, when reach embargoes and you have to borrow, already something will happen. There, by the way, is also to throw the blames the Bank and rich by high interest you pay and you sink more into debt. Habit of the broken is spending that does not have. And with this I do not mean the poor very barely reaches them; I know people with huge houses, luxury cars and ostentatious vacations that are broken. Each month they have to be looking for ways to remove enough to maintain their lifestyle and gradually they are left with nothing.

Everything it should be and everything is credit. Some even have asked us lent to those who have less than them. Ironic, isn’t it? Will it be presumption? Desire to live in the moment while you sink then? I do not know. I just know that those who do it never walk in these waves.

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National Park

Recently I was lodged in a rural house of Ciudad Real, more concretely in the term of Retuerta of the Bullaque and had the opportunity to close by know several things, of which I emphasize two. In the first place I could verify what differences exist between the habitual tourism, of agency, exotic, expensive and distant, and the rural tourism. In this last one I was able to catch the essence of the place that visited and the form of habitual life of its inhabitants. Also I had the opportunity to really speak, to interchange experiences, to meet, was able to change some ideas, some prejudices, and this way to make the trip most enriching if it fits. Secondly, I knew the Park National Cabaeros and I formed one more a more personal idea, beyond the descriptions of its landscapes. The idea was forming me from how something that could not have been got to be. And not only that, but I could imagine its reach and the importance that it has for natural means. I do not imagine that it could have been of the Iberian lynx, of the black vulture, the eagle imperial or of the vegetal species like the birch, the disk, etc.

All these species, nor that to say it has, are in extinction danger. But one of the objectives of the National Park of Cabaeros was the conservation and preservation of this ecosystem, its species and their wealth. For that reason still I astonish to me of which the place could have turned into an empty land of meaning if it had not been by the action of ecological groups that were able to stop the initiative to turn this space into center of training for the military Air Force. There is nothing against them, but much in favor of the animal and of the Nature. Instead of that, 1988, this place became the National Park. Also he is commendable that companies of active tourism and of local gastronomy they have reached a balance that benefits to all the implied parts: the animal live, first; the industralists and visitors obtain benefits, experiences and conserve means; the inhabitants have rural houses in which to overturn its hopes for a better future and the dream of a familiar and traditional business.

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Although it is very important to protect the two stars that God has given us (either by medical reasons, by the weather, or fashion), we must consider the symmetry of our face to make the correct selection for this fitting is an extension of our image and taste. If you have round face, to add contour, select a square or angled mount. Choose a model that is wider than the widest of your face, with legs that come out of the top of the glass. The bridge over the nose must also be wide and somewhat arched. Educate yourself with thoughts from Phil Vasan. The oval face is ideal to wear goggles and you can experiment with different styles, but don’t forget to take into account the natural symmetry of your face.

If your face is square round or oval frames that soften the angular shape of this you must find. They should be slightly wider than the widest part of your jaw, with the arched bridge. Frameless lenses is better. Heart shaped face looks best with frames oval or square, because it conceals the width and creates balance. Choose sunglasses whose legs get out of the center of the lenses. A long and narrow face looks better with oval mountings, e.g. feline style (Catwoman). This style adds width to the bones of the cheeks, optically altering the symmetry of the face.

Round or square, frames with large lenses also favor because they cover much of the countenance and visually shorten. To give you better balance to your face, if it has a triangular shape, the top half of your mount must not exceed the temples. The ideal is to have the slightly arched bridge. A face either broadband or broad styled with Aviator style mounts. A long nose is softened by using a lightweight, delicate, Mount clear or neutral color. (The references of facial symmetry mentioned above you can consider them, also, when selecting eyeglasses.) EYE: If you can only have 1 glass, consider purchasing a good quality in a model neutral (like carey or brown) color to combine with everything and that the style is classic. A selection of this kind is an investment in a piece that you can use and use.

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