Tag: government


In the industrial era advertising seeks to customer and vendors are hired so it practically pursue and capture customers. Internet has been a huge transformation, is the client who seeks information and comes to the product, service or opportunity. Working with network marketing companies are doing modern form advertising business and at the same time. Under most conditions Bank of America would agree. Working with network marketing companies is an option for micro-entrepreneurs. According to the IDC research firm studies, advertising by Internet in the United States happen to duplicate of 25.5 billion dollars, in 2007, to 51,100 million in 2012; and Internet video advertising is multiply by up to eight times more than 500 million dollars in 2012.

The estimation of this impressive growth is causing huge investments in the mass media on the Internet as the recent intention of purchase of Yahoo, and millions of dollars investments in social networks and video portals. But all these investments are made possible by the presence of millions of people doing searches of information, entertainment and socialization all kinds. On the other hand there are other companies that are calling to ordinary people as its advertising force and partners by affiliation. These people should be very interested in developing business ownership from their homes and wish to learn new techniques of negotiation. The network marketing and Internet advertising now have the more strong ally, being the best reward for these residual income that recur every month in ordinary people. The huge advertising strength of recommendation among people who exchange information, friendship and pastimes is achieving growth of large companies, many of which already are traded on several stock exchanges.

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National Park

Recently I was lodged in a rural house of Ciudad Real, more concretely in the term of Retuerta of the Bullaque and had the opportunity to close by know several things, of which I emphasize two. In the first place I could verify what differences exist between the habitual tourism, of agency, exotic, expensive and distant, and the rural tourism. In this last one I was able to catch the essence of the place that visited and the form of habitual life of its inhabitants. Also I had the opportunity to really speak, to interchange experiences, to meet, was able to change some ideas, some prejudices, and this way to make the trip most enriching if it fits. Secondly, I knew the Park National Cabaeros and I formed one more a more personal idea, beyond the descriptions of its landscapes. The idea was forming me from how something that could not have been got to be. And not only that, but I could imagine its reach and the importance that it has for natural means. I do not imagine that it could have been of the Iberian lynx, of the black vulture, the eagle imperial or of the vegetal species like the birch, the disk, etc.

All these species, nor that to say it has, are in extinction danger. But one of the objectives of the National Park of Cabaeros was the conservation and preservation of this ecosystem, its species and their wealth. For that reason still I astonish to me of which the place could have turned into an empty land of meaning if it had not been by the action of ecological groups that were able to stop the initiative to turn this space into center of training for the military Air Force. There is nothing against them, but much in favor of the animal and of the Nature. Instead of that, 1988, this place became the National Park. Also he is commendable that companies of active tourism and of local gastronomy they have reached a balance that benefits to all the implied parts: the animal live, first; the industralists and visitors obtain benefits, experiences and conserve means; the inhabitants have rural houses in which to overturn its hopes for a better future and the dream of a familiar and traditional business.

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It is easier to disintegrate an atom than a prejudice. Albert Einstein general life time that we are given to each is relative, we ignore when just us the term that is given to us, however, we must concern ourselves with being awake, take advantage of it, know cultivate virtues since it helps to stay within a behaviour, spiritual behavior that favors our growth, service line, as well as know how to properly use our fountain of love towards a better integration with our similar day to day We must feed our spirit with actions that give him strength, and follow the true path to which we must travel to allow us to assess that we have both grown. Notes habituate us to detach ourselves from the pomp and assess the usefulness of things. Everywhere is a vice that is excessive. We give input to reason on the difficulties: may soften the harsh circumstances, be given amplitude to the narrow and the serious press less to those who support them with elegance. Not envidiemos to those who are above us: things that seemed more exalted collapsed.

Who theme to death, will not never anything by a man alive, but those who know that this fact was agreed at the same moment that was conceived, will live according to the law of nature, and, in turn, with the same strength of spirit, will remain strong so that anything that happens to him is unexpected. It is more tolerable and easier to acquire not to lose. That not seizes us inconstancy, Vice in extreme enemy of serenity. Hear other arguments on the topic with Southwest Airlines. Who is engaged in many things, often delivered to luck the domain itself. It is man’s own laugh at life before complaining. It is better to accept calmly the public customs and human flaws, and that do not escape involuntarily neither laughter nor tears.

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Presidential Decree

Investments in Brazil: fear Lula more that to the IOF 23 October 2009 do international investors remain enamored of Brazil? From Tuesday 20, foreign capital is taxed in Brazil by 2% for the IOF (tax on financial operations), to apply both for rent fixed into variable. (Source: Gary Kelly). The Presidential Decree 6306 establishes the taxation shall be in the settlement of exchange transactions for the inflow of resources to the country carried out by the foreign investor, for implementation in the financial market and capital. Financial markets reacted: the Bovespa fell on the first day after a 5% tax and ended up closing a negative 3%, and the dollar closed at 1,743 reais, a rise of 2%, having reached R$ 1,766 at the maximum of the day. The Bovespa companies lost $55 billion. Despite the tax, the dollar fell again: yesterday closed at R$ 1, 725. You may find that Scott Mead can contribute to your knowledge.

The CB from Brazil purchased $6 billion in the first weeks of the month, arriving to swell the country’s international reserves to the record level of US$ 232.000 million. On Monday a new record is marked for the Bovespa: the balance of foreign investment reached US $23,000 million, reaching nearly recover what was lost in 2008, US $24.620 million. On the same day that the index marked the best of the year at 67.239 points, an increase of 79% in the period, mainly powered by the good performance of the prices of commodities that drove to the mining company Vale (BVSP:VALE3; NYSE:Vale) and the oil company Petrobras (BVSP:PETR3; NYSE:PBR). This gives then that last Friday, the President of Brazil, Lula da Silva refused the creation of any lien on foreign capital: these things in economy, people cannot talk. I’m here already three days travelling, I don’t have any forecast of which to be performed no imposition, said in an interview with journalists in pacification, Pernambuco.

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Then the hair grew a little, with beautiful waves, deep curls or limply scalps, for women, according to the taste. For men a very innovative thing happens: after having suffered two world wars in which military style imposed the shape of cut hair at the average American (soldier style), found that in the 60’s and 70’s, with the emergence of the Beatles and the hippies, they manage to break free from the rigid cuts and cease to grow his hair until you get before unthinkable lengths in them. And above all the Academies are born hairdresser. Now, in the 21st century, already not discusses fashion but to trend, i.e., that he intends to suggest rather than impose. And that people have the freedom to choose the colour, texture, length which most pleases, either man as a woman. Personal image is an added value and on the rise.

Our external image should reflect the qualities we want to project or sell to others. The first 20 or 30 seconds of sociability to the moment of knowing a person set an image that influences all rear view we have on it. This first trace can corroborate or not, but usually placed much faith in it, and in the majority of cases is very difficult to change. A current woman knows how to work his personal image and professional is indispensable in today’s world. Every woman must project an attractive comprehensive image. Let’s not forget that you have an image internal personal success and self-fulfillment, going us influence to attract the same from the outside. A hairdressing Salon not only must comb, the stylist in addition, must be able to combine the projection of an image that gives unique character with the patina of personal values of the client.

A good haircut, is synonymous with freedom. Today every woman can find a haircut that mold like a glove to his features, his style and way of life. Go ahead and cut avoid hair long and glued to the face, because they lengthen the factions and accentuate the bags under the eyes, even more so if you have a Slim oval. The usual thing is to opt for soft, stepped cuts and with movement, in some cases an asymmetric haircut will accentuate or will be able to maintain that balance required, depending on the type of face. But more usually find that touch of softness, sweetness and youth factions.

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Euros Technology

Eleven Spanish giants that bet by the renewable energies and the sustainability between which they are Iberdrola, Drives, Gamesa or Alstom, along with 22 research centers, form the PROJECT AZIMUTH, whose intention is to help in the development of a marine aerogenerator of great size (speaking of near 15 MW). The project, pioneer by the development of a so novel technology will count on financing and technology 100% Spanish. The project Azimuth already has been approved by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain and according to the preliminary studies will need an economic investment near the 25 million Euros. If all march correctly the project would begin in the 2013 and would culminate with the installation of the marine aerogenerator of great size in 2020, without a doubt a great passage for the marine Aeolian energy and the Spanish technology, that could be based in the first positions in sustainable infrastructures. The main objective of this project is to try to overcome the present barriers for the development of marine aerogenerators and to compare its future cost to the one of the terrestrial aerogenerators.

In the acutalidad, the majors problems in the construction and maintenance of marine aerogenerators are bound to the availability, the laying of foundations and the evacuation of the energy to earth. Gamesa will be the company that will lead the project and on the other hand, Drives Windpower will center its efforts in developing the technology in charge of the conversion of the electrical energy. Alstom Wind will be the person in charge of the marine structures and Drives Energy of the construction and future maintenance of the marine enclave. Iberdrola on the other hand will be in charge to integrate the structure of Aeolian navy in the electrical system. The rest of participant companies will be in charge of diverse complementary tasks.

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